Gospel Work Continues In Liberia

An update from Dyonah Thomas, our key leader and pastor in Monrovia, Liberia...

Several years  ago when Gracelife Center moved into the Jlazon community, there were actually two (Poro and Sandie)societies located deep within this secluded forest. They had carved idols out of trees, and worshipped them with blood sacrifices and practiced witchcraft. The Poro (male) and Sande (female) societies were known for bizarre rituals, even female circumcision. Trespassers in the forest, known by locals as a "no-go zone," expected to be captured and imprisoned. But their greatest fear was evil spirits.

Well, shortly after myself and Grace Life Center moved into the neighbourhood in 2015, we decided to engage the community through medical ministry and a Christmas outreach. We distributed food, clothing, and goods to everyone, including those in the societies, and through these efforts, in God’s kindness, people in the community heard the gospel and witnessed the tangible love of Christ. 

Soon thereafter, one of the Sande leaders learned that the congregation was looking for land to purchase and so she approached me, asking if we would be interested in buying part of their property - one acre of deep forest. Previous attempts to sell the land had failed because buyers were so terrified of the evil spirits. It was believed that anyone who cut down the trees on the property would surely die.

But she made an offer to us, saying: "If your God is able to cast out the evil spirits from the property, then you can buy it." To which we responded, "Yes, of course!"

After purchasing the land, the church prayed and committed it to Christ's lordship. Finally, the day came for the trees to be cut down. Over 200 people in the community came out to witness the event, and to their surprise and amazement (but not so ours), no one died!

Soon, some of the families of the societies began attending church and came to faith in Christ. Through the impact of their testimony, others then in the community also become believers. 

Both the Sande Society and the Poro Society have since dissolved and sold the remainder of their property to the church. So today, on this former site of idolatry, blood sacrifice, and demonic ritual, stands a place where God is so clearly at work. Saving His children, and providing them a place where they can gather weekly for fellowship, hearing the powerful gospel of grace proclaimed, and worshipping Him as the one true God. Providing a venue through which we can intentionally develop the next generation through Christ centered education (Nursery-9th Grade), and providing a home where we can faithfully train gospel centered pastors to lead healthy churches in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea and Ivory Coast.

In all of these areas of ministry, our Partnership with Sovereign Grace has been defining, theologically strengthening, wonderfully caring and nourishing. We are so grateful that through Sovereign Grace we have learned more about who God is, our understanding of the grace of God has increased, and there has been greater clarity around the gospel and its centrality to our lives and ministry, a reality that cannot be underestimated.

We have received wonderful support to help us see this ground, that once hosted the enemy, now be redeemed by the Lord and produce pastors and leaders for over 75,000 church members, in four different countries in West Africa. 

Just recently, through a private Sovereign Grace donor, as well as the generosity of Emerging Nations, we’ve been able to move forward with the first floor of our building project. We’re now 90% of the way there to completing the first floor, and someday in the future, we hope to be able to add another floor to the Gracelife Centre, that it may be used ever increasingly, for the advancement of the Kingdom.

So please pray for us:

  1. That the Lord would continue to open our eyes to behold wonderful things in His word so that we can know Him more, and that the knowledge of Him will influence our worship and living daily, which is our passion.

  2. That the Lord would protect the building project and would continue to provide for all that we need both now and into the future.

  3. That the Lord would guide the learning and interaction at the Pastors College for the 58 students that come from four nations here in West Africa . Pray that their three year commitment will be impactful and that God will provide for them on campus.

  4. That the Lord would continue to help us as a local church, to invest into younger leaders. This journey towards eldership is so humbling and inspiring, and we presently have five younger men at different stages (Years 1 and 2) in this process. God is truly building His Church. 

UncategorizedDave Taylor
This Year’s Pastors College Begins

An update from Edgar Flores, an international student at this years Pastors College…

My name is Edgar Flores, and I am a member of Gracia Soberana (Sovereign Grace) Ciudad Juárez, México.  Together with my beautiful wife, Abigail, I have come to Louisville, Kentucky to be part of the 2020-2021 Pastors College class.  As an international student, I’d like to share a little bit about my story, and how the grace of God has been more than abundant here in Louisville. 

