What // A 2 day retreat for pastors in Sovereign Grace focused on equipping churches at the intersection of ecclesiology and missiology to be sending churches. We want to see our churches become Antioch churches in the model of Acts 11-13.
Why // Our hope is to see Sovereign Grace churches intentionally, effectively, sacrificially, and consistently pursuing church planting and mission work. We believe every church regardless of its size, location, and resources can participate in this work.
Where // Hosted by the Church Planting Group in Orlando FL at Grace Church, February 26th and 27th, 2025.
Who // Antioch is for any pastoral team desiring to grow significantly in the area of church planting and mission, especially for any team feeling “stuck” in this area without a way forward. We highly recommend at least two members of the pastoral team attend together.
Follow-Up // The retreat will be followed and supported by coaching from a trained church planting coach in Sovereign Grace and the project will wrap up just before the 2025 Sovereign Grace Pastors Conference.
Who’s Leading // Antioch will be hosted by the Sovereign Grace Church Planting Group and most sessions will be taught by Ricky Alcantar and Mike Seaver.
Cost // Our hope is that Antioch is a partnership between SGC, the local church, and its region. The Church Planting Group will provide instructors, materials, and meals without charge. We suggest that the local church pay for transportation and lodging and that the region cover coaching fees. Scholarships are available for any SGC church that may need them.
RSVP// Let us know if you want to be a part by the November 30 program deadline
Questions // Contact us regarding the next Antioch Project.