Things To Pray For In December
Psalm 139.7-10 declares, ‘Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there you hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.'
There is nowhere we can go where we are outside of God’s presence, nowhere, and that’s one of the many things that makes prayer such an incredible and daily opportunity. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords is always present, always with us, and always eager to hear us.
And so here’s some specific things that you can be praying for, and talking with the King about, in the month ahead…
Please pray for the many countries, churches and pastors that are presently experiencing the second or third waves of the Coronavirus, that God may protect them in the midst of this Pandemic, and that they may know His peace at this time.
Please pray for Michael Granger and Trinity Fellowship in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, asking God to keep them safe in the midst of fighting and unrest in Ethiopia. Please pray that this will be a new beginning for a free and united Ethiopia, as a beacon of gospel light to a very bleak and dark part of the world,
Please pray that God would draw many unbelievers to Sovereign Grace Churches around the world, as we hold our various Christmas related services and events. Pray also that God would give the members of our Churches opportunities to share the gospel with unbelieving family members, friend, neighbours, and coworkers over this holiday season.
Please pray for four Churches that have been relating to us for some time and who have now formally requested adoption into Sovereign Grace Churches: LaVina Escazu in San Jose, Costa Rica (Pastor Rodrigo Fournier); Casa Vida Playa in Playa Azul, Costa Rica (Pastor Chespi Sandoval); Iglesia Soberana Gracia in Santa Marta, Colombia (Pastor Jacobys Aldana); and Igreja Nova Vida in Rio Grande, Brazil (Pastor Emerson Marts). This is wonderfully exciting for us and so please pray for everyone involved in this process.
Please also continue to pray for me (Dave Taylor), Mark Prater and the SG Leadership Team as we continue to pray, discuss, and plan for global expansion in Sovereign Grace Churches. There are so many opportunities, and so please pray that wisdom and grace would abound to us all in this endeavour, and that we’d look to the future with faith, courage and understanding.
… There’s a big world out there, and yet He really does hold it in His hands.