Before coming to the PC, I had the privilege to lead missionary trips within Mexico along with members of our congregation.  Some of these trips had the intention of encouraging Sovereign Grace churches.  Others were made with specific projects in mind.  One such project was called “A Favor de Mexico,” and it had the intention to help families affected by the 2017 earthquake that rocked the center of the country.

Locally, our church began to support a center for migrants.  Due to Covid-19, the center had lost some of its support, affecting the many mainly Central American families waiting for political asylum in the United States. 

The fact that we can be here at the PC this year is an evidence of God’s grace.  His grace has been seen in the provision of a teaching job for my wife, and in the fact that I was able to receive my student visa a week before classes started, even though U.S. Consulate services had been restricted due to Covid-19.  Not only this, but our experience in the PC has been excellent.  We’ve received heartfelt care from teachers, pastors, staff, and fellow PC students and their families. 

Although I face challenges since I am still learning English, I’m deeply grateful for the opportunity to be equipped over the course of this year.  Our plans for the future are to return to Mexico to serve in our local church.  

Our prayer request as a couple is that we may continue to grow in love and trust, depending on our Lord. A personal prayer request is that I may grow not only in understanding English better, but also in loving my wife, serving my fellow students, and studying with diligence. My desire is that this may be done depending on and resting in our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for your prayers!

Por Su Gracia,

Edgar Flores

UncategorizedDave Taylor
Sydney - Ten Years Of Grace

In Matthew 18, Jesus looks at Peter and says, 

        ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’

Without doubt, it is Jesus Himself, who is triumphantly committed to building His church, and for the last ten years, we have seen that again and again at Sovereign Grace Church, Sydney.

Just a few weeks ago now we got to celebrate the ten year anniversary of our church. A church that we had the privilege of moving over from the UK to start in September 2010, and a church that has been an object of His unchanging grace throughout our whole story. 

Our story as a church started in 2004, when God led Mike Pasalich to write to C.J.Mahaney to see if Sovereign Grace would ever consider planting a church in Sydney, Australia. This letter, through a long chain of God-inspired events, would lead to my wife and I, along with our kids, to relocate from Newport, Wales in 2010 to plant the church. A move that was so unexpected and unanticipated for us, yet a journey that God had so clearly begun, and a journey through which we have consistently seen His grace.

In the last ten years, we have repeatedly seen His saving grace, with so many people, people like Ange Eastwood, Jiy Lim, Celia Tan, Nick and India Beed, to name just a few, coming to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour and whom we now get to worship alongside on a Sunday, for the audience of One. There’s also been His restoring grace, as so many of our folk have arrived at Sovereign Grace over the last ten years having previously given up on church or God, for a whole variety of reasons, and yet have been so gently and wonderfully restored by His hand, and whom we now get to serve alongside.

There’s been His sanctifying grace, where lives and marriages and families and workplaces, have been totally transformed by the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. Lives that have been touched by the King, and people then who are being changed from one degree of glory to another by His gracious hand. Then there’s been His sustaining grace. ‘For as sure as sparks fly upwards, troubles fall’, Job tells us, and we’ve seen that. Health challenges, marriage challenges, relational challenges, parenting challenges, financial challenges, we’ve experienced them all... But what we’ve also seen time and again is people being carried in the grip of His grace, and never let go.

And then there’s His provisional grace. Since its very inception, God has provided for us as a church in incredible ways. Financially, we’ve rarely gone without.  In facilities, He’s always provided for what we need, often in abounding ways. And in personnel, His provision has always been a wonder to behold – musicians, worship leaders, pa, media, graphic design, set up, hospitality, welcoming, group leaders, sphere leaders and pastors. He’s provided it all, even then giving us the opportunity to send out our first church plant, Sovereign Grace Church, Parramatta in September of last year. 

