Croatia Trip
From C.B. Eder, Senior Pastor of Christ Community Church, Sinking Spring, PA…
On February 4-11, John Reyes (Fellow Pastor in Christ Community Church) and I had the honour of traveling to Croatia to visit our Sovereign Grace Church plant near the strategic capital city of Zagreb. Pastor's college graduate Mario Vucenovic and his wife Jen, have been laboring hard with their six children to proclaim the gospel and care for the souls of the believers in this precious work that just celebrated its one year anniversary!
Church of God's Grace is now officially recognized by the Croatian government, and is gaining momentum as long term missionaries Daniel and Kaitlyn Crocker were sent out to join them in their labours. Mario and Jen, and Daniel and Kaitlyn, make a great team together, and what a joy it was to see the church growing in size and in passion for Jesus!
Mario and Jen will be returning to the U.S. this summer for a relationship building and fundraising furlough. Please pray for that effort to secure them funding which will strengthen the church heading into its future. Thank you for your giving to Sovereign Grace, which has helped strengthen this work, and please pray about becoming a prayer and financial partner for this Sovereign Grace church plant!
If you are interested, please contact Mario Vucenovic at He would be very encouraged to hear from you. Our international church planters are in need of as much encouragement and support that we can give them, being on the mission field far away from their Sovereign Grace sending churches, regional fellowship, and friends and family. As we plant more and more churches internationally, may God give all of us grace to encourage these servants well!