Global Coach Training

An update from Mike Seaver, Lead Pastor of Risen Hope Church in Summerville, SC, USA, and head of our Global Coach Training… We are so grateful for his labours!!

One of the greatest assets we have as Sovereign Grace Churches is church planters. These are gifted, called, and qualified men that will preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and plant new congregations throughout the world. At Sovereign Grace, we want to give these men a great theological education (Pastors College) and we want to give them practical help when they hit the ground in church planting (gospel coaching). It is with this second aspect in view that we sought to train SG Certified Global Coaches to help our global church planters.

Under Dave Taylor's leadership, Greg Dirnberger and I spent several months training these Global Coaches. The Coaching Certification consisted of a four day intensive training, followed by monthly "Trihorts" where those students being trained would be coached, observe coaching, and then coach another student. These monthly sessions then turn into longer experiences of coaching where the student grows in his ability and confidence to coach as well as receives feedback on his coaching. The student also receives monthly coaching on real life situations of his current pastoral ministry.

Well, in early December 2020, ten Sovereign Grace pastors completed this certification. (Ken Delage, Bert Turner, Kyle Huber, Allen Dicharry, Erik Rangel, Ed O'Mara, John Reyes, CB Eder, Pat Tedeschi, and Josh Murphy). Our "Zoom Graduation" turned into a time of encouragement with each guy recounting how he had grown during the training and the benefit each of them felt as they were regularly coaching and being coached through a global pandemic.

This team of Global Coaches have already been a blessing to our global church planters and we look forward to seeing how this investment will bless SG in years to come.

UncategorizedDave Taylor