Church Planting In Malvern, USA


An update from Nick Kidwell, Senior Pastor of Valley Creek Church, Malvern, Pennsylvania, USA…

What a joy it is to share with you all what God has been doing in and through Valley Creek Church thus far. Thank you for all the many and varied ways that you have provided support for us along the way. We are so grateful that we do not walk this path alone!

We launched from Covenant Fellowship Church on October 2nd in strength with 52 adults and 40+ kids (most under the age of 10!). This is a group of people committed to the Gospel and eager to serve.

It was confirmed for us immediately that this area needs a reformed, missional, Gospel preaching, bible believing church. In our first two months we have already had over 60 first time guests. When we started, we had 52 members/regular attenders. That number has now grown to 74! We will hold our first members class in January and many are eager for it.

We have had numerous people express how they have been praying for a church like ours in the area and how for the first time in a long time they feel like they've found a home. What a joy! If there is one thing I have come to see, it is that God has paved the way for this plant using the prayers of many faithful saints.

An area of surprise for us has been with the youth. We initially thought that we would not have any youth (7th-12th grade) but suddenly the Lord brought several our way, and even had the regional director of Fellowship of Christian Athletes begin attending our church with a desire to use our church as the location he funnels new believing students to! Because of this, we already launched a youth program and will have our second event this December. We are eager to see what God does through this ministry!

Finally, we have been exceedingly blessed by God to be meeting at the First Baptist Church of Malvern building. This church was established in 1833 and the building was built in 1875 with updates in the 1960’s. We have nearly 24/7 access to the building with its large fellowship hall, sanctuary, and 15 classrooms. This building is older than the town itself and has been a huge witnessing opportunity for us already as people in the area know it and likely have some previous tie to it.

We were excited to celebrate two baptisms last month and were able to get the baptismal in the building working for the first time in 20+ years! The members at First Baptist were thrilled about this. They have expressed that we are an answer to their prayers and they are excited to see the Gospel mission continuing at this location.

All that to say, we are excited about what God is doing in Malvern. It is evident to us He has prepared a work for us to do, and we are seeking to be faithful and steward that well. We are again exceedingly thankful for your ongoing prayers and support.

Dave Taylor