Things To Pray For In October

Charles Spurgeon, in his book “The Power of Prayer in a Believer’s Life," writes:

“Do not bring before God stinted petitions and narrow desires, but remember, as high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are His ways above your ways and His thoughts above your thoughts. Ask, therefore, after a Godlike fashion, for great things, for you are before a great throne.” 

In God’s amazing kindness, you and I get to come before his “great throne” and ask Him for “great things”. It’s an astounding reality, and so here are some ways you can be praying for our Global work over the next month…

  1. Please pray for Dave Taylor and Sovereign Grace Church, Sydney as they host 17 Filipinos from October 14th - November 6th, for the second half of our SG Pastors Immersion Training. This training will help us to continue putting some key foundations into Sovereign Grace Churches Philippines and bring these Pastors together as a foundational leadership cohort. We’re very excited about this step, as our two big groups of Filipino Churches start to come together in partnership in this way, all under the one banner of SGC Philippines.

  2. At the same time, please pray for Dave York (Lead Pastor of Covenant Life Fellowship, Roseburg, OR) as he heads over to Manila, Philippines, this month to spend a week with Jeffrey Jo (Lead Pastor of CCSGM & SG Philippines National Leader) to continue to help talk through and build the necessary infrastructure for Sovereign Grace Churches, Philippines. These are exciting times for this dear country.

  3. Please pray for McDonald Chanda, Cheila Chisulo & Ector Makaliki as they continue their ordination process in Zambia, and as they lead Christ Community Church in Ndola, Zambia, as well as the Copperbelt Pastors College, founded by our dear friend Wilbroad Chanda.

  4. Please pray for Joselo Mercado, as he continues to write good reformed and Gospel-centered books for a Latin American audience, as well as serve and build many good relationships for Sovereign Grace in places such as Colombia, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico & Venezuela.

  5. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Pakistan who have been affected by the recent rioting. There were about 20-25 churches that were looted and burned as well as many homes of Christian families. One of those looted and destroyed churches is pastored by a man who is with the group that we have the privilege of partnering with, in Pakistan. So please pray, that God would meet them in this time of great affliction and sorrow.

    … Together, may we take these “great things” and head to His “great throne”.

Dave Taylor
Muslim Evangelism in London, England

A historic church building in Central London where the church meets.

An update from Pat Tedeschi, Pastor at Greentree Church, Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey, USA…

From September 8th-18th our church sent out a short-term mission team to do Muslim evangelism with a church plant in central London, England. You can find people from much of the world in London, where over 300 languages are spoken. This church is located in a neighborhood where there are dozens of unreached people groups, and so we had an amazing opportunity to proclaim the gospel in a place where it is really not understood, where secularism and many false religions like Islam abound. 

Mission team members from both Greentree Church (New Jersey) and Covenant Fellowship Church (Pennsylvania) in the US.

Our team members were very effective in engaging with Muslims as well as other internationals. A main goal for this trip was to come alongside this church’s members (most of whom are converts to Christianity from an unreached Muslim people group), and to help equip them in evangelism so that they would be encouraged to continue reaching out to friends, family and even strangers after our team had gone. 

While there we also had the opportunity to help lead in Sunday worship services. One of the highlights was seeing seven former Muslims be baptized in the name of Jesus! Many of these new believers had to escape their home country because of having converted to Christianity. They have faced much loss and persecution in embracing Jesus and remaining faithful to Him, and yet they are filled with joy because of God’s rich mercy to them in the Gospel! 

Sharing the Gospel with a young man from the Middle East.

We are hopeful to see this church become more involved with Sovereign Grace in the future. We desire to see others within our denomination consider participating in this strategic ministry in order to strengthen that church, and to see other Sovereign Grace churches planted throughout London and even other parts of Europe. Please continue to pray for this ministry. 

All newly baptized believers, converted out of Islam.

Yvonne Gordon
A Busy Few Months in Latin America

An update from Joselo Mercado, Lead Pastor of Iglesia Gracia Soberana de Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, and Key Leader in Sovereign Grace LATAM… 

Last summer at the Mercado's house was a busy one with packing and unpacking suitcases. By the grace of the Lord, my wife Kathy and I were able to take some time to visit Turkey to study some of the roots of the Christian tradition as well as stop in Cairo to see the pyramids. I was able to go to Santo Domingo and participate in the For His Cause Conference as well as participate in a conference in Amarillo, Texas. We then visited Puerto Rico as a family and spent some time with pastor friends there. In July, we took some time off as a family, but not before we made a trip to Medellín, Colombia, where I was able to share with a church that is interested in having communion with Sovereign Grace Churches. Later in the summer, Kathy and I left for Fieles 2023 in Juárez before our family of four went to Buenos Aires, Argentina. We ended with a trip at the beginning of September to Santa Cruz and Cochabamba, Bolivia.

In the midst of accumulated miles, packed and unpacked suitcases and forgotten straps (on more than one occasion I forgot to pack my strap and had to buy one in the country I visited!) God has sustained us and we have seen the work of the Lord move in different countries. Allow me to share more on our trip to Argentina and Bolivia.


The four of us left for the long trip (a 12-hour flight) to Buenos Aires. The main purpose of this visit was to be part of the Spiritual Songs Conference of the Before His Word ministry. It is an annual conference which gives resources to churches to strengthen worship ministries. We arrived a few days early to recover from the trip and to spend time with my sister who has lived in Argentina for nearly 30 years.

On Friday August 25th, I was able to meet with the leaders of the Bible Societies of Argentina who wanted me to help bring greater awareness of the need for biblical truth and depth to charismatic brothers in Argentina. These folk make up 80% of evangelicals in the country.

On Saturday the 26th we were able to participate in the conference which was attended by about 250 people and representing about 50 churches. Karl Sautter from Silao Church came and led the singing during the conference. I shared two messages about the self-care of the worship leader and how this self-care should be seen in community life by modeling lives of godliness. My children Joey (16) and Janelle (14) were able to share testimonies at the conference, as Joey leads at our church and Janelle sings on some Sundays. My wife Kathy did an incredible job of fellowshipping and encouraging many ladies.

On Sunday I was able to preach in two churches that we have befriended. In both churches I was able to give two messages. In total I preached 6 messages in 24 hours and God really gave us the ability to serve with joy. God sustained us, as both my son Joey and I tested positive to the strep bacteria when we returned. I was encouraged to see that while we were sick, God gave us the strength to serve with joy. I would like to thank Grace Community Church in Ashburn, Virginia in the US who helped support us so my family could accompany me on this trip.


On the weekend of September 15th-17th I was able to be in Santa Cruz and Cochabamba. Again, it was a super intense time (a 10-hour flight). I think in 3 days I preached 8 messages and participated in 4 panels.

In Santa Cruz we were able to attend the church of David Del Castillo who holds an annual conference. In Cochabamba we were able to serve the En Su Palabra church, which is in the adoption process. On Saturday I was able to give a message in Santa Cruz, take a flight to Cochabamba to give two sermons and return in the evening to be ready on Sunday to serve. In both places the theme was family and the gospel. Both churches are faithful in proclaiming the Word of God. In Bolivia we also met with Abelardo Muñoz, Matthew Williams and Chris Deloglos. It was a wonderful experience to see the same values being shared from different brothers in different churches.

Finally when I returned home, I had to start antibiotic treatment for a respiratory system infection. I didn't feel well before going to Bolivia, nor when I returned. But during the days in Bolivia I felt I had all the energy in the world! God by his grace was able to sustain us to be able to serve brothers in this beautiful place.

