A church planter will think and live like a missionary, with a heart for a particular place and people, and discernment to proclaim the gospel there effectively. He is a Spirit-called missionary.

Planters must have a compelling vision of what is possible if they would obey the call of the Holy Spirit. A planter is a man to whom God has given a burden to take the gospel to a particular place and particular people in order to build an enduring work. When he thinks about this place, he is moved with compassion because he sees helpless and harassed sheep there without a shepherd. Although he sees this place as needy, he also sees it as a harvest field filled with thousands of people who are ripe for entering the kingdom of God. He is compelled to go and has a hard time thinking he could be anywhere else. He is able to understand the culture of his area in a way that enables him to teach the Bible and preach the gospel in an understandable way.

Questions to Consider

  1. Do I have a burden to bring the gospel to a particular place and people?

  2. Can I make the gospel and biblical truth clear to people in a particular area?

  3. Can I discern how to create a missiological strategy in order to reach a people and place?

  4. Can I see an opportunity for gospel influence through service, vocation, and other means in a particular community?

Scripture to Reference

Matthew 9:36–38; Mark 16:15; John 20:21; Romans 15:19–20