Reaching The Unreached In Thailand


An update from our key leader in Thailand (identity concealed for safety reasons)...

If you would’ve told me a few months ago that over 1200 people in our remote location in Thailand would hear the good news shared through the Christmas story in December, I might have believed you, but wouldn’t have had a clue how God would make such a thing happen. Well, He did it, and He brought it about in ways that make us just stand back in awe of our Lord for His spectacular ingenuity, wisdom, majestic power, and mercy!  

So, a quick back drop: Our team has been in Thailand for many years. After a while of training, He led us to a remote location that has very few believers. In this community He’s granted amazing favor and opportunity to serve and build relationships as we share the love and truth of Christ. Through these special relationships, God opened unimaginable doors this Christmas season. Five different outreaches were held over eight days where the team gave the reason for our hope in Jesus. The team was able to share the good news through a Christmas play telling the true reason for Christmas at schools as well as a Christmas party. Christ’s love was also shared with the poorest in our community through a mercy ministry. In conversations that followed from these events, friends conveyed their interest in the story of Jesus and deep gratitude. Many seeds were planted and we ask for your continued prayer that they would grow in good soil.

In all of this, we want to thank the churches and individuals who have faithfully partnered with us through the years. It’s through your visionary faith, sacrificial generosity, encouragement, and prayers that the team has been sustained and God has opened doors. The team couldn’t do this without you, nor would we want to. Oh, the joy and privilege it is to partner with our family of churches! We also want to specifically thank our partner Arche Church Hamburg who enabled the team to bless children with Christmas gifts in the outreaches. It’s through our partnership with you that God has moved in the community, and we thank you friends.

Even with this wonderful news, there’s still an enormous need among the unreached of Thailand. We’ve been praying for years that God would raise up more workers for our team and other places in Thailand. The harvest is truly plentiful, but the laborers are fewer than few. Perhaps the Lord would have you consider coming to joyfully lay down your life for the sake of Christ in this land. If you are interested in learning more, go to the SGC Global site where you can inquire about opportunities to serve in Thailand.

Dave Taylor