Reaching Russian Speakers in Turkey


An update from Kyle Huber, Lead Pastor of Greentree Church in NJ, USA, and Emerging Nations Representative to Belarus…

The church in Belarus has suffered a series of massive blows:

  • Most of the world no longer allows flights into Belarus after the Belarusian government’s violent crackdown on demonstrations, which included hijacking a commercial plane and removing a dissident who was on board. Russia and Turkey are the only nations that will fly into Belarus.

  • The Belarusian government has ordered all non-governmental organizations to officially disband. Churches have not been included, but many Christian ministries operated by churches have had to shut down.

  • The Russian invasion of Ukraine has turned life in Belarus upside down. Belarus allowed Russia to stage parts of the invasion from their soil and all young men are required to register with the military. Belarus and Ukraine share centuries of cultural and economic friendship. These two nations have never been at war with each other. This makes Belarus’ support of the war a sickening shock to the Belarusian people.

  • The war has crippled Belarusian economy. Many companies have shut down or left the country. Job loss and inflation have reached frightening levels.

  • Belarusians wonder if Russian troops encamped on their soil will become a permanent occupation. Belarusians who have vivid memories of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster are afraid that Russian will use nuclear weapons in the current war.

  • Many churches have had a significant percentage of their members leave the country. New Covenant Church, which is seeking partnership with Sovereign Grace Churches, has lost two-thirds of their congregation this way.

  • Pastors are overwhelmed by all of these burdens, and they struggle to know how to best serve their congregations. Additionally, the government has warned churches against voicing any form of dissent. A few pastors have already been arrested.

Yet, in the midst of widespread fear and uncertainty, churches in Belarus are pressing into faithfulness. Sergei and Philip who pastor New Covenant Church, are ministering daily to the fearful, the jobless and the displaced. People are coming to them to find hope in their despair. Pastor Sergei writes:

“I continue to receive messages from unknown people because of my online posts about God, the Bible, Jesus, and the events going on today. They are frustrated and looking for answers. Mission opportunities are everywhere!”

Each week, new people are visiting their church. One of these is Ben, a young Jewish man who started attending the church and is now preparing for baptism.

But, Sergei and Philip are not satisfied to share Christ within their own country. They have sent some of their few remaining members to plant a church to the Russian speaking emigrees in Turkey! Nikita, who is a leader at New Covenant Church, moved to Turkey with his wife in early May. Since then, several other church members have joined them. In addition, a church planter from Russia who was mentored by Pastor Sergei is now part of the church plant team.

In God’s providential care, this team from Belarus has found an unexpected connection with Sovereign Grace Churches in Turkey. Sovereign Grace already has a Pastors College graduate who was sent by Sovereign Grace Church Dayton, OH to help church planters in Turkey. This dear brother is in a city near where the New Covenant Church team is located and is eager to be a help to them.

At this time, the church plant team is settling into their new surroundings. Their first step will be to establish a small group which will be the core of this new gospel proclaiming congregation. We praise God for the courage and gospel commitment of these Belarusian believers!

Here are prayer requests that have come from pastors in Belarus to guide how we pray for them:

  • Pray that God will meet basic needs and sustain weary souls

  • Pray that God’s people will not be ruled by fear

  • Pray for peace, and an end to the suffering caused by the Russian invasion

  • Pray for the church plant in Turkey

  • Pray that God will bring about a great harvest in these nations affected by war

Dave Taylor