Without doubt then, He is building His church. He started it, it’s all come from Him, and He’s still building it today... And so may all glory go to Him.

Ten years on, it’s all the Lord’s doing, and so may it always be marvellous in our eyes. 

Soli Deo Gloria

Below is a video that Abi Chavez, a member of Sovereign Grace Church, Parramatta, put together for us, to help us remember the past ten years. Enjoy.

UncategorizedDave Taylor
Many Nations, One Song

Col 3.11, ‘For here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all.’

Many nations, but one glorious story… What a Saviour!

Please enjoy the video. May it remind you how amazing grace really is!

Things To Pray For In September

Kevin DeYoung recently said,

          “2020 is not a big pause year for the kingdom. A lot of things have been delayed, cancelled, or paused, but not God’s work in the world.”

My friends, how true that is! So much has changed this year and not gone according to our earthly plans, but one thing that hasn’t changed at all, is God’s work in the world. He’s not paused at all! 

And so here’s some specific ways that you can be praying for us, in faith, in the month ahead...

  1. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Belarus (names concealed for security reasons) as they speak to the injustices that have been taking place against the Belarusian people by their own government. A couple of pastors have recently been arrested and brought in for questioning as a result. However, in the midst of these demonstrations, the unrest continues to provide gospel opportunities, allowing Christians to openly preach the gospel to the people in crowds, something that has been illegal to do (outside of a registered church) for many years. Pray that the gospel would continue to go forward, and that the Church in Belarus would be a city on a hill at this difficult time. 

  2. Please pray for Calvary Gospel Church in Gundugolanu, India, and their Pastor, Jayaprakash Ravuri, as they seek to minister to a Muslim family, as well as several other individuals, who have come to faith in the last month. Please pray that God would give them grace to bravely face every opposition that may come from relatives, friends and neighbours for the sake of their faith. Please also pray for further gospel opportunities in the Hindu community that the Church is located in, that the doors may continue to open for gospel work. 

  3. Please pray for our key leader in Liberia, Dyonah Thomas, as he welcomes 58 new students, from four different West African Nations, into this year’s Grace Life Pastors College. Pray that the students three years commitment would be impactful and that God would provide all that they need on campus, as they continue to build their new Pastors College facility. 

  4. Please pray for the Cross Of Christ Salvation Gospel Ministries Churches, led by Jeffrey Jo, in Manila, Philippines, that God would give them great wisdom and opportunities to share the gospel of Christ to others, even in spite of the lockdown and the ‘new norm’. Please also pray for them as they continue to transition from a ‘hierarchical’ association of churches to a more biblical ‘family of churches’, in keeping with their heart and vision, and for Jeffrey Jo as he continues to work through the Sovereign Grace ordination process. 

  5. Please pray for Sovereign Grace Church, Sydney, Australia (6th September) and Lord’s Grace Church, Seoul, South Korea (13th September), as they both celebrate their Church’s Ten Year Anniversaries in the month ahead. As well as Sovereign Grace Church, Parramatta, Australia (13th September) as they celebrate their First Year Anniversary. 

… “a lot of things have been delayed, cancelled, or paused, but not God’s work in the world.” Amen to that!

UncategorizedDave Taylor
God Moving In The Pandemic In Bolivia

An update from David Del Castillo, Pastor of Gracia Soberana Santa Cruz, and his wife Jadwy…

We hope you are well and that God is blessing you in your activities. We want to start by briefly explaining what is happening here in Bolivia. The prohibitions during the working days of the week are being gradually suspended, people attend almost normally to their work centers, the only limitation is the ceiling in the schedule since the movement of non-essential services concludes at 5:00 pm. We point out that the prohibitions on weekends are in force, which is why the Church cannot gather on Sundays yet.

Also, Bolivia is going through difficult times in the political sphere, because the appearance of the pandemic caused the change of date to the presidential elections that were to be held in May 2020, first until the beginning of September and now until mid-October, these aspects caused unrest in the country, which resulted in marches, road blocks and coercive measures, which for the moment and thanks to the Lord have eventually ceased.

