Global Leaders Retreat


An update from Riley Spring, Lead Pastor of Sovereign Grace Church Parramatta, Australia…

In the first week of February, 31 leaders from over 8 nations around the world gathered for an incredibly significant Leadership Retreat. Represented at this gathering were multiple generations of Sovereign Grace pastors so that our faithful past can be transferred to ensure we have a faithful future. At the Retreat, the Leadership Team served the various spheres of leaders represented: US Regional Leaders, US Future Leaders, and Global Leaders.

Our time began with a stirring introductory appeal by our Executive Director, Mark Prater. He called us to six key imperatives as we move forward, the first of which was to be “leaders who are lovers of Jesus!” That may sound obvious and basic, but it is crucial! In the next 5-10 years Sovereign Grace is set to expand from some 80 churches to over 200+ (as a modest estimate)…and therefore we must ensure that no matter what, we love Jesus through all of this growth! On top of this he charged us to: have Christ-like character, protect and promote our gospel heritage, courageously stand for our theological convictions, take risks to advance the gospel, and have faith that God will bless us! Amen!

CJ Mahaney spoke on ‘Keeping the Heart’ from Proverbs 4:23, “Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.” He so helpfully outlined how we are to guard our life and doctrine by the spiritual discipline of watchfulness. He shared his two great fears: 1) be less astounded by his salvation, 2) that he’d become a professional pastor. Instead, we must keep up the edge and constantly work on our hearts to love Jesus personally, passionately, and persistently, no matter the trials and heartaches.

Jeff Purswell then delivered a tour de force message on ‘The Pastor’s Doctrine’ from 1 Timothy 4:16. This was a denomination shaping and preserving moment. He explicated our need to guard our doctrinal fidelity in order to maintain our gospel longevity. Without sound theology in all of our doctrine, we will lose the gospel in the end. It’s life or death for us, our churches and our family of churches.

Jared Mellinger and Jon Payne then spoke on the biblical category and role of ‘extra-local’ leadership for our churches, regionally and globally, and the need to raise up and unleash men to serve at this broader influential level. In so doing, these leaders are to reflect the ‘extra-local’ leaders we see in the New Testament with respect to their: ecclesiological focus, watchfulness, love, courage and faith.

Each sphere of leaders also met in groups to discuss issues of particular concern to them. I (Riley) had the privilege of being in the Global Leaders meetings, led so well by Dave Taylor, and got to hear of what the Lord is doing all over the world through our Pastors. We shared our hearts for our nations and our hopes for the future. It was exciting and humbling. Be assured the Lord is on the move. 

We all had a great time hanging out, making new friends, eating together, laughing, singing, praying and sharing stories. It was a privilege and honour to be at this gathering, I was pinching myself the whole time. How is it possible that we’re in such a beautiful, faithful, and solid family of Churches? How is that we get to do this together with such joy, fellowship, and friendship? It’s sheer, bountiful, undeserved (but I am never trading it in), grace!

It would seem that God would have us poised to serve Christ in new and ever expanding ways, with joy, and health, for the next forty years and more. Let us all play our part!

Yvonne Gordon