All things happening in Columbia and Dominican Republic


An update from Joselo Mercado, Lead Pastor of Iglesia Gracia Soberana in Gaithersburg, and Emerging Nations Representative to Latin America…..

By the grace of God, we recently had the opportunity to serve as a family for two weeks on two different occasions: one in Colombia serving in a more private context meeting with key pastors and their families, and the other in Dominican Republic serving in a more public context at a conference. My hope is that God would continue to build His church through these two occasions.

Santa Marta, Colombia

As a family we arrived in Santa Marta Colombia on Wednesday, June 8, after spending a night in Bogotá. We quickly met with the family of Pastor Jacobis Aldana and spent several days with them. The purpose was to communicate our love to them and to be able to create relationships of deeper biblical communion with them. Kathy enjoyed getting to know Keila, Jacobis's wife. And our children were able to meet the two children.

In addition to sharing with the Aldanas, we were able to have a dinner with the leaders of the church. This was a time to get to know them and also talk about the adoption process that Sovereign Grace Church is going through. They left very edified and it is evident the excellent job that Jacobis is doing in developing leaders.

On Sunday I was able to teach a class on Bible fellowship and preach Romans 7. It was inspiring to worship alongside the saints of this beloved church. There is no doubt that this church embraces the same values that our denomination embraces. Let us pray that God gives wisdom and guides us in being able to complete the adoption process.

On Monday we were able to share with Pastor Alejandro Cueto and his family. They came from Barranquilla to share and get to know each other better. The Biblical Church of the City wishes to evaluate the possibility of adoption to SGC. In December I will be sharing with the church, but this was a good time to have important conversations with the pastor and the family to meet my wife Kathy and children.

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

On Wednesday the 15th we left for Santo Domingo after spending a day in Bogotá and spending time with a pastor friend and his family. In Santo Domingo I was able to participate in the Por Su Causa Conference sponsored by the Integrity and Wisdom Ministries. My friend Miguel Núñez invited me to participate in this conference that has been a prophetic voice for Latin America of sound doctrine. This conference is attended by hundreds of people, but is viewed by hundreds of thousands of people online. On this occasion Carlos Contreras was also able to serve at mass. This opportunity is a more public, but not more important.

By His grace, we were able to serve the church of Christ and represent SGC both in Dominican Republic and in Colombia.

Andrew Leung