Beyond all of this and in relation to the activity of the church, we see encouraging results in the lives of many people of the church; an example of this was listening to a sister from the church, who responded to a preaching by Jorge in a very positive way. She had had relationship problems in her family for more than 40 years, due to the content of the message she was able to achieve a personal reconciliation with her father and encourage her brothers to do the same, an event she described with great emotion at one of our prayer meeting on Tuesdays. We were very grateful to God for what happened. 

Our prayer meetings on Tuesdays have been very important in this difficult time. Two families had close relatives with Coronavirus during this time, in one case their children (who are already adults and have families) and in another their parents. We were praying for them weekly and it is pleasant to see the answers from the Lord as they recovered but also the communion that has taken place, because these families appreciate a church that welcomes and accompanies them, and they have made it known to us in that way. 

Currently in our Thursday meeting led by Jorge and David, we are reviewing the Gospel through the book “Gospel Centered Life” by Thune and Walker. It was nice to hear a sister tell us that it is the third church she has attended in her life and that she had never understood the Gospel in this way, and it is moving to see how every week she is particularly amazed by what we share of the Gospel. There are many more testimonies that are happening and this leads us to the assurance that this is the correct time for us to be here in Santa Cruz, despite not being able to meet in person.

Something decisive in this time has been the personal counseling that has been provided, since there are people who do not have access to the internet and who are part of the church since the beginning of our activities, these brothers, who do not have the technological means. To date, they have received calls mainly from Jorge and Teresa, undoubtedly God is using us to lead these brothers who were without coverage. How good is our God who had all of this in his plans for us and led us to this place in a troubled time.

In closing, we want to thank several of the pastors who have participated in our series "knowing our brothers of Sovereign Grace" there are many that have not yet been released, but we thank them in the same way, the idea of this series is to be able to publicize the ministry Sovereign Grace here in Bolivia. There was a lot of impact on the church hearing pastors they don't know express that they are praying for them, in addition to the extraordinary messages shared. You can see this series on our Facebook or also on our YouTube channel . This series is a great blessing, first for us, because we feel that we have a family that supports us, and also for the brothers and sisters of Gracia Soberana Santa Cruz who see that they belong to a very large family of churches.

May God bless you very much.

UncategorizedDave Taylor
A Strategic Trip To Puerto Rico

An update from Joselo Mercado, Lead Pastor of Iglesia Gracia Soberana in Gaithersburg;

After taking 3 Covid tests prior to leaving, I flew to San Juan on Thursday, August 6th.  I was able to enter the Island without the need to quarantine because I fulfilled the requirement of having a negative test taken 72 hours prior to arrival.  

On Friday I had a meeting with the Reformados leadership and after careful thought, we decided to have Josue Caceres become the new President. We think that having a pastor in the Island lead the ministry will be wiser, as he is more aware of the need of the Church.  I will still be part of the leadership, and will be supporting Reformados, especially with finding resources. I am really excited about this. 

On Saturday, I then gave a marriage seminar at Iglesia Bautista Metro (IBM), a three-year-old Southern Baptist Convention Church plant.  There were around 20 couples present and we had a great time. Their pastor is doing an outstanding job of creating a gospel culture.  

On Sunday, I then got to preach twice at Josue Caceres’ Church in Quebradillas.  It was very encouraging to see the Church gathering in the middle of the pandemic.  They now have two services and have taken all the needed precautions.  I preached on Isaiah 62 and the need to have watchman that will ask God to remember his promises to love us. After that I spent the afternoon with all of Josue’s and Pastor Monchi’s (Josue’s Dad, who is also a pastor in the Church) extended family.  

On Monday, I was then interviewed by a podcast that the IBM leaders have put together. They interviewed me on the importance of having a worldview and how the lack of worldview has affected the Church in the midst of the pandemic and the influence of Critical Race Theory.  After that I met with the main leaders of the Church and they asked me some questions regarding Church life and leadership.

