Ethiopian Pastors College Back in Business


From everything I’ve seen and heard, Josh Pannell has been doing a marvellous job of leading our Sovereign Grace Pastors College in Ethiopia!

They got off to a wonderful start in September, but then with the war in Ethiopia beginning to get so close to Addis Ababa - November, December & January had some unavoidable setbacks. There were a few weeks in which it appeared the PC might not survive. But under the leadership and hardwork of Josh, often carrying double the weight in those difficult days by teaching classes that he had never intended to teach, the pulled through and are now very much back in business! 

Just recently Mark Prater, our SG Executive Director, went out to teach at the Pastors College and spend time with Josh Pannell, Michael Granger and Trinity Fellowship Church. He was deeply moved and encouraged by the time, you can hear all about it below... Wonderful stuff!

Trinity Fellowship Pastors College

Dave Taylor