Mexico Region Equipping Retreat


An update from Carlos Contreras, Senior Pastor of Gracia Soberana de Ciudad Juarez and Regional Leader for Mexico…..

This past month of May we were able to hold our second Mexico Region Equipping Retreat in Guadalajara, Mexico. This is a special 3 full days of spending time together to worship, talk and learn as pastors and leaders. As a developing Nation of churches, we see the need for extensive times of training and envisioning. On this occasion we were joined by almost all the pastors of the Mexico Region as well as some of their main leaders, pastors from churches in the process of being adopted (13 churches), and 2 pastors being equipped for our 2 upcoming church plants. We were also blessed to be joined by 14 men from other Latin American countries (Bolivia, Costa Rica & Colombia) from churches also seeking adoption into Sovereign Grace (6 churches). It was wonderful for all of us to meet and get to know what was going on in other places. In all we were 67 men together for 3 days on location at Sovereign Grace Guadalajara that served us (and fed us) so well as hosts.

This year we were blessed to have Bob Kauflin and Fabrizio Rodulfo join us to go through his "Why We Gather” material. Also, joining us and teaching were Rich Richardson and Joselo Mercado. In all we had 6 main sessions with worship and prayer times, Bob K. teaching in 3, one session by Joselo, on by Rich Richardson and one by myself. We also enjoyed 5 sessions of extended panel discussions on specific applications and for questions from the men. All sessions were video recorded for future use as part of  our equipping materials library.

This time together turned out to be such a memorable and effective highlight in our history. We enjoyed great fellowship, wonderful outstanding and loud worship times and exceptional teaching. Our faithful God truly encountered us to encourage, envision and equip us to build and serve as Sovereign Grace churches. And being able to sit under Bob’s graceful and passion teaching and sharing of decades of experience serving the Lord was a gift that we will treasure always. We are grateful for all who contribute and join us as partners to make events like this possible.

Andrew Leung