Church Planting in Dasmariñas City, Philippines


An update from Jomarie Aquino, Pastor of Cross of Christ Salvation Gospel Ministries (CCSGM) Dasmariñas City, Philippines...

It has been a remarkable journey for CCSGM Dasmariñas City since its inception, and we are thrilled to share the incredible ways God has moved in our midst over the past twelve months. From humble beginnings to significant milestones, our church community has experienced profound growth and blessings. 

Our story began with the first worship service on July 23, 2023. Initially, we gathered in the afternoons, but as our congregation grew and the Lord continued to bless us, we transitioned to morning worship services. This change has allowed us to come together earlier in the day to praise and worship the Lord, setting a joyful tone for the rest of the week.

Before we share the significant events that transpired this year, we would like to share the challenges where the grace of God sufficiently helped us and led us to fully trust Him in everything.

One of the significant challenges we faced in our church planting work was securing financial provision to cover the expenses for our weekly gatherings and mission works. However, as our faithful God always does, we have witnessed God's grace working through the hearts of everyone, leading us to give our tithes and offerings faithfully and joyfully. This generosity is a direct result of the Gospel of Christ taking root in our lives, prompting us to contribute to the work of the church for God's glory. Through the grace of God in our giving, we have been able to meet our financial needs and continue expanding our ministries. 

Another challenge has been encouraging volunteers to serve in the church while being considerate of their responsibilities outside the church. We have been blessed to see many people stepping up to serve the Lord, using their gifts and talents to support various ministries. Additionally, we have received full support from church leaders and members of our CCSGM-SGC family, who have made themselves available to assist and use their God-given gifts for our community. This spirit of collaboration and dedication is a true blessing and reflects the unity and love within the body of Christ.

Many of our attendees came from churches that preached the "Prosperity Gospel". This presented a challenge as we sought to faithfully preach God's Word and shift the focus to the true Gospel. Through consistent and faithful preaching of the scriptures, we have seen God's grace powerfully at work. Many have embraced reformed theology and developed a deeper love for Jesus. This transformation is a testament to the power of God's Word to change hearts and minds. Additionally, these transformed believers are now reaching out to their family and friends, pointing them to Jesus by preaching the gospel that saved them.

Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing (The Gospel of Christ):

At the heart of every event and gathering, the Gospel has been preached faithfully. Our mission is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with everyone we encounter, and this commitment has been evident in all our activities. Whether through regular services or special events, the message of salvation remains central to our purpose.

Our commitment to outreach is demonstrated through regular home visitations every Friday and Saturday. These visits allow us to connect with church members and their families, offering support, prayer, and fellowship. It's through these personal interactions that we can truly live out the love of Christ and build deeper relationships within our community.

In a beautiful display of unity and generosity, we partnered with our brethren from 주님의은혜교회 (Lord's Grace Church) South Korea for a special gift-giving event on January 29, 2024. This collaboration not only brought joy to many families but also demonstrated the global nature of the body of Christ. It was a powerful reminder that we are all connected through our faith, regardless of geographical boundaries.

April 27 marked a significant milestone in our church history with the celebration of our first wedding. This joyous occasion not only united a couple in holy matrimony but also highlighted the growing sense of community and family within our church. Such events are a testament to God's blessing upon our congregation and the relationships being formed.

Expanding Our Mission:

The Lord has opened an exciting new door for us in Trece Martires City. What began as a simple visit to a church member's home one Saturday quickly turned into a new mission opportunity. The member invited their neighbors, and what was intended to be a friendly visit transformed into a chance to preach the Gospel. For nearly three months now, we have been conducting weekly bible studies every Saturday, teaching both adults and children in separate classes.

As we continue to see God at work in Trece Martires City, we are now planning to establish a home church service in the community. We are actively seeking a suitable location to host these gatherings, with the goal of planting a new church where the local community can come together to worship and grow in their faith. This mission endeavor is a testament to our commitment to spreading the Gospel and expanding God's kingdom.

As we look back on the past year, we are filled with gratitude for all that God has done in and through CCSGM Dasmariñas City. From our first worship service to the ongoing mission work in Trece Martires City, each step of the journey has been marked by His grace and provision. Despite the challenges we faced, God's faithfulness has been evident through the generosity of our members, the transformation of beliefs, and the support from other church leaders. We are excited to see what the future holds and are committed to continuing our mission of preaching the Gospel, serving our community, and expanding our reach.

Thank you for being part of this incredible journey. Together, let us continue to seek God's guidance, embrace His blessings, and faithfully serve in His name.

Yvonne Gordon