Leadership Podcast Launches In Australia

An update from Riley Spring, Lead Pastor of Sovereign Grace Church, Parramatta, and Director of Church Development for Sovereign Grace Churches, Australia…

One of the great privileges we have here down under is to be a part of pioneering a new denomination in our country by establishing Sovereign Grace Churches Australia. When people hear of Sovereign Grace they often know the music but don’t know that it’s a global family of churches seeking to plant and adopt churches here in Australia. And so part of our job at the moment is to help people know who we are and why we exist. This is where our new exciting development comes in, a new church leadership podcast that we’ve started called, ‘Grace and the Adventure of Leadership’!

Our podcast is designed to help develop and cultivate church leaders who are fueled and formed by the realities of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is hosted by myself, Riley Spring, and Dave Taylor, Lead Pastor of Sovereign Grace Church, Sydney, and the SGC Director of Emerging Nations. 

One of the things we can struggle with in church leadership here in Australia, is that it is so easy to look to the business world and not theWord for models, plans, and strategies for leadership. Yet in all reality, the Bible is the best book for understanding how to lead a church, and the Gospel is therefore right at the centre of it all.

The title of the podcast is borrowed from a famous sermon by our founder, C.J. Mahaney, which he preached over two decades ago. His sermon can be found here. In it, he looks at how a proper understanding of the grace of God fundamentally changes how you lead your church. And we thought it would be a great title to reflect what we are hoping to do. 

The first series will go through what is fundamental to biblical leadership: character! And we will look at seven characteristics that mark a gospel centered leader, that is, the gospel culture or D.N.A that we have experienced at Sovereign Grace, beginning with humility. 

You can listen to the podcast and subscribe on all major channels here and you can read the transcripts by heading here and subscribing to our blog. Please leave a review and a rating as that will help us to be found more easily!

We want to pass on what we have been so blessed to have learned from others. And we want these episodes to help raise up future church planters, encourage lonely pastors, and train lay leaders. 

Please be praying for us as we seek to pioneer Sovereign Grace Churches here in Australia. Pray that this podcast would truly help us train and develop leaders. Pray that it would spread far and wide so that people will get to know us. Pray also for the new opportunities that are opening up for us, that we would be wise and courageous. We are starting to receive more requests for ‘Sovereign Grace Churches’ in various cities across Australia!

We hope, one day, to see Sovereign Grace Churches littered across the cities, suburbs, and rural towns of our great nation!

Dave Taylor