God is working. We see his power sustaining these churches and it's a joy and privilege to support them in proclaiming the glory of the gospel to all nations.

Yvonne Gordon
Redeemer Fellowship Celebrates 5 Years!

An update from Joel Shorey, Lead Pastor of Redeemer Fellowship, Newark, Delaware, USA…

Ephesians 3:10 - “so that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known…”

Redeemer Fellowship celebrated our five-year anniversary on September 9 this year. God has been very good to us as a young church family in Newark, Delaware. As I think about the past five years and all that God has done, I can’t help but pause and celebrate the gift that church planting is and how powerfully God uses it for his glory. 

I don’t even mean to celebrate a particular way of church planting (though I wouldn’t want to do it with any other denomination than Sovereign Grace!). But rather, I want to celebrate the act of church planting in any form. Whether in perceived ‘strength’ or ‘weakness’; whether with 30 or 300; whether near or far; the planting of new Gospel preaching churches is a primary and powerful way that God continues to do his good work in this world and in our lives. 

Church planting multiplies the manifold wisdom of God. 

This is what we have seen at Redeemer Fellowship over these last five years. We were planted in 2018 with 28 adults and about 20 kids, and the fact that we exist today is a testimony of God’s grace. I say that because I know deep down inside of me, that we are not an impressive people. That’s not false humility. That is simply the truth. Redeemer Fellowship is a simple church, with simple leaders, and a simple church family. 

But this is why the manifold wisdom of God is multiplied through church planting. Because as weak people come together, and in prayerful dependence upon God seek to be the church together, God’s wisdom and power are manifested to a watching world. 

When God miraculously provides a place for us to meet, that shows the wisdom and power of God. 

When God sustains a new church plant through a global pandemic, that shows the wisdom and power of God.

When more than 50 people are baptized and church membership multiplies by nearly ten times, that shows the wisdom and power of God!

When God connects us to a campus ministry at the University of Delaware and we have the opportunity to lead and disciple 40-50 college students, that shows the wisdom and power of God! 

When God allows there to be significant ethnic diversity within the local church, that shows the wisdom and power of God. 

When a small local church sacrificially gives in order to replace that broken refrigerator or to purchase 10 acres of land for a future church building, that shows the wisdom and power of God! 

When such a simple group of people live in prayerful dependence on the Lord (which is the only way to do church planting!), that shows the wisdom and power of God. 

We don’t need any new church planting tricks or gimmicks. By God’s grace, the simple act of planting churches is enough. He’s designed it that way. Church planting is not easy, but church planting is simple. We are called to delight in Christ, love one another, proclaim the Gospel, and serve our community – and to do it all with a deeply dependent prayerfulness. That’s it!

Whether we see quick growth, incremental growth, or even at times, loss of growth, if we are faithful to believe God’s Word, to pray boldly for the Spirit’s help, and to live out the Gospel, God will use church planting to accomplish his purposes in profound ways. 

As Redeemer Fellowship continues to grow and mature, we are thankful that we don’t have to be super creative. Our mission remains simple. As we look forward to the next five years, we pray earnestly that God will allow us to send out many from among us to do more of this simple work of church planting throughout Delaware and beyond.

Soli Deo Gloria!

Yvonne Gordon
"All I Have is Christ"

An update from Josh Pannell, Dean of Trinity Fellowship Pastors College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia…

Trinity Fellowship is growing because God is faithful to build His church, and in His wisdom, He's chosen to gather those often shunned by society to be recipients of his saving grace. Indeed, as I look out at our members on Sunday morning, I’m reminded that we're a church of outcasts. I absolutely love that because this is precisely what the first followers of Jesus looked like. Men and women who truly know what it means to say “all I have is Christ” because they have left everything to follow him.

Many of our members come from backgrounds in mainstream prosperity gospel churches, and have now found a deep, personal relationship with Jesus Christ at Trinity Fellowship. One woman, deeply entrenched in the prosperity gospel and battling severe depression, was tormented by the sound of multiple voices in her head. But during one of our services, as the gospel was preached, all those voices silenced, replaced by one singular, clear and gentle voice. It called her by name and urged, "it's time to stop running." That day, as she embraced Jesus Christ, she found deliverance from her mental anguish and, more importantly, the chains of sin. That evening, she eagerly shared her testimony and the gospel with her siblings and cousins. To our joy, they too embraced Christ, which eventually led to the conversion of their parents as well.

Another man became an outcast even in his own family for choosing the true gospel over the prosperity gospel. After coming to believe the genuine gospel, he made the decision to leave his prosperity gospel church and join Trinity Fellowship. His wife, however, believed that moving away from the prosperity gospel meant forfeiting God’s blessings. This man tried to share the gospel with his wife, but tensions only grew. After heart-wrenching counselling sessions with us, she decided to divorce him, believing she'd be closer to God's favor without him. He remains with us, a testament to his sacrifice for the gospel.

Beyond a prosperity gospel background, we have other members who have left their former lives to embrace Jesus Christ. We have those from multi-generational Ethiopian Orthodox families, families once at the forefront of persecuting Protestants. Yet, in a divine twist, now their children find solace in the very Jesus their families once persecuted. Similarly, Muslim converts, now shunned by their own communities, find community with us. A man who joined Trinity Fellowship was recently stoned for his faith in Christ, leading to an 80% hearing loss. He now desires to join our pastors college so that he can more effectively share the gospel with those who sought to kill him.

Another member who had her roots in animism shared with us that her grandmother, a practicing witch doctor, killed this member’s mother through voodoo. In the midst of such darkness, she discovered the redemptive power of Christ. Truly, God’s saving grace knows no bounds!

Another group of social outcasts are the secular music artists in Addis. The Protestant church in Ethiopia has historically shunned secular music, labelling it sinful. We've been privileged to see a growing number of Christian secular artists finding a home at Trinity Fellowship.

Along with these wonderful stories of conversions, we baptized 11 new converts this past May. This gathering of social outcasts, bound by a single faith in the true Gospel, paints a beautiful portrait of the saving mercy of Jesus Christ.

This growth has been a wonderful blessing but has also brought with it new challenges. Our current meeting space can fit only 200 chairs, many of which have been purchased through the faithful tithes of our members. In our recent Sundays, our gatherings have been so large that every chair is full and around 15-20 people find themselves sitting on the floor in the back. And so, we’ve been on the hunt for a new building for the past several months.

There’s no here in Addis, so looking for a building means hopping in a car, driving around, and asking, “has anyone checked that one yet?” It’s exhausting and time consuming, but we’re so grateful to see our members and pastoral interns step up and spend entire weeks dedicated solely to searching for a new meeting location. One of our biggest challenges when looking for a building in the past was that most of the real estate in Addis is owned by Muslims, who are unwilling to rent to Christians, and that continues to be a challenge. We’ve experienced everything from outright refusals, to requests that we pay $12,000 USD per month for rent.

After several months of searching we found a movie theater with the capacity to seat 600 people, and we were told that the owner, though Muslim, was interested in renting to us. It seemed as though the Lord was orchestrating everything perfectly. The theater was equipped with a projector, sound systems, and a Sunday rental option that fit within our budget. However, after the owner visited one of our church services, he pulled out of the agreement last minute after seeing our strong emphasis on the blood of Christ during our preaching.

Amid these challenges, God has opened another door. We're currently in conversations about a potential meeting spot that can hold about 500 individuals. This building is owned by Lutherans, so we’ve been more hopeful from the beginning. While our conversations are progressing at what one might call "the pace of Ethiopia," which means things are moving a tad slower than we're accustomed to, we remain hopeful. We're optimistic that by the end of the year, we'll be worshiping in this new space.