Overall, this was a very fruitful trip.  

Thanks so much for the support,


UncategorizedDave Taylor
Mercy Upon Mercy In Africa

Update from Doug Hayes, Pastor in Covenant Fellowship, PA, and Executive Director of Covenant Mercies

When the COVID-19 crisis started coming into focus earlier this year, we wondered to what degree it would curtail our plans for 2020.  We immediately began to pray not only for the health and safety of the children and families we serve through our Orphan Sponsorship Program, but also for the many sponsors and financial partners of this ministry, without whom we would be completely unable to pursue our mission.  While the crisis is far from over, I am happy to report that thus far, the Lord has answered those prayers.  He has yet again been faithful to show mercy upon mercy – to us, and to the 1,400+ children we serve – even in the midst of hardship upon hardship.  

Though schools are still officially closed in Zambia, Ethiopia, and Uganda (with the exception of Grade 7 students in Zambia, who have returned in preparation for an important national exam), infections and deaths from COVID-19 have remained comparatively low.  While we can’t know for sure whether any child or guardian in our program has been infected, none have been sick to the point of requiring hospitalization or testing.  Meanwhile, our staff on the ground have been able to safely deliver food and hygiene supplies as necessary, helping our children and families sustain themselves through a time when normal economic activities are significantly scaled back. 

While the closure of schools is undoubtedly a setback for our children, I am excited to report that in Zambia, we have been able take advantage of the vacated campus by moving forward on our ambitious new expansion project at Lighthouse Christian School.  Of course, none of this could be happening if not for the generous support we have received from so many.  Despite the economic uncertainty of our present moment, a coalition of donors stepped forward to make a $25,000 matching gift challenge for the Lighthouse project.  Amazingly, others stepped forward to help us successfully meet the challenge within a couple of months!  Work on the new structure continues, with high hopes of having it ready in time for the 2021 school year.

If you are among those who have already given, we cannot adequately express our gratitude for your eagerness to be an instrument of the Lord’s faithful and generous provision during difficult times.  If you missed out on our matching challenge, but you’d like to explore other ways to get involved, please check out our web site or view our new Sponsorship video here.

We are grateful for all who are standing with Covenant Mercies in prayer, in financial support, and in solidarity with the many children and families we serve in the developing world.  This global crisis represents hardship upon hardship for them, but through Christlike generosity and gospel partnership, the Lord is once again intervening with grace upon grace, mercy upon mercy, and kindness upon kindness. 

UncategorizedDave Taylor
Work Behind The Scenes

There’s no doubt that the pandemic has slowed down our travel, but that pause has given us a chance to work behind the scenes on projects like our ‘International Partnership Program’ (IPP). Todd Peterson, Pastor of Cross of Grace Church, El Paso, TX is heading up this project for us. Here’s the scoop…

It was some months ago now that we started work on the IPP and myself, along with Pat Tedeschi (Pastor of Green Tree Church, New Jersey), Allen Dicharry (Pastor of Sovereign Grace Church, Midland, TX) and Pete Schefferstein (Pastor of Lakeview Christian Church, New Orleans) are really very excited to be working on this new initiative together. 

In headline, the goal of this endeavor is to help US Sovereign Grace Churches to connect in long term partnerships with our international Sovereign Grace Churches. We know that there are many existing SG churches that already have meaningful and fruitful international partnerships, but we also understand that there are many more churches that have the desire for partnership but don’t know where to turn to get started.  

That’s where the IPP comes in, which will entail things like:

  • Helping US churches to identify their heart for a specific region of the world

  • Identifying partnership interested international churches

  • Helping with partner matches

  • Helping with effective short term mission trip planning and creation

As mentioned above, one important aspect of international partnership is short term mission trips.  These trips not only give US churches an opportunity to build deep relationships with an international church as they actively work together in the “local” ministry of the gospel, but also have a tremendous effect on those that have never experienced the struggle of gospel ministry in a foreign country.  

