Celebrating 20 Years While Looking Forward


An update from Doug Hayes, Pastor in Covenant Fellowship, PA, and Executive Director of Covenant Mercies…

February of this year marked the 20th anniversary of the founding of Covenant Mercies, the nonprofit organization I lead from my role on the pastoral team at Covenant Fellowship Church in Glen Mills, PA.  There is something about a milestone like this that puts a person in a reflective mood, with at least one eye on the rearview mirror.  That has certainly been the case for us in Covenant Mercies.  

It is amazing to recall that, at the time of our founding in 2002, we knew none of the African friends we now regard as family; and not only family, but integral partners in ministry.  It is no overstatement to say that without these dear brothers and sisters, it would be impossible for us to carry out the mission we so deeply believe God has called us to fulfill. 

In collaboration with these friends and partners, we are now serving approximately 1,600 fatherless children in Uganda, Zambia, and Ethiopia.  In two of those countries, we are also working together to build and develop Christian schools where the vast majority of our sponsored kids receive their education.  Year by year, we are seeing an ever-increasing number of students – many of whom started in our program as small children – graduate from high school, vocational school, and even university.  Most would not have expected to attend high school at all (let alone graduate), yet now they are stepping into the future as competent young adults who are ready to make an impact in their workplaces, churches, and communities. 

Looking in that rearview mirror brings us a lot of joy and satisfaction these days.  But by God’s grace, we reach our 20th anniversary with exciting new opportunities in front of us as well.

Readers of this newsletter will already be familiar with Dyonah Thomas and GraceLife Church in Liberia.  Recognizing quality education as an intensely felt need in their community, this church launched GraceLife Academy a few years ago.  Through this school, they are already touching the lives of dozens of children in the local community, and they are ambitious for much more.  I am therefore thrilled to announce that, in collaboration with GraceLife Church, Covenant Mercies is launching its Orphan Sponsorship Program in Liberia this month.  Lord willing, we will also work together to build and develop GraceLife Academy’s permanent campus on a plot of land just a 5-minute walk from the church.

One of the primary lessons we have learned through 20 years of ministry in sub-Saharan Africa is that quality Christian education is a key element to the success of our mission.  Finding compatible partners like our new friends at GraceLife is therefore an answer to prayer for us, and a tremendous opportunity.  

The team in Liberia is currently working with engineers to develop a comprehensive site plan for GraceLife Academy’s campus, and a coalition of donors has made a $50,000 matching challenge to help us raise the funds needed for Phase One construction.  What a way to turn the corner into our third decade in ministry!

Looking in the rearview mirror is gratifying indeed, but we are even more excited to be celebrating 20 years while looking forward.  God has been exceedingly gracious to bring us into partnership with our friends at GraceLife, and we look forward to seeing his plan unfold in the lives of countless children in the years to come. 

Dave Taylor