Caring & Partnering In Pakistan


An update from our key leader in Pakistan (identity concealed for safety reasons), as he speaks on behalf of 17 Churches in Pakistan who we’ve related to for many years, primarily through theological training and mentoring, and who are eager to pursue formal partnership with Sovereign Grace Churches...


As you all know, Pakistan is going through a tough time because of heavy rainfall and flooding. Many areas have been affected especially the Sindh province. People have lost their homes and are going through a very hard time. Our pastoral team visited the flood victims and gave them essential items to help them survive until the circumstances were under control. This is all because of the generosity of Sovereign Grace Churches. With the help of your funds we were able to bless these people. They were overjoyed to see that they finally had beds, warm blankets to sleep in and food to eat. Muslim people have been reaching out to their community and have been neglecting Christians. Your funds and prayers have meant that we could also reach the Christian community, together with Muslim and Hindu families.

The package that we gave them included beds, blankets, mattresses, water coolers, crockery, food items, hygienic items, and mosquito nets. Along with that we arranged a medical camp. We invited a professional physician who examined the patients who were affected from the floods and poor hygienic conditions. We also distributed audio Bibles and Bibles to the people because we knew that apart from their physical needs, their spiritual growth was also very important. We joined them in their huts and prayed with them before the distribution.

There are still families who are not yet reached, so we are praying for those who are living hand to mouth and are suffering. Once again, we are extremely thankful to Sovereign Grace Church, for your soft hearts for the victims and your desire to bless them. We have seen the gratitude on the faces of people. One of the ladies we reached out to said that though they are away from home and are suffering, they know that “Our God has not forgotten us and will definitely make a way for us.” They are also very thankful for their Bibles after having to leave most of their physical possessions behind. The only thing the people could say was how good God is.

We are thankful that the team were able to get home safely and seeing the Pakistani people happy when we left, brought us much joy.

God bless you!

Dave Taylor