We recognize, however, that running a short term missions trip is very resource and administratively intensive and so not every church can form their own team by themselves. This results in many individuals never really having the opportunity to go on a trip, and so, given the impact of these trips, it is our desire is to help make it possible for anyone who attends an SG church to go on a short term missions trip if they desire.

We plan to achieve this creating a website that will enable missions teams with room for extra people to post their trip on the website and therefore give the opportunity for others in SG to apply to join those trips.  

Our goal is to have the ST missions site complete by this fall in time for 2021 trips to be registered.  We also hope to have the partnership process ready by the second half of 2021.  Please pray for us that we would be led by the Lord as we seek to better connect our ever growing global family of churches!

UncategorizedDave Taylor
Things To Pray For In August

Charles Spurgeon, in his book “The Power of Prayer in a Believers Life," recently quoted by Mark Prater, says the following,

“Do not bring before God stinted petitions and narrow desires, but remember, as high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are His ways above your ways and His thoughts above your thoughts. Ask, therefore, after a Godlike fashion, for great things, for you are before a great throne.” 

Isn’t that amazing! You and I, can now go before a “great throne” and ask God for “great things”. What a reality! 

And so with that in mind, here’s some ways that you can be praying for us in the month ahead…

  1. Please pray for the Pastors of Sovereign Grace Churches around the world, asking God to give them wisdom as they continue to lead their local churches through COVID-19 related decisions. 

  2. Please pray for Michael Granger as he and his family begin the process of planting a Sovereign Grace Church in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia asking God to give Michael wisdom for when to launch his plant in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  3. Please pray for Riley Spring (Sovereign Grace Church, Parramatta, Australia) and David & Jorge Del Castillo (Iglesia Gracia Soberana, Santa Cruz, Bolivia) as they continue to press on in their first year of Church Planting.

  4. Please pray that God would continue to give the Sovereign Grace Churches Leadership Team wisdom for how to expand globally in a way that preserves our theological convictions, gospel values, and allows us to continue to build relationally, both in the pandemic and beyond it. 

  5. Please pray for Joselo Mercado, Lead Pastor of Iglesia Gracia Soberana in Gaithersburg, as he a heads to Puerto Rico, this month, to preach at his friends Church, teach at a seminary on marriage, and lead through a series of meetings on the future plans of Reformados. 

  6. Please pray that God would continue to provide financially for Sovereign Grace Churches so that we can fund the gospel opportunities He is giving us throughout the world.

…May we take these “great things”and head to the “great throne”. What a reality!

UncategorizedDave Taylor
Outreach In Zambia

An update from Wilbroad Chanda, Pastor of Christ Community Church in Ndola, Zambia…

The Coronavirus or COVID-19 has affected almost every aspect of life around the globe. The negative devastating effects of the pandemic have been compounded by the lock down. The social- economic, spiritual and cultural lives of thousands of families have been altered. Practices like social distancing, regular hand sanitizing and wearing of masks never crossed our minds nor imagination. Who ever imagined churches not gathering for corporate worship for more than three or so Sundays?

Instead of being fixated on the negative repercussions of  the COVID-19 pandemic, the Lord in His providence, enabled us to lift our gaze to some greater and more significant matter than the COVID -19 pandemic. He stirred us to  lift up our eyes, “and see that the fields are white for harvest” (Jn. 4:35). Pentecost Sunday fell on 31st May this year. With God’s help I took two weeks before Pentecost Sunday training Pastors College students and some members of Christ Community in personal evangelism and discipleship. The training was followed with practical evangelistic outreach for three weeks. 

This evangelistic campaign dubbed, “[COVID-19] Pentecost Outreach” yielded positive and encouraging results. We witnessed a good number people coming to faith in Christ Jesus. One Pastors College student has planted a local church as a result of this outreach. The number of children in our local church has multiplied. We have commenced a week- end “Good News Club” for children in one impoverished community. The Pastors college students are very excited about this evangelistic outreach. As a result, we will continue with the outreach for months and years to come. A good number of Pastors College students have started training their church members in personal evangelism and discipleship. We had a whole day Evangelism and Discipleship class on Tuesday, the 7th of July (Heroes and Unity public holiday). We spent time to review, asses and evaluate the Pentecost Outreach project. My prayer and heart’s desire is that all of the Pastors College students and our church members will endeavor to “do the work of an evangelist” (2 Tim. 4:5).