As we walk this path, we deeply covet your prayers. Please intercede for us that this lease process may finalize smoothly, that we would find favor in the eyes of our potential landlords, and that this space might be a home for us for the foreseeable future, until God guides us to a permanent location.

Yvonne Gordon
Fieles 2023 - The Best Fieles Ever

An update from Carlos Contreras, lead pastor of Sovereign Grace Church, Ciudad Juárez, Mexico and our key leader for Mexico...

This year marked 10 years since we started “Fieles a Su Llamado” (Faithful to His Calling) with a desire to equip and encourage those called to ministry in the church. Our desire was to serve the growing number of men and their wives that were joining our small family of Sovereign Grace churches in Mexico, but since we were still small, we decided to open our doors to all who would come. By hosting it in our local church in Juarez, we were then able to “share of grace what has been given to us by grace”. God has been faithful and gracious to us every year by allowing us to witness Him accomplish precisely what He had placed in our hearts to do.

This year our theme centered on “The Pastor and his Family” focusing on our marriages and our parenting. Our dear friend Dr. Miguel Núñez and his wife Cathy, who have been a part of Fieles since 2013 joined us again. Bob and Julie Kauflin, Joselo and Kathy Mercado, as well as Rich and Tiffany Richardson also joined us. It was a wonderful and unique experience to hear not just from our main speakers, but also from their wives as they joined them in workshops and panel discussions. Attendees were deeply affected by the transparency and honesty with which they all shared not just their experience and wisdom, but also their failures, weaknesses and trials as couples and families.

After 10 years Fieles is truly a Sovereign Grace event, not just in the exposition of our theological convictions, but also in the modeling of our historical values and practices. Not only are our own pastors and leaders growing in acquiring Sovereign Grace values and virtues, but our guests are also being touched and blessed by experiencing them.

This year we closed registrations at 550 attendees which consisted of pastors, deacons, ministry leaders and their wives from 155 different churches from Mexico and 4 other countries (Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica and the USA). Of those, about 35% were leaders from our own family of Sovereign Grace churches, and the rest represented churches coming from 20 different states in Mexico. We were surprised to see that about 40% were first-time attendees.

Because of the numbers, our building installations and resources were stretched, and yet by God’s grace we were able to pull it off thanks to the 150 wonderful volunteers that give of their time for a whole week to set up and serve those coming.

As it is with every year, at the end of the conference we all left thanking God for what feels like the best Fieles ever. But we now realize the reason for that, and it is because God’s mercies are fresh every year. So again, He was gracious to freshly bless us with joyful times of very loud worship, great times of teaching and personal ministry and wonderful times of fellowship and the making of new friends. We don’t know what to expect for next year, but we know it will be the best Fieles ever, all over again.

Yvonne Gordon
Things To Pray For In September

In 1 Peter 3.18a, we read:

‘For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God.’

As Peter pens those words we find ourselves on holy ground, as our attention is once again drawn to a Hill called Calvary, and to the wondrous cross upon which the Prince of Glory died. For through the substitutionary death of Jesus, who suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, we have now been brought back to God.

It’s a breathtaking and stunning reality. The penalty of our sin has been paid for, the sacrifice of our substitute was sufficient and through Him, we have now been brought near. And so knowing that and in awe of that, here’s how you can be praying to the One who is near in the month ahead…

  1. Please pray for Jeremy Hetrick and his team as they plant Redeeming Grace Church, Mechanicsburg, PA, asking God to provide for all their needs, and to bless their services as they begin to gather this month.

  2. Please pray for our new 2023-2024 US Pastors College students and their families from 3 different nations who have recently moved to Louisville, with classes having started at the end of August. Please ask God to provide for all their needs and to give them the grace to grow over the next year while at the PC.

  3. Please pray for Pat Tedeschi and Greentree’s Muslim Outreach Team as they head over to London, UK, September 8th-18th. For many years Greentree has been partnering with a church plant to the Muslim community in London, where the majority of the church members are former Muslims. Please pray for this team as they join with the church members in doing evangelism, help to lead the church services, and encourage the new believers in the church.

  4. Please pray for the Philippines Pastor’s Institute that launches this month in Madrid, Mindanao. Please pray for the 20 students, that they may be equipped as future leaders, pastors, and church planters for the Mindanao region.

  5. Please pray for Joselo Mercado as he heads over to Santa Cruz, Bolivia, to serve at their annual SGC Bolivia Conference. Please pray that this is a wonderful time for both pastors and members, alike.

  6. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Pakistan who have been affected by the recent rioting. There were about 20-25 churches that were looted and burned as well as many homes of Christian families. One of those looted and destroyed churches is pastored by a man who is with the group that we have the privilege of partnering with in Pakistan. So please pray, that God would meet them in this time of great affliction and sorrow.

    … Once we were far off, but now we have been brought near. What a staggering reality that is.

Dave Taylor
Our First SGC West Africa Pastors & Wives Conference

An update from Mark Prater, Executive Director of Sovereign Grace Churches...

The best way to summarize what happened at the first Sovereign Grace Churches West Africa Pastors & Wives Conference is that a family of churches was born in West Africa known as Sovereign Grace. Attended by about 80 pastors and wives from 6 different West Africa nations, 2 of them French speaking, God worked to truly forge a family of churches.

Before I give you more specifics about the conference, I must tell you about what happened the day before the conference started. On Sunday, August 13, I had the joy of ordaining Dyonah Thomas, Senior Pastor of Grace Life Church, and our key leader in West Africa. The people of Grace Life were so excited that Sunday morning because they love Dyonah, and because Dyonah is our first ordained Sovereign Grace elder in West Africa. Their enthusiasm was not only seen in their hugs and words of encouragement but also in the gifts they gave Dyonah and me, which they insisted we must wear right away.

The conference kicked off with a dinner on Monday. This was good leadership on Dyonah’s part because he wanted to use every opportunity to build pastors and wives from 6 different nations together relationally. It was humbling to hear that the 25 people who came from Sierra Leone traveled 22 hours by car. The folks from Guinea traveled 26-27 hours by car just to come to the conference. I heard no complaining, only joy and gratitude that they arrived safely.

The theme of the conference, which “officially” started on Tuesday morning, was “God’s Unchanging Word in a Changing World.” Dyonah wisely chose this theme because churches in West Africa are doing ministry in a predominantly prosperity gospel culture. Additionally, churches in Sierra Leone and Guinea are also doing gospel ministry in a predominantly Muslim culture. In light of those challenges, along with the cultural pressures that all churches face, Dyonah wanted to center the first West Africa Pastors & Wives Conference on God’s Word, and a pastor’s responsibility to be faithful to God’s Word.

In light of the theme of the conference, every main session began with a call to worship from God’s Word. Like any other Sovereign Grace Conference, there was passionate singing, faithful biblical preaching, and rich fellowship, all of which celebrated the gospel.

On Tuesday, Dyonah preached what I believe is a foundational message for our churches in West Africa. The theme of his sermon is that we counter false teachers (e.g., prosperity gospel) by faithfully preaching the truth found in God’s Word. He told the pastors not to teach anything new but to teach what God has already spoken in His Word. He exhorted us to not wander off the ancient paths and remain faithful to what God has already given us in His Word. It was the right message for West Africa.

