Serving Together in Mindanao, Philippines


An update from Jeffrey Jo, Lead Pastor of CCSGM in Kawit, Manila, and key leader for us in SG Philippines…

Few things are more encouraging for a pastor than the moments he feels that he is not alone in the challenges of both marriage and ministry.

I know the ‘feeling’ of not having that. For I was once in that boat until, in God’s providence, God brought me to Sovereign Grace Churches. It is such a blessing when we have fellow strugglers beside us, encouraging and praying for us, but above all, gathering with you in the fellowship of the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.

The realization of the significance of gathering and serving the Lord together moved us six months ago to make it our theme for this year’s mid-year pastors and leadership conference of our churches in Surigao del Sur, Mindanao, Philippines. With the financial support of SGC and the members of our local churches in Manila, we were able to raise enough funds to make the said conference possible.

We organized an eight-member team to minister to our growing local churches in that region. June 25 from 8AM to 4PM, we held our pastors and leaders mid-year conference. Around 103 came and they were instructed and inspired by the scriptures on the significance of raising church elders along with other church leaders for the growth, health and protection of His church. We focused on 2 Timothy 2 and understood the beauty of God’s design on the plurality of leadership founded on the gospel of Christ.

The following day, Sunday June 26, we divided our team to visit our local congregations. Half of us visited the town churches while the other half visited our churches on the mountains, among the tribes. The church where I was assigned to minister presented a twelve member choir from the Manobo tribe and they gave a heartfelt worship song in their own tongue and I could not help but have tears of joy remembering Revelation 7:9, “… from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands…” It was indeed such a privilege to minister the scriptures to them and show them the glory of Christ in the dearest place on earth.

Monday came and we all traveled to a hotel where we decided to give our pastors and their wives a big treat of an overnight stay. We had a lovely couple’s fellowship reflecting on the power of a gospel-centered forgiveness both in marriage and parenting. The following morning after our breakfast, our wives gathered together for reflection, encouragement and bonding while I encouraged the men to be faithful to their calling and even to joyfully do the requirements of their ordination process. After which, we separated ways and almost everyone with teary eyes, embraced and bid farewell to each other being grateful for having friends and a family in the works of the ministry.

While in the plane heading back home, I was communing with God and pondering on the reality that all such love that we share and experience with one another, is made possible only by the unifying grace and mercy of God expressed in Christ Jesus.

My hope in the future is to make Surigao del Sur a “launching pad” for the preaching of the gospel of Christ and to establish elder-led churches in the other cities and provinces in Mindanao so that His Name may be known in that region, resting my confidence in our faithful God!

Dave Taylor