On behalf of the Pastors College students and the Christ Community Church (a Sovereign Grace Church), I would like to thank most sincerely our partners in Sovereign Grace and especially Dave Taylor and the Emerging Nations leadership for partnering with us through prayer and financial support in our “Pentecost Outreach” evangelistic initiative. Your prayer and financial gospel support enabled us to train evangelists, procure evangelism and discipleship materials and provide transportation and other outreach requisites. Allow me to say to say to you in the words of Paul that

“This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else. And in their prayers for you their hearts will go out to you, because of the surpassing grace God has given you. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” (2 Cor. 9:12-15).

Soli deo gloria!

Baptisms In Pakistan

An update from Scott Crook, Lead Pastor of Cross of Grace Church, Chaska, MN…

As Sovereign Grace Churches continues to partner with TLI (Training Leaders International) in Pakistan, we continue to receive such encouraging reports from the gospel work taking place there.

COVID-19 has hit that country extremely hard, and cases continue to rise. But a group of pastors we are working with continue to press forward in preaching the gospel, distributing masks and food to those in need. As well, they continue to see fruit of the gospel as people are trusting in Christ for the first time and being water baptized.

In one village where these pastors had faithfully evangelized for seven years, they suddenly had fourteen people trust in Christ and be baptized! One of the women baptized said, 

“I spent 40 years of my life in darkness because my father was worshiping idols and practicing witchcraft and the whole family followed him. It was not an easy decision to follow Jesus because my father was against me but I was attending the prayer meetings regularly and was trying to know God through our pastor. One day I was listening to our pastors preach from John 8:12 where Jesus says ‘I am the light of the world, and who ever follows me will walk in light.’ And that day my life changed. Now I will not care whether my father approves of my decision or not. But I will try my best to bring Him into the light as well.”

Brother F, one of the lead pastors includes this encouragement:  

“Nobody knows when we will die, but before going to Him we wish to as many people come to Jesus. I believe that if sinners will be damned, at least let them leap to hell over our bodies, and if they will perish than let them perish with our arms about their knees! Let no one go there unwarned and un-prayed for!”

Praise God for the tenacity, love and faithfulness of these dear brothers preaching the gospel and seeing the lost saved. The roots of revival are being planted in Pakistan! Thank you all for your continued prayers and support for this amazing work. May the Lord continue to build His Church in the darkest places that His glorious light will continue to shine and spread across the globe.

Planting In A Pandemic

An update from Michael Granger, Sovereign Grace Church Planter in Ethiopia…

April was supposed to be a big month out here. I guess it still was, just not in the way we had imagined. We had planned to start a church! Back in March, we were going full speed ahead. Together with Abenezer and Nega, we traveled to Dubai to purchase sound equipment as it is not easily accessible and very overpriced here in Ethiopia. Upon returning we were constantly meeting with individuals as we gathered our launch team.  

Then heading into April, Trinity Fellowship (that's the name of our church) was to have its soft launch followed by a hard launch in June. We were all geared up to have our first service on April 12th. Worship songs were selected, we were going to take communion, and we were going to do a 4-week series entitled Why We’re Gospel-Centered. But on April 11th, the government put out a new policy prohibiting gatherings larger than 4 people. So at 11 pm, the night before our first service, an email was sent out to our team informing them that the service scheduled for the following day was officially canceled. 

We are now several months into isolation and we do not leave the house for much more than groceries. But I think the most pronounced attitude in our hearts is that of thanksgiving and gratefulness. We have seen first hand how difficult those living in abject poverty are faring and feel overwhelmed by the kindness of the Lord that we have a home, food, health, and Christ above all things. Nevertheless, there have been a number of dark days, and I can feel tempted to think 2020 has been stolen from us. 