I preached 3 sermons, one on thriving in suffering because of God’s Word, one on preaching, and one on the future hope of West Africa. Bart Lipscomb joined me for this trip. Bart is the Senior Pastor of Christ Church in Conroe, Texas, USA. He preached on a pastor’s marriage, and how to remain faithful to God’s Word in all of pastoral ministry. I also invited friends from my church, Bob Wright, and Alfred and Virginia Essandoh to the conference. Alfred grew up in West Africa (Ghana), and so he and Virginia were eager to attend. Dyonah asked Bob to pray for the French speaking churches during one of the main sessions.

Dyonah has established key leaders in different nations to help build Sovereign Grace in West Africa. Samuel Kotee, Senior Pastor of Saving Grace Fellowship in Conakry, Guinea, Morlai Kamara, Senior Pastor of Sovereign Grace Life Church in Freetown, Sierra Leone, and Roland Blackie who is the Senior Pastor of another Grace Life Church in the Monrovia, Liberia area. Each of these men, along with Dyonah, led through the main sessions.

We also heard several inspiring testimonies during the conference. One of them was from Francis. Francis and his wife left good paying jobs in Sierra Leone to move to Monrovia, Liberia for a year to attend the Sovereign Grace West Africa Pastors and Planters Academy. He shared how 2 of C.J. Mahaney’s books, Humility, and The Cross Centered Life, were used to transform his life and prepare him for ministry. With the Academy completed, Francis and his family are headed back to Sierra Leone to plant another Sovereign Grace church in the Freetown area.

After spending 12 days in West Africa, I flew home with faith for our future in West Africa. We have like-minded pastors and wives who get our gospel-centrality, and who love our shared values and shaping virtues. Like all of us, regardless of where you live and pastor, they desire to plant and build Sovereign Grace churches in West Africa. I also have hope for our future because of God’s grace on Dyonah Thomas’ life. He is leading our efforts in West Africa so well. I told him before I got on the plane that “Sovereign Grace in West Africa is in good hands because of you.” May God bless his labors, and the labors of all the pastors in West Africa for the good of the gospel and the glory of Christ.

Yvonne Gordon
Church Planting in Mexico

An update from Carlos Contreras, lead pastor of Sovereign Grace Church, Ciudad Juárez, Mexico and our key leader for Mexico...

Sunday August 20, 2023
This past Sunday was a historic day for our growing family of churches in Mexico. It had been over 10 years since we had sent out a team to plant a church, but on this Sunday in an unprecedented event we prayed and commissioned two men to plant two churches. Through God's initiation four years ago, he sovereignly sent us 2 men from different parts of the country to be discipled and trained in order to go back to their respective cities to plant churches.

As part of their training, both men went through and participated in all of the ministries of our church in Juárez. They also covered much theological study and preaching workshops as well as participation in a year-long Leadership Discipleship group.

Huajuapan, Oaxaca Church Plant

Israel Garcia with his wife Nohemi and two children.

The first of the two men is Israel García and his wife Nohemí. Israel was a leader in his home church in Huajuapan. They came to Juarez to explore a ministry opportunity and sought a Reformed church and so they found us. After their first year they felt a strong desire from the Lord to return home and plant a church with Sovereign Grace values. Israel is from the southern state of Oaxaca and they will be planting in Huajuapan which is the second largest city of that state. Israel is a computer programmer and works remotely from home, so he will be a bi-vocational pastor until the church can support him.

Omar and Norma Soto, and their boys.

Joining Israel will be Omar and Norma Soto and their boys. They came to us as part of a joint venture with our sister church Christ’s Covenant Church in Winona Lake, Indiana. They had sent out Omar several years ago to do missionary work in the state of Oaxaca and Omar was excited to be a part of a new church plant in that same state. Israel is grateful that they will be planting with the support of the Soto family.

Both families will be heading out Saturday August 26th on a 3-day road trip driving from the northernmost Mexican border to Oaxaca which is one of the most southern states.

Reynosa, Tamaulipas Church Plant

The second man that surprised us by coming is Marcelo Torres. Marcelo is an industrial engineer who was working with a Korean company that manufactures automated production lines. His work would frequently bring him into Juarez and he would visit our church on Sundays. He says that finding Sovereign Grace was exactly what he had been looking for. He heard about our Fieles Pastors Conference and decided to come with his wife. From that experience they decided to talk to us regarding the possibility of Sovereign Grace planting a church in their hometown of Reynosa. Since we didn’t have a plan or a pastor to send in the near future we asked him if he would be willing to come and be trained in order to be sent back for that purpose. By God’s providence, within 2 months he was asked to relocate by his company and so Marcelo, his wife Ruth and his 3 sons moved to Juarez.

Reynosa is a border town in the state of Tamaulipas. It is located across the river from McAllen, Texas. It is an industrial city and very similar to Juarez but it also shares the unfortunate designation of being one of the most violent cities in the world. Marcelo has already scheduled a first evangelistic meeting to start in his home on September 16. Marcelo loves his home state and has a vision to reach the whole state of Tamaulipas with future church plants.

Marcelo and Ruth Torres, and their 3 sons.

This past Sunday we had the joy of praying for all 3 families and entrusting them to the care, guidance and purpose of the Holy Spirit in the new venture for the Kingdom of God. We would greatly appreciate your prayers for these families and future new churches and thank all of you who are partnering with us to make these plants possible.

Yvonne Gordon
The War Continues...

An update from Michael, Pastor of our related church in Dnipro, Ukraine... (Full names concealed for security reasons)

On February 24, 2022, we woke up to explosions. The war had begun. In just a few days, the Russians occupied 20 percent of the territory of Ukraine and continuously launched rocket attacks on our city. We did not know how fast the Russian army would reach our city, all we could do was pray and constantly read news feeds about more and more destroyed cities in Ukraine. A food crisis began in the country, a transport collapse, huge queues at gas stations, and a failure of the banking system. I urged our church members to evacuate their wives and children to European countries or to the quieter western regions of Ukraine.

During the first few days of the war, 90 percent of church members left Dnipro. The remaining members of the church, as well as our friends and relatives, gathered together every day for prayer and mutual support. We wanted to be as effective as possible in helping our people, therefore, having assessed our capabilities, we converted the building of our church into a huge shelter, and on the third day of the war we received the first batch of refugees.

They were exhausted people, shell-shocked from explosions, pregnant women, children, old people, wounded. They came to us in cold trucks in the February frost, in personal cars, on which there were traces of bullets, some were brought by Christians who began to serve people and help with the evacuation. Very soon, all the free space in the church building was filled with mattresses. Hundreds and hundreds of refugees began to come to us around the clock.

Our small team of volunteers faced huge challenges to serve hundreds of people every day. Around the clock, we washed bedding, prepared hot meals, collected clothes, provided medical supplies, cared for the wounded, changed diapers for bedridden elderly, cared for children and pets, cleaned showers and toilets, and handled administrative matters. But there was the most important challenge thrown to us - to preach the gospel to the refugees. The war brought them a lot of suffering and pain, their houses were destroyed, their relatives were killed, they had no idea what to do next.

We felt powerless because we could not console their wounded hearts and we did not have optimistic forecasts for them about the outcome of the war, but we had the news of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our sins and the eternal hope that a merciful God gives people. We thought that because of the pain and broken hearts, no one would listen to us, but despite our scepticism, the refugees eagerly accepted the truth about Jesus and asked us to pray for them. Together with them we cried and rejoiced, prayed and thanked God for His grace.

We received seven and a half thousand refugees in our shelter during the first nine months of the war. Our greatest joy was that most of them heard the gospel of Jesus Christ and saw God's mercy towards them through our humble ministry. About a hundred thousand refugees have now settled in our city. Their situation is really distressing because rent prices have increased several times, there is little opportunity to find a job in the city and food prices have increased because of the war.

