SG Philippines Pastors & Wives Conference
Last year marked our very first Sovereign Grace Philippines Pastors & Wives Conference and it was an absolute joy to build on that conference this year, with our second Sovereign Grace Philippines Pastors & Wives Conference held in Cebu, Philippines.
For myself (Dave Taylor, Lead Pastor of Sovereign Grace Church, Sydney and Director of Emerging Nations), Lynn Baird (Pastor in Sovereign Grace Church of Pasadena, California) and Dave York (Lead Pastor of Covenant Life Fellowship in Roseburg, Oregon), our journey began in Manila, where we had the privilege of serving our friend Jeffrey Jo and his wonderful Church. I have known Jeff, his Elders and Church (CCSGM) for a number of years now and it continues to be an absolute joy to serve them and call them friends.
On the Saturday Jeff gathered all of his key leaders together, aswell as some guests, and we ran a leadership summit entitled ‘Famine In The Land - The All Encompassing Role Of The Scriptures In Our Daily Lives’. It was a wonderful day of worship, teaching and fellowship. We reconnected with old friends and continued to make new ones. It was a truly fantastic day, as was the Sunday, when Myself, Lynn & Dave had the privilege of speaking in the three CCSGM Churches in Manila.
Three different locations, but one same aim and one same glorious King. It was a pure joy to be with these leaders and churches.
On the Monday, we then relocated to Cebu and the Pastors & Wives Conference began. One of the things we get asked about in the Philippines, literally every trip we go on, is the question of manhood and womanhood. The Philippines is filled with Churches being led by Pastors, and what they call ‘Pastoras', women who are carrying the role of Pastors, and so it never takes long before we get asked about our value of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. That’s why the title for this years conference, in a desire to stand alongside and serve our dear brothers and sisters there in the Philippines, was ‘God’s Grand Design’ and the theme for the entire time was Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, in the home, in the church, and in all of life.
In headline, in God’s kindness, the conference could not have gone any better. The teaching was well received by all of the 80 plus pastors and wives that we had in attendance. We were thanked numerous times for coming and serving them in this way, something that it was a pure delight to do, and once again His Dwelling Place Church in Cebu, led by our friend Nilo Ebo, did a wonderful job of pulling everything together to run a conference. The time was blessed in every way and God willing, we look forward then to making this an ongoing annual gathering, continuing in 2020.
All of the 20 plus churches in attendance are pursuing formal partnership with Sovereign Grace, something that we are eager for aswell, and so please pray for us all as we continue to move forward in this.
To that same end, please also pray for our three key pastors there (Jeffrey Jo, Nilo Ebo & Pete Valdez) as they continue to work through our SG Ordination Process. These men are such a blessing to serve and work with, and so please pray that His grace would truly abound to them in this process and in the months and years ahead of partnership. May all the glory be His.