Update from Bolivia

An update from David Del Castillo, Pastor of Gracia Soberana, Santa Cruz, Bolivia……


I want to firstly thank God for sustaining my family in recent times: Dad with his eye troubles, and Mum recovering well from her recent hip operation. Thank you for praying! Please continue to pray for full healing and recovery.

Workshops in Santa Cruz and La Paz

I would also like to update you on two Simeon Trust workshops, one held in Santa Cruz and the other in La Paz. They both went well, and see the hand of God in everything. Many people were affected.

Abelardo Muñoz from our sister church in Ciudad Juarez Mexico came for the workshop. It was an incredible blessing, as he preached at our church , and the people were very happy, as it reminded us we belong to a very large family called Sovereign Grace. Nicolas Osorio, who is in charge of South America for Simeon Trust also came and we had a good time of fellowship.

Both Abelardo and Nicolas served as instructors at both workshops, with me as the apprentice instructor. It was two weeks of a lot of learning that I thank God for it. About 40 people attended the workshop, half of them pastors, and half of them young people with the desire to be trained to preach the Gospel. This allowed us to work with and meet other churches in our midst that have similar visions.

Retreat in Guadalajara

Later, together with Cristian Monje (a brother who supports us in worship at church), we went to Guadalajara, Mexico. We joined up with Rich Richardson, Joselo Mercado and Carlos Contreras with their entire pastoral team at the Mexican retreat. I am also very grateful to be under the teaching and encouragement of Bob Kauflin. It was an incredible time, where Pastors and Leaders of Sovereign Grace Latin America participated. There were people from the United States, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Colombia and us from Bolivia. It is very nice to see what God is doing in Latin America.

Church update

We continue to thank God for his mercy and for him sustaining the church here in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. We are looking forward to starting the Bridge material in two weeks. This material has been developed by Jim Donahue with his team at Covenant Fellowship and have been translated into Spanish. We look forward to learning it and please pray that God will use it to bring new believers.

Please pray God continues to sustain our church here in Santa Cruz, for wisdom to lead his church, and for his provision as the economy suffer from high level of unemployment. We know His grace is sufficient!

Andrew Leung