We continue to take care of the refugees and distribute 450 packages a week with basic food. Refugees come to our Sunday services and listen to sermons about Jesus. Most of them had never heard the Gospel before and have negative attitudes toward Protestants, but the Lord continues to open hearts and give them faith in Jesus Christ. After a year and a half of war, 30 people have now become new members of our church. In the middle of the week, most of the people at our prayer meetings, women's fellowship and children's club are immigrants from the destroyed cities of Ukraine.

Our modest efforts would be meaningless if we did not have the tremendous spiritual, prayerful and financial support of our partners in ministry from the Sovereign Grace family of churches. From the first days of the war until now, you have been supporting us. Your words of encouragement lift us out of discouragement and despair. Your generous donations allow us to feed thousands of the hungry and preach the eternal gospel of Jesus Christ to the war-torn people of Ukraine. We are eternally grateful to you for your faithfulness to the gospel and your evident love for Christ. We are not alone in our grief, you are with us, and this brings endless glory to our Savior Jesus Christ, who made us one spiritual family.

The war continues. As before, the Russians are bombing our cities, and civilians are still being killed. As before, Ukrainian soldiers are dying, and already 9 of my close friends have died defending our people. My parents were unable to evacuate and remain in occupied territory. Two months ago my father died and I couldn't be at his funeral. My mom had a heart attack, she's paralyzed, and there's no way I can help her. And we don't know when this war will end.

But one thing we know for sure is that God accompanies us with His grace in the darkest days of our lives. His grace shines brightly in our good Father's care for the eternal souls of suffering people.

Please note, if you’d like to directly give to this work in Ukraine you can do so via the European Development Fund. Please write ‘Help Ukraine’ in the note box, your contributions will be gladly received.

Yvonne Gordon
US Pastors College - Class of 2023

An update from Jeff Purswell, Director of Theology and Training for Sovereign Grace Churches and Dean of the US Pastors College...

It never gets old. Although we’re busily preparing for our incoming class at the Pastors College, we’re still reflecting upon and savoring all the ways that the Lord met us and answered our prayers for the recently graduated class of 2023.

In June we had the honor of celebrating the graduation of ten students, marking the completion of a rigorous course of study and the culmination of ten months of intense discipleship, growth, and training.

The men attended 35 weeks of classes, totaling over 800 hours of lectures and an additional 1000+ hours of outside work, reading, papers, and exams (one of the students tabulated the reading at 11,307 pages). On top of this were dozens of men’s and ladies’ groups, couples’ groups, individual and couples’ meetings with various PC staff, all designed to provide fellowship, care, and counsel, and all aimed at helping them “watch their lives” (1 Tim 4:16), their marriages, and their families. These men worked tirelessly, devoting themselves to the study of God’s Word and the pursuit of godliness, all the while serving their wives (the real heroes) and children at home. And all for the cause of the gospel and the glory of Jesus Christ in their lives, their homes, and, Lord willing, the ministries they will pursue in the future. I couldn’t be prouder of them.

We entered last year with high expectations and fervent prayers, and it was a privilege to witness the particular ways in which the Lord refreshed, strengthened, provided, and worked through these men and their families. He supplied remarkable faith to all the PC wives, especially to the three who arrived with babies on the way as they embraced the challenge of delivering a child in an unfamiliar city and caring for their newborns in the midst of a demanding family schedule. He sustained another PC wife who had to undergo emergency appendicitis in the middle of the year, as the rest of the class rallied around this family to care for them. He gave astounding stamina to another student who shouldered the heavy workload of the PC while completing his PhD (a feat we would not typically recommend). The Lord opened doors for the gospel through another student and his wife as they reached out to their neighbors through game nights and a weekly Bible study in their apartment complex. He refreshed all of us and broadened our vision for the gospel’s global reach through Rocco Dalia, who hails from Italy, and his wife Mady (from Romania), as they came to us from the UK and prepared to return to Italy for an SGC church along with Ed and Robin O’Mara. Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville was also refreshed through Rocco, who represented his class in preaching to the PC’s host church.

It’s impossible to recount all the ways the Lord matured these men, strengthened these marriages, forged life-long friendships, inflamed a hunger for God and his Word, instilled gospel values, and infused them and their families with Christ-exalting joy, even as they encountered disappointing set-backs, redirections, and unexpected trials. These are gospel men, and men who love the local church because they love our Savior. Our lives are richer because of them, and our hearts were full as we sent them out. And by God’s grace, Sovereign Grace will be stronger and more fruitful as they take their place in local churches to serve the cause of the gospel and care for those for whom Christ shed his precious blood.

It is these answers to prayer that kindle in us fresh gratefulness to the Lord and faith in his goodness as we look ahead. Please join us in praying for the class of 2023 as they labor in the corners of the harvest to which the Lord has called them. And please pray for the incoming class of 2024—that  the Lord would again fulfill our renewed requests for his name to be magnified in every heart, mind, and life associated with the Pastors College. 

Yvonne Gordon
A New Church in Dasmariñas City, Philippines

An update from Jeffrey T. Jo, Senior Pastor of Cross of Christ Salvation Gospel Ministries (CCSGM) in Manila, Philippines, and National Leader for our work in the Philippines...

I remember it clearly when, 5 years ago with my fellow pastors, we were thinking about planting a church either within or outside the Philippines. One location which the Lord placed on our hearts was Dasmariñas, a city in the upland area of Cavite. We only knew one family there who used to be members of our church in Kawit (a municipality, in the lowland area of Cavite and almost 20kms away from Dasmariñas city). Nonetheless, that day we decided to entrust our hearts to plant a church in that area to the Lord. While waiting, we were constantly equipping others to do the works of ministry, raising more workers to serve His people for their joy, and at the same time training church planters. Last year, we started planting a church in Imus and we sent four families to work there which has now grown to a regular attendance of 50 adults.

On the 9th of July, God was so kind to us in answering our prayers to make His name known in Dasmariñas city. During the pandemic season, I had begun doing an online bible study and out of this group of people some were requesting a Sunday worship service. We saw this as God's green flag for us to start one. We rented a 90 square meter space on the second floor of a commercial building just in front of a public market and near residential houses for P18,000/month or $333USD. We also renovated the place to make it suitable for ministry functions. Half of it is currently being used as our sanctuary and the other half is being used for children’s ministry.

We had our first Sunday gathering on July 23rd, bringing with us an 8-man team from our Kawit church. It was a well attended worship service and my first sermon was about the significance of the gospel in our church gathering. We now have a regular online Bible study every Friday evening studying Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, we offer pastoral care through home visitations every Saturday and in the afternoon a face-to-face prayer meeting in the ministry facility.  

It’s been more than a month now and we are seeing the grace of God in the lives of the people whom we are ministering to week after week. We emphasize in our conversations the importance of people living out the gospel in their marriages, their family and in their workplaces, for most of them are ''career women". For this reason, every Sunday before the preaching of the word, we have assigned couples from our Kawit church to share their life testimony about how the gospel of Christ saved them and changes their lives.

Our elders have been training and preparing Jomarie and his wife Nica to shepherd this new church plant early next year. Jomarie, or Jom for short, is one of our intern elders and soon to be a candidate for SGC ordination. Jom resigned from his US based work last May in the midst of a promotion into a junior vice president role. Now, he is one of our full-time staff members who has been a fruitful co-laborer in God’s vineyard here in Cavite. We hope that in these next six months of ministry here in Dasmariñas city, this would introduce and encourage Jom and Nica in all aspects of church life, solidifying not only their soteriology but also their ecclesiology.

