A church planter will display a heart and skill for building the local church. He is a churchman and community builder

Free agents don’t make good church planters. Look into the history of a good planter, and you’ll see he’s been a faithful, serving member of a local church. He understands how the church is organized and operates. He has been involved in just about every level: greeting, children’s ministry, outreach, feeding the homeless, as well as a small group leader. He understands that the church is both an organism and organization, and understands how to cultivate health in both areas. He understands how to keep the church running effectively in its systems and structures. Often, he even has some experience working on a local church leadership team as a pastor, deacon, or intern. He’s a team player. In his church, he brings people together to be and do what Jesus expects of his church. He loves the church he’s a part of, not just the church he wants to plant.

Questions to Consider

  1. Does faithfulness characterize my church membership and service over the years?

  2. Do I have a good understanding of the administration of the church to see it run well organizationally and practically?

  3. Do I cultivate good team interaction< for the good of the church and the mission of making disciples?

  4. Am I able to be a peacemaker helping resolve conflict in the church in a God-honoring manner?

Scripture to Reference

Matthew 5:16; Acts 2:42–47; 1 Corinthians 12; Galatians 6:10; Ephesians 2:10; Titus 2:14; Hebrews 10:25