SGC Short-Term Missions Trips


An update from Leo Parris, US Global Missions Coordinator for Sovereign Grace Churches, and Pastor at Covenant Fellowship Church in Glen Mills, Pennsylvania…

Short-term missions trips aren’t the primary way God calls his people to fulfill the Great Commission, but when planned carefully in connection to ongoing partnership, they can catalyze global awareness and mission in our local churches. Many SG churches engage in short term missions trips.

Here are some snapshots of some of the trips that have taken place in the last few months:

Lord’s Grace Church Conference and VBS of Seoul, South Korea

For many years, Cornerstone Church (Knoxville, TN) and Trinity Church (Athens, TN) have partnered to send a missions team to Lord’s Grace Church in Seoul, South Korea—our only Sovereign Grace Church in the country. Each year, the pastors on the team hold a conference for the adults in the church, while the team runs a Vacation Bible School. This trip also serves to bring a fairly isolated church into the relational richness of Sovereign Grace Churches.

Rancho 3M of Guadalupe, Mexico

In Juarez, Mexico, Carlos Contreras has led our Sovereign Grace Church there for several decades. This wonderful church is not only the leading church of the Sovereign Grace Mexican Nation, they also partner with a wonderful orphanage called Rancho 3M in nearby Guadalupe. This orphanage seeks to rescue young people whose lives have been torn apart by the violence and sex trafficking in their community. Rancho 3M hosts several teams from SG each year, as well as providing internships for those who want to serve at the orphanage for larger blocks of time. Several SG churches send teams to this location, and more opportunities are available to interested churches.

Christian Camp of Playa Azul, Costa Rica

In the small and impoverished village of Playa Azul, Costa Rica, a beautiful and vibrant local church, Iglesia Biblica, exists that also serves as a community center and Christian camp. They have slowly built this camp through the collaboration of many churches over the past ten years. They continue to receive teams to do construction projects on the campsite and also to improve the small community of Playa Azul.

As a church pursuing partnership in Sovereign Grace Churches, that has planted another candidate Sovereign Grace Church, this is a wonderful opportunity to strengthen partnership. Over the years, they have seen the church double in size, ordain a new elder, and send out a church plant. The teams that visit this location typically focus on construction projects and strengthening the partnership of this church with Sovereign Grace Churches. More opportunities are available to interested churches.

Various Youth Camps of Covenant Fellowship Church

Covenant Fellowship Church (Glen Mills, PA) holds an annual Youth Camp for their youth that is a highlight of the year in the life of their church. Over the years, they have learned that taking these Youth Camps “on the road” is a wonderful way to bless other communities. They do this on a bi-annual basis in the Summer. 10-12th graders, parents, and young adult leaders are divided into teams to lead young people in other places in games, discussions, and worship services that aim at a clear proclamation of the gospel.

Covenant Fellowship has sent youth missions teams to Zambia, Ethiopia, and Uganda to serve Covenant Mercies Sponsorship programs, as well as to other churches in more isolated areas who have a sufficient number of young people to hold a camp.

Greentree Church to Oasis International Church in London, England

For many years, Pat Tedeschi has led a team from his church to London to visit Oasis International Church each Fall. This church seeks to reach many of the Islamic immigrants living in London.

Pat is now relocating to transition into leadership of the church there, as well as move them towards adoption into SG, something they are eager to do. Greentree Church plans to continue to send supporting teams to strengthen this ongoing work through outreaches. Greentree is eager to incorporate other SG members into this annual trip.

Greentree Church to a Guatemala Pastors College and Training Center

Kyle Huber, lead pastor of Greentree Church travels each summer to Chichicastenango, Guatemala to teach at ASELSI (Association for Equipping the Saints International). ASELSI is a training center that seeks to equip indigenous pastors to lead healthy churches. Located amidst widespread poverty, ASELSI also maintains a medical clinic, a therapy clinic, and a school for children with special needs. Greentree teams serve in each of these areas as well as helping with service projects on the ASELSI campus. These trips typically involve evangelistic opportunities at the clinic and through home visits. Greentree is eager to incorporate other SG members into this trip.

It’s been a great summer, and I pray that God continues to allow us to engage in short-term missions because of the way it enhances our partnership. And as we engage in short-term missions, I pray even more that God would raise up more long-term missionaries, and deepen and widen connections between our churches across the globe.

Yvonne Gordon