All honor and praise be unto God who has called us out of darkness and into His marvelous light. Please continue to pray for our new church plant here in Damariñas city, Cavite, Philippines. As what Hudson Taylor once declared, “God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply.”

For the glory of the gospel of Christ!

Yvonne Gordon
Bringing Relief and Gospel Hope to Cuba

The Contreras, the Cambra, the Ruiz and the Vinetas gathering for a special Sunday dinner.

An update from Carlos Contreras, lead pastor of Sovereign Grace Church, Ciudad Juárez, Mexico and our key leader for Mexico...

For the past 5 years God has opened the door for us to serve 3 churches in the Habana province in Cuba. We first met these pastors as we were exploring the possibility of planting a church there. However, it quickly became evident that planting a church was not a viable plan, but God had instead been preparing the hearts of 3 local pastors who were eager to relate to Sovereign Grace Churches.

The three pastors of these churches are Eddy Cambra, pastor of Iglesia Biblica de la Gracia, Pablo Ruiz, pastor of Iglesia Biblica de Jesucristo (both in the area of Boyeros), and Juan Viñeta, pastor of Iglesia Biblica Emanuel in the area of Arroyo Naranjo. These churches share our values and are growing in understanding and applying them as well as our historical formative virtues. We are aware that because of so many limitations, it may take many years for these churches to “officially” join Sovereign Grace, but we are already joined in heart by our mutual love and respect for each other.

Preaching at Juan’s church.

After a couple of visits, I invited Joselo Mercado and Josué Rodriguez to join me for a time of teaching and fellowship in Cuba. The church they serve, Gracia Soberana de Gaithersburg has partnered with our church to help support and encourage these pastors, their families, and churches. Our joint plan is for us to visit Cuba twice each year to continue equipping and encouraging these pastors and their churches, as well as to bring them much needed relief in their incredibly difficult life conditions due to the severe depressed economy that the country is experiencing.

To help you understand their conditions let me illustrate it like this. What seems trivial to us like procuring supplies and food by going to the supermarket or the pharmacy and spending maybe 1 or 2 hours a week, is an ever-time-consuming effort of survival for them. Procuring a loaf of bread may take you 4 hours, markets might only have 2 or 3 farm items, and they only get a couple of pounds of chicken and rice a month from government stores. There is no milk, there are no basic medicines like analgesics or antibiotics or basic items like batteries for a glucose meter. So even if you have money, there isn’t much you can buy. And yet there is joy and gratitude in their hearts because of God’s grace in their lives.

Carlos and his wife, Kena in front of the house where the second floor apartment is rented for fellowship and teaching.

This past June I had the joy of being able to take my wife with me to encourage the wives of these men also. For the past 3 years we have been meeting together in a rented apartment that has a large living room area as well as a well-equipped kitchen. There we enjoy extended times of fellowship and teaching as well as wonderful times of sharing meals and laughs. Because the government of Cuba has greatly relaxed their customs limitations, we were able to pack our luggage with large amounts of books, medicine, scarce materials, and much needed supplies that they can use for their own families but also to distribute among the members of their churches as needed.

Mirelcy (Pablo’s wife), Mercedes (Eddy’s wife), Ana (Juan’s wife) and Kena (Carlos’ wife).

My wife was very happy to fulfill specific requests from the ladies that we had not been able to do in the past. A sad note on this last visit was that they shared that there had been a little more supply available, but it was because thousands of people have left the country in these last couple of months, seeking a better life somewhere else.

These visits are only possible because of the generous financial support of our family of churches. Thank you because this allows us to not just serve these men and their churches, but also to bring some relief and hope to them. I share some pictures so that you may connect some faces to this report and ask you to please pray for these men, their families and their churches.

A joint Sunday morning gathering of the three churches.

Yvonne Gordon
Things To Pray For In August

In a recent prayer request email, Mark Prater wrote the following:

‘A survey of the Pauline epistles reveals how consistently Paul prayed for the churches he carried on his heart, and how consistently Paul asked them to pray for him. Prayer marks New Testament gospel partnership that churches share, and based on that biblical pattern, it’s our desire that prayer mark our partnership in Sovereign Grace. Additionally, as we pray for one another, the relationships we have among our pastors and churches are strengthened. Praying for one another fosters relationships in a way that makes us a genuine “family of churches.”’

How well said that is. We’re so much better “together” and so here are some ways we can be praying for one another over the next month…

  1. Pray that God would give the members and pastors of Sovereign Grace Churches opportunities to share the gospel with unbelievers in our communities and workplaces.

  2. Pray for Jeremy Hetrick and his team as they plant Redeeming Grace Church in the Harrisburg, PA, area asking God to provide for all their needs, and to bless their first service in September 2023.

  3. Pray for the Ark Church in Dnipro, Ukraine asking God to protect them, and to use them to meet practical needs, and to offer gospel hope to people impacted by the war.

  4. Pray for our most recent church plant in the Philippines; Cross of Christ Salvation Gospel Ministries in Dasmarinas City, Philippines (Manila area) asking God to provide for their needs and to draw unbelievers to this new church.

  5. Pray for the Fieles Conference in Juarez, Mexico, August 9-11, 2023, asking God to encourage, equip, and strengthen the pastors and wives aUending from Mexico and Latin America. Pray also for Carlos Contreras as he leads this strategic conference.

  6. Pray for our new 2023-2024 Pastors College students and their families from 3 different nations who will be moving to Louisville, KY before classes start at the end of August, asking God to provide for them and to give them grace to grow over the next year while at the PC.

  7. Pray for the first Sovereign Grace Churches West Africa Pastors & Wives Conference, August 15-17, 2023, in Monrovia Liberia asking God to encourage, equip, and strengthen the pastors and wives attending from 6 different West Africa nations. Pray for Dyonah Thomas who will lead this conference. Pray also for Mark Prater and Bart Lipscomb who will be preaching at the conference along with Dyonah.

  8. Pray for the Sovereign Grace Churches Executive Committee retreat in Louisville, KY, August 21-24, 2023, asking God to give the 9 men on this committee wisdom and help in fulfilling their responsibility of overseeing and evaluating the Leadership Team.

  9. Pray that God would continue to provide financially for Sovereign Grace Churches so that we can fund the gospel opportuni:es He is giving us throughout the world.

    … We really are better “together”.

Dave Taylor
"Together" in Australia

An update from Riley Spring, Lead Pastor of Sovereign Grace Church Parramatta, Sydney and National Leader for Australia…

Recently, Sovereign Grace Churches Australia had our 2nd combined churches Retreat, what we call “Together”. It was so great to see our family of churches come together to hear from God’s word, worship and fellowship as one body, united by our love for Christ! The theme for the weekend was: “Zealous for the Name of Christ”, which gave us an opportunity to hear about and think through God’s call on His people: “Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in Spirit, serve the Lord.” (Romans 12:11)

I chose this topic, inspired by Jeff Purswell’s excellent message from the Pastor’s Conference last year, because zeal for Jesus was really the thing that drew me to Sovereign Grace in the first place. It’s been a virtue of SG here in Australia and it’s something I don’t want us to lose or grow slothful in. It was clear that this was a topic we needed as the Lord moved in so many people’s lives to be refreshed and recommitted to a whole-hearted devotion to Christ again.

Originally, Jeff and Julie Purswell were coming out for our Retreat but unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances they weren’t able to come. However, in God’s kindness, Mark and Jill Prater made the massive call to come out and be with us all for the week which was such a blessing and a wonderful expression of our partnership.

