Grace City Church of Frankford, USA
We plant churches to serve our communities and to reach people with the good news of Jesus Christ.
This video highlights just one example of what the Lord has done and is doing through our church planting efforts - which is why we have made church planting such a large part of our mission as a denomination.
What is most evident (and what we hope you are most encouraged by) in this video is the saving grace of God. He continues to move on the hearts of those in need of him. This video is an inspiring reminder of how God pursues us, provides grace, and, in his kindness, does it through the local church.
We are grateful to God for Stephen and his faithful service to the men and women in his community... May God continue to add to Grace City Church of Frankford!
Let us continue to plant churches to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ, all for His glory alone! Enjoy the video!