January 16-18, 2025

Costa Mesa, CA

Cost: $2,500 estimated per couple; less for an individual. 

This annual event led by Greg Dirnberger is designed to serve those who are exploring a call to church planting. We'll be covering everything from preaching and evangelism to marriage and family and leadership.  None of this replaces the assessments that you receive from your local church and region. Instead, your national assessment will be the foundation upon which they complete their assessments and plans.

Although there are no registration fees associated with this event, you will be responsible for your travel, lodging, and meals. Your region or church may choose to cover these expenses for you.

Please discuss this invitation with your pastoral team and/or regional representative. We pray this event serves you as you answer the call to follow Jesus into the harvest.

Register here. Contact us with any questions regarding this year’s Assessment Event.