We had three main preaching sessions over our Retreat:

1.     A Zealous People - Riley Spring (Romans 12:11) - Apple, Spotify, Website

2.     Zealous For Jesus - Mark Prater (Colossians 1:15-20) - Apple, Spotify, Website

3.     Zealous For Home - Brendan Willis (Philippians 3:3 - 4:1) - Apple, Spotify, Website

Aside from the amazing times we had in our sessions there was so many other great things that happened on our time away together. Firstly, most of our two churches were able to come! It was a joy to see everyone interact, get to know each other, eat together and have fun. Secondly, the children were served so well by various volunteers as they studied parables from the ‘Listen Up!’ curriculum. Thirdly, on the Saturday afternoon there were various free time options people could sign up for to have fun and meet each other: basketball, beach walking, craft, scavenger hunt, board games, and more. Additionally, we were served so well by so many volunteers across our churches who did so much work with all the music, creatives, registrations, gift bags, and more.

Finally, it wouldn’t be an SG Australia church retreat without something ridiculous happening! In the introduction to Mark Prater’s message on the Saturday Night he mentioned a world-record breaking event that occurred in Australia recently where over 5000 people gathered to do the Tina Turner ‘Nutbush’ dance (if you don’t know the dance…let me educate you: After Mark’s fantastic and powerful message on the glory of Christ, there was no other more appropriate way for us to celebrate than to do the Nutbush all together as a group. Yep, ridiculous!

After Retreat, we were served so well by Mark Prater meeting with the pastors and pastoral interns from our churches for a day of training, fellowship and prayer. On that day, Jill also met with the wives for lunch and then in the evening we all gathered together for a ‘Night with Mark and Jill’, so that we could glean wisdom from them on marriage, parenting and ministry.

It was a rich time, and we are very grateful to God for our joyful partnership here in Australia and how we are connected with our broader family of Sovereign Grace Churches across the world.

As we look ahead to the future for Sovereign Grace Australia our aim is to keep the main thing the main thing, love Jesus and live fervently for Him. Our focus, first and foremost, will be to continue to strengthen our two growing local churches, and then to raise up more Gospel workers for the future for church planting, perhaps even establishing a ‘Pastors College’ here in Australia. In January we also have the joy of sending over 10 of our young adults to the US for the RELAY Conference, and we’ll also visit with our friends at SGC Orange on our way through.

Please be praying for us!

Yvonne Gordon
A Short-Term Missions Trip To Ethiopia

An update from Leo Parris, Pastor at Covenant Fellowship Church, Glen Mills, Pennsylvania, USA…

Mountain top experiences are precious in the Christian experience. They’re not our daily experience, but when we encounter God in remarkable ways it fills our sails with energy to continue our journey in times of storms and doldrums. Our church just returned from a short-term missions trip to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and it’s safe to say our sails are bursting at the seams!

We took 9 youth and 10 adults to this city to run a Youth Camp for high schoolers that are a part of Covenant Mercies (CM) there. CM (as you’ve likely heard) is a ministry that is run by Doug Hayes, one of the pastors at our church, that exists to serve orphans in collaboration with indigenous local churches in the developing world. Many of the students that we spent time with had been sponsored for several years. But prior to this past year, Ethiopian laws had hand-cuffed the program and prevented open preaching of the gospel to those in the program. By God’s grace, last year that law changed and allowed CM to form this camp as the first public exposure to gospel preaching for the kids in this program. This was an incredible opportunity but was not without difficulty.

We had planned to camp outside of Addis Ababa, but leading up to the trip stories of rural kidnappings forced us to change locations only days before our flight departed. The CM team worked around the clock and found us a wonderful location within the city. Still, as the camp kicked off, the kids were clearly afraid of us and reluctant to talk. A massive language barrier and the newness of having the whole program together didn’t help these initial moments. But as we played games, ate together (actually feeding each other as a cultural act of affection - “gusha”), and heard message after message of 100-proof gospel, affection and openness began to grow.

There was a decisive turning point in the trip as Abenezer Djene (AB) began to preach to the camp. AB is a graduate of Trinity Fellowship Pastors College, which Josh Pannell heads as dean. AB led worship skillfully throughout the camp in the local language. As he began to share he pressed home the question, “Do you know what will happen when you die?” Then he spoke from Romans 5:8 directly into the world of the youth. AB grew up in an orthodox family and knows the world that the kids inhabit. He spoke to their fears and offered them the gospel of grace instead of works.

Conversations were radically different from this moment on. Several placed their trust in Christ. Songs and chants boomed from the dining hall. Worship was expressive. The Spirit was moving.

As the youth began to head towards their buses, the moment of departure couldn’t have been more different than their arrival. Many were crying. None wanted to leave. It was a holy moment for us. A few days later Doug shared a list of people that had been engaging with CM staff on spiritual questions. It was so encouraging to see that God had worked mightily in these student’s hearts during camp, but even more so to know that they were going to continue to be discipled in the days ahead. 

We ended our trip by worshipping and enjoying fellowship with our sister church, Trinity Fellowship Church, led by Michael Granger. This was such a delight. Michael is doing a phenomenal job leading his church. They are thriving as they keep Jesus central and seek to reach their city with the gospel of Jesus.

Missions trips like these always come with challenges and a high cost, but may I gently encourage you to do them anyway? When carefully planned, they can be massively beneficial to our partnership in the gospel. These trips also make a radical impact in forming our people into the image of Christ. Our team returned excited about what God was doing among the nations and in our lives, and with our own struggles more fully entrusted to our savior. These trips can also be key in inspiring future long-term missionaries. I hope you’ll think strategically and plan sacrificially to take steps to deepen your global partnership through short-term missions trips.

Yvonne Gordon
An Update on Belarus & Poland

An update from Kyle Huber, Lead Pastor of Greentree Church, Egg Harbor, New Jersey, USA, and Emerging Nations Representative to Belarus…

The pastors who have been our key contacts in Belarus had to flee their country, but they remain fully engaged in the work of the local church! Due to the threat of imprisonment, Sergei and Philip are now refugees in Poland. The pain of leaving their homes, families and church is an emotional trauma that is not easily overcome. Yet, they immediately began setting the foundation for a new church among the hundreds of thousands of Belarusian refugees in Poland.

Philip, Sergei and their wives.

They currently have a discipleship group of 15-20 people who have agreed to move toward becoming a church plant. Recently, they were able to rent space in a Polish Church to meet each week. This will bring some needed stability as they were having to meet in various public locations. Sergei and Philip recognize they will have to proceed slowly and patiently since every team member is also a refugee trying to work through the pain of loss and separation. A significant part of this pain is the regular news about friends who are being imprisoned simply for expressing opinions the government doesn’t like.

Sergei and Philip have been developing friendships with pastors in Poland allowing them to better understand the spiritual climate in Poland and the condition of the evangelical church there. While the dominant religion in Belarus is Russian Orthodox, Poland is a strongly Catholic nation. The evangelical Christian community in both nations is less than half of one percent of the total population.

Both pastors continue to disciple the leaders they left behind in the church they planted nine years ago in Minsk, Belarus. The evidence of their faithfulness to shepherd their previous congregation is revealed in the way it continues to flourish despite losing its pastors and having to navigate life in an oppressive environment.

In June, the Sovereign Grace European Fellowship held a retreat in Warsaw, Poland, enabling us to serve our Belarusian brothers. Along with several pastors from various areas in Europe, eight Belarusian leaders were in attendance. Half of these men now reside in Poland and half made the trip from Belarus to attend. This was a time of care and prayer for hurting brothers, while still looking toward the future of how Sovereign Grace Churches can strengthen the gospel work these faithful pastors are eager to continue.

