A church planter must equip and position others to participate in the work of ministry. He is a contagious leader and equipper.

Church planting is intense work and it’s meant to be shared with others. A planter knows where God is leading him and he wants others to go with him. His vision is so clear and compelling that just talking about it causes others to want to join him. He humbly discerns his strengths and weaknesses and wisely recruits other leaders to complement his leadership. He makes sure people know what they’re signing up for and then adequately prepares them for the journey. People feel safe under his leadership because, not only is he zealous, he’s approachable and humble. People don’t feel like his pawns; they feel like his family. Hs potential church planting team knows it’s not all about him; it’s about Jesus.

Questions to Consider

  1. Do I invest in and equip others in leadership training to be more effective in ministry and missional living?

  2. Do I strategically use delegation to accomplish more and set others up well to lead themselves in ministry and missions?

  3. Do I provide personal care in leadership that shows interest in others above myself?

Scripture to Reference

Exodus 18:21; Psalm 78:72; Matthew 20:26, 23:11; Romans 12:8; 1 Corinthians 12:12-31; Ephesians 4:11-13; Philippians 2:3, Hebrew 13:7