The Mexican National Assembly Takes Shape


An update from Rich Richardson, Lead Pastor of Center Church, Gilbert, AZ, and Sovereign Grace Area Leader for Latin America...

At the beginning of May, the Mexican Assembly of Elders gathered in Guadalajara, Mexico for the first time. Now, it wasn’t the first time that these men have gathered at Iglesia Gracia Soberana in Central Mexico, but it was the first time they gathered as an official nation in Sovereign Grace Churches. Last November, the United States Council of Elders voted unanimously to welcome the nation of Mexico on equal footing with the United States. This achievement came after years—decades really—of faithful and fruitful ministry in Mexico. 

It is one thing to vote an ecclesiastical nation into existence, and quite another thing for that nation to begin to function together in compliance with the BCO. Yet, through Carlos Contreras’ leadership, the Mexican National Assembly is beginning to take shape. During the three-day gathering in Guadalajara, Carlos announced the formation and responsibilities of the first-ever Mexican National Leadership team. Both Hellman Avila and Manolo Quintal will serve as regional leaders. Hellman will serve the churches in the Northern part of Mexico, while Manolo will take on the churches in the central and southern parts of the nation. Abelardo Munoz will continue to be responsible for all things ordination. Jaime Chow and Cuauhtemoc Campos are going to head up the administration and financial side of the Assembly. Carlos will continue to lead the nation but will also be responsible for training men to pastor and plant churches. 

To be there was to be aware of the Lord’s mighty work amongst these men. There are over 30 men who are in the ordination process, two who are serving a one-year training residency in Juarez, and many other churches pursuing adoption. Yet, the most important element of our gathering was that the men, this Assembly, is Sovereign Grace. They are committed to the same vision and values as the rest of Sovereign Grace Churches with a passion to see churches planted and supported. Praise the Lord for his mighty work! 

Yvonne Gordon