Global Leadership Development Retreat


An update from Mark Prater, Executive Director of Sovereign Grace Churches, and Pastor in Covenant Fellowship Church, Glen Mills, PA…

I continue to be amazed at the opportunities that God is giving our small family of churches to partner with churches and plant churches throughout the world. I also marvel at how God is providing like-minded, theologically-sound, gospel-centered, Jesus-loving leaders who are helping us steward these opportunities to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ in Latin America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Africa. 

In response to God’s gracious provision, Dave Taylor and I co-led a Global Leadership Development retreat in Southern California, April 5-8. Men traveled from different parts of the globe to participate in our retreat. Jeffery Jo came from Manilla, Philippines; Barnabas Shrestha from Nepal; Carlos Contreras from Juarez, Mexico; Ed O’Mara who will be moving to Italy in July to plant a Sovereign Grace church in that nation; Joselo Mercado who represents Sovereign Grace in Latin America; and of course Dave Taylor traveled from Sydney. Dyonah Thomas from Monrovia, Liberia couldn’t get a visa to get into the States, but he joined much of the retreat via Zoom. Likewise Michael Granger from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia was unable to attend this time around, but is also a part of this group. Each of these men are gifts from God because they are Christ-like men who have a passion for our shared gospel mission.

The purpose of our retreat was to invest into these men and in so doing fulfill the responsibility found in 2 Timothy 2:2, “and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.” Jeff, Barnabas, Carlos, Ed, Joselo, and Dyonah are faithful men who all have a proven gift of leadership. Therefore, it was quite a privilege for Dave and me to come alongside them and equip them to help us lead in our mission to advance the gospel by planting and strengthening churches throughout the world.

We used our time to build relationally by hearing personal updates, enjoying conversation over good food, encouraging, and praying for one another. Dave did a masterful job leading each guy to share the challenges they were facing, and the dreams they have for gospel ministry in their nation. It was humbling to hear the unique challenges and persecution that some of our global leaders are facing. Jon Payne joined us to talk about the importance of building healthy eldership teams in every local church. And Eric Turbedsky took an afternoon to cast vision for church planting and to make our global leaders aware of the church planting resources that are available to them through Sovereign Grace. I took a session and talked about the things I’ve learned about leadership as the Executive Director, and Dave wrapped up our retreat by imparting hope to all of us from Isaiah 41:10.

After spending a week with these men, living in the same house, sharing meals together, seeing pictures of their families, and hearing how they are leading in their nation, I found myself thanking God for each of them. In a short time, these men became friends, and they are men that Dave and I trust. Do you know what is amazing? As God has given Sovereign Grace opportunities to partner with churches and plant churches throughout the world, He has also given us quality leaders who will help us steward these opportunities with wisdom and care. Our future in Sovereign Grace is bright because God has given us Jeff, Barnabas, Carlos, Ed, Joselo, Dyonah, Michael and Dave. Please pray for them asking God to give them wisdom, discernment, and grace to lead well for the purpose of making more people, from every tribe, tongue, and nation aware of the Good News of Jesus Christ. 

Dave Taylor