Some of the ways we can support these men with our prayers:

  • The Belarusian government is requiring all churches to re-register. No one knows the implications of this, but the purpose undoubtedly will be to restrict and control. 

  • One Belarusian pastor shared that the government has said it will confiscate the building they are renovating as a church because the project hasn’t been completed within two years.

  • Financial conditions in Belarus are very difficult as many western companies have left the country and have required their employees to leave as well.

  • The war in neighboring Ukraine is a source of upheaval and heartbreak. All young men have to register with the military and face the potential of being drawn into the conflict.

  • Following the recent Wagner Group insurrection in Russia, the Belarusian President has invited these mercenary troops to Belarus. No one knows the implications of having these forces stationed there.

  • Freedom for the thousands of innocent citizens languishing in Belarusian prisons and labor camps.

  • Pray for more young men to be raised up and trained as pastors.

  • Above all, pray for gospel fruit as God’s people share their abiding hope to people surrounded by hopelessness.

Although conditions in Belarus are difficult, it is easier to engage in gospel conversations with people because uncertainty and despair are such a common experience. Many young people in particular, are interested in learning what the Bible has to say to them.

Praise to God for allowing us to stand with His people in these difficult places!

Yvonne Gordon
Things To Pray For In July

John Piper famously writes,

‘Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn’t. Worship is ultimate, not missions, because God is ultimate, not man. When this age is over, and the countless millions of the redeemed fall on their faces before the throne of God, millions will be no more. It is a temporary necessity. But worship abides forever.’

I believe Mr Piper is right. Missions exist because so many people in our neighborhoods and nations have yet to receive their invites to the incredible marriage supper of the Lamb. And in His incredible kindness, He’s entrusted us with the privilege of giving out those invites, to every tribe, language and nation.

I was recently at the Arche Church in Hamburg, our partner Church in Germany, enjoying their annual International Sunday. One of the ways they celebrate that Sunday is with a choir made up of members of the congregation from over 56 different countries…. It was a real taste of heaven! What a marriage supper of the Lamb it will surely be!

We’re eager then to keep giving out the invites, and so here’s how you can be praying for us in the month ahead…

  1. Please pray for the 10 men and their families that are finishing up this week at the SG West Africa Planters & Pastors Academy in Monrovia, Liberia. They will be engaging in six months of Pastoral Internship now, in Churches in Liberia, Guinea & Sierra Leonne, with a view to 3-4 SG Church Plants in 2024-25. Please pray for them as they relocate their families to their new places of service, early this month.

  2. Please pray for Ed & Robyn O’Mara and Rocco & Mary Dalia as they relocate to Torino, Italy to launch our first SG Church Plant there. After many months of planning and training, it’s finally time. Please pray for these two dear families, that the Lord would quickly establish the work of their hands and bring much peace and joy to the settle into their new homes.

  3. Please pray for Riley Spring as he leads the SGC Australian ‘celebration’ event - ‘Together 2023’, on the weekend of 21st-23rd July. Please also pray for Mark & Jill Prater as they head over to serve us during that time. Likewise, please pray for Austin & Emma Momber. Austin is a graduate of the US Pastors College and is seriously considering relocating to Australia to serve here. Please pray for much grace and wisdom for him & Emma as they consider this move.

  4. Please pray for the various SG Development Committees (LATAM, Europe, Africa & Asia-Pacific) that meet at this time of year to discuss financial plans for the year ahead (Sept 23-Aug 24). Please pray for much wisdom, faith and insight for all the SG Pastors involved in these.

  5. Please continue to pray for the ARK Church in Dnipro, Ukraine, led by our friend Michael Ostanin. They continue to feed over 400 people a week, care for refugees on a daily basis, and share the good news of Jesus Christ with any and all that will listen. They are doing amazing work in Ukraine, may we never tire of upholding them in our prayers.

… For the Audience of One, may we never stop giving out these invites!

Dave Taylor
Our First SG Europe Pastors Retreat

An update from Ed O'Mara, SG Church Planter in Italy and SG Area Leader for Europe…

Partnership is biblical, and it is a gift! Until 1 year ago, my regular experience was being meaningfully partnered with other Sovereign Grace local churches. Having moved to Europe in July 2023 we came to a continent where interdependency is lacking. In my country, Italy, churches battle for turf rather than serve one another. The gospel witness is so lacking in some countries that the nearest like-minded, theologically-grounded church could be in a country where a different language is spoken. The result is that pastors in Europe often feel alone and are tempted to think their work is futile. Europe needs rich gospel partnership.

That is one reason I am so grateful for Sovereign Grace: the leaders and members of Sovereign Grace across the globe are making an investment in Europe for the glory of God, the good of pastors, and for local churches. A recent expression of this was our first Sovereign Grace Europe retreat. Pastors from Belarus, Poland, Italy, the UK, Turkey, and Czech Republic gathered in Warsaw from 21-23 June to receive refreshment from God’s Word, build relational connections, and begin dreaming about what SGC-Europe could be. We were joined by Mark Prater and Dave Taylor, who invested care and teaching as well as Kyle Huber who has significantly invested in the Belarussian pastors and connected them to SGC.

The Lord’s presence bound us together as we ministered grace to one another. Rather than my words, listen to those who have been serving for a significant time in Europe and yet missing the joys and fruits of gospel partnership:

Italian pastor, Giuseppe Fortuna, commented that he has been searching for a church family that is “home” for so many years and believes he finally found it in Sovereign Grace. An Eastern European pastor said that in over 25 years of ministry combined he had not experienced the love and care he felt in just 3 days together in this retreat. His peer from Belarus recounted the sad reality that pastors in his country feel like orphan pastors without help or mentorship. He looked me in the eye and said “Today, I feel the grace of Jesus” and continued to say that our partnership in Sovereign Grace is by far the healthiest church group he has ever seen.

A younger pastor from Belarus noted how he isn’t used to being loved and cared for but rather being treated like a second-class citizen. He was astounded by the love and grace of Jesus in a new way through our retreat. Peter Bowley, from the SG church in the UK, said “I have experienced many highlights in my life, and being with you men last week ranks as one of the most significant… I pray that this is just the start of a God-glorifying partnership in the spread of the gospel in Europe,” while our Pastor in Turkey noted that the retreat “was an invaluable and precious time… like water to my weary soul and spurs my prayers on for what the Lord might and can do in Turkey.”

Friends, partnership matters! The impact on pastors and local churches cannot be measured! I hope you hear in these comments, not how great Sovereign Grace is; what do we have that we haven’t been given? Rather, hear how great God is and how kind He has been to our family of churches to solidify us in partnership!

This is just the beginning for SGC-Europe! Interest is growing in Sweden, Russia, and Ukraine. We have partners in Germany and Italy (including my co-planter Rocco Dalia) who, though they couldn’t be with us for this retreat, have a big part to play. We are eagerly planning how to connect regularly as pastors and looking forward to our next gathering to sharpen our theological understanding and deepen our partnership.

God is at work in our family of churches! This is not for our glory or renown or to grow the name of Sovereign Grace, but to grow the reputation of the Lord as churches are planted, the lost are converted, and every corner of the earth is filled with the knowledge of our King! Thank you for your contribution to this amazing partnership we have been gifted. It is making a difference in pastors’ lives in Europe and across the globe and it is bringing glory to Jesus. So please keep praying and giving and playing the part God is granted to you to play – all for His renown!

Yvonne Gordon