Looking forward, we're not sure when the government will allow churches to meet again. Unlike the West, quarantine timetables and varying levels of caution are not published here. But, the church is not a building nor is it a service. It's the people. And so, I think you could say in one sense Trinity Fellowship has already been planted. Even though we cannot have a service we are trying to have 1 or 2 individuals from the church over for lunch every Tuesday and Thursday to pray, read the Word, minister to them, create community, and establish fellowship. So while we’re feeling, more or less, like we are under house arrest - there is work to be done!

We might be under quarantine but as Bart Lipscomb from Redemption Hill in Texas recently encouraged me, “You can’t quarantine the gospel! You just can’t!" So, in an effort to make the most of and redeem these evil days (Eph. 5:16), Trinity Fellowship is undertaking a new project. I am writing a book contextualized for Ethiopia about sin and the gospel. It is essentially a very-easy-to-understand biblical theology about sin and how God deals with it. Its purpose is to confront legalism and also the prosperity gospel so as to defend the cross. As of today, the first draft has 9ish of 11 chapters completed. And Abenezer, my ministry partner, is producing an album in which the content of the songs match the chapters of the book. It will consist of 8 songs, each with three criteria:1) Songs that correlate with the themes of the chapters in the book; 2) Songs that are gospel-centered; & 3) Songs written for congregational church singing.

One of the sweet aspects of this project is the opportunity to have a little songwriting workshop each week. We read a chapter of the book, pray for filling of the Holy Spirit, and write! Upon completing this project we will market and sell the album + book as a joint project in Addis Ababa with the hope that this serves both our church and the churches of Ethiopia. Please pray that the Lord would breath on our endeavors. Please pray for souls to be won.

Loving In A Pandemic

Over the past few months our Emerging Nations Team, through Sovereign Grace Churches & Regions, has been able to raise over $165,000 for the purpose of providing food, water and basic supplies to nations where they have been more scarce due to COVID-19.

One of our pastors in Cebu City, Philippines sent along this thank you video as an expression of gratitude to Sovereign Grace Churches and all of those involved in donating money to provide food.

Matthew 25:40 says, “‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’” Thank you to all who provided financially for these dear saints. May the gospel go forth in Cebu City with even greater force because of this generosity.

If you have a few minutes, please watch the video here: Amidst The Pandemic Your Love Is Relentless

And let us thank God for his work in all nations, with all people, for His glory.

Things To Pray For In June

Over the last few months so many things have changed. Economies have changed, travel has changed, social interactions have changed, and opportunities to gather have changed. But one reality that’s been wonderfully certain in it all, is that He hasn’t changed!! Not one bit!! And Colossians 1.15-20 reminds us just how Supreme, the unchanging One really is…

‘He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn in all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities – all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.’

He is supreme in personhood, supreme in creation, and supreme in the Church, and so what a thrill that we get to come to Him in prayer. What an incredible honour don’t you think?

And so with that in mind, here’s how you can be praying for us in the month ahead...

  1. Please pray for all of our Global Partners (click here to see the list) that this would not just be a time of ‘surviving’, but truly ‘thriving’ in the work of the Gospel. Please pray for courage and creativity for all of our leaders in this as we seek to know, apply and proclaim the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ at this time, and pray for favour in the many countries that we get to serve in. 

  2. Please pray for Michael Granger who was looking to soft-launch his Church Plant in Ethiopia back in April, but has had to put those gatherings on hold. Please pray for wisdom, grace and favour for the Church Planting Team, and that this would be a time of faith and joy even in the midst of set-back. 

  3. Please pray for Jorge and David Del Castillo who just planted Iglesia Gracia Soberana in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, but only had the opportunity to hold a few public services before shut in orders were given in that nation. Please pray that God would continue provide for this new church in resources and wisdom. 

  4. Please pray for our Key Leader