An update from Dyonah Thomas, our key leader and pastor in Monrovia, Liberia...
Several years ago when Gracelife Center moved into the Jlazon community, there were actually two (Poro and Sandie)societies located deep within this secluded forest. They had carved idols out of trees, and worshipped them with blood sacrifices and practiced witchcraft. The Poro (male) and Sande (female) societies were known for bizarre rituals, even female circumcision. Trespassers in the forest, known by locals as a "no-go zone," expected to be captured and imprisoned. But their greatest fear was evil spirits.
Well, shortly after myself and Grace Life Center moved into the neighbourhood in 2015, we decided to engage the community through medical ministry and a Christmas outreach. We distributed food, clothing, and goods to everyone, including those in the societies, and through these efforts, in God’s kindness, people in the community heard the gospel and witnessed the tangible love of Christ.
Soon thereafter, one of the Sande leaders learned that the congregation was looking for land to purchase and so she approached me, asking if we would be interested in buying part of their property - one acre of deep forest. Previous attempts to sell the land had failed because buyers were so terrified of the evil spirits. It was believed that anyone who cut down the trees on the property would surely die.
But she made an offer to us, saying: "If your God is able to cast out the evil spirits from the property, then you can buy it." To which we responded, "Yes, of course!"
After purchasing the land, the church prayed and committed it to Christ's lordship. Finally, the day came for the trees to be cut down. Over 200 people in the community came out to witness the event, and to their surprise and amazement (but not so ours), no one died!
Soon, some of the families of the societies began attending church and came to faith in Christ. Through the impact of their testimony, others then in the community also become believers.
Both the Sande Society and the Poro Society have since dissolved and sold the remainder of their property to the church. So today, on this former site of idolatry, blood sacrifice, and demonic ritual, stands a place where God is so clearly at work. Saving His children, and providing them a place where they can gather weekly for fellowship, hearing the powerful gospel of grace proclaimed, and worshipping Him as the one true God. Providing a venue through which we can intentionally develop the next generation through Christ centered education (Nursery-9th Grade), and providing a home where we can faithfully train gospel centered pastors to lead healthy churches in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea and Ivory Coast.
In all of these areas of ministry, our Partnership with Sovereign Grace has been defining, theologically strengthening, wonderfully caring and nourishing. We are so grateful that through Sovereign Grace we have learned more about who God is, our understanding of the grace of God has increased, and there has been greater clarity around the gospel and its centrality to our lives and ministry, a reality that cannot be underestimated.
We have received wonderful support to help us see this ground, that once hosted the enemy, now be redeemed by the Lord and produce pastors and leaders for over 75,000 church members, in four different countries in West Africa.
Just recently, through a private Sovereign Grace donor, as well as the generosity of Emerging Nations, we’ve been able to move forward with the first floor of our building project. We’re now 90% of the way there to completing the first floor, and someday in the future, we hope to be able to add another floor to the Gracelife Centre, that it may be used ever increasingly, for the advancement of the Kingdom.
So please pray for us:
That the Lord would continue to open our eyes to behold wonderful things in His word so that we can know Him more, and that the knowledge of Him will influence our worship and living daily, which is our passion.
That the Lord would protect the building project and would continue to provide for all that we need both now and into the future.
That the Lord would guide the learning and interaction at the Pastors College for the 58 students that come from four nations here in West Africa . Pray that their three year commitment will be impactful and that God will provide for them on campus.
That the Lord would continue to help us as a local church, to invest into younger leaders. This journey towards eldership is so humbling and inspiring, and we presently have five younger men at different stages (Years 1 and 2) in this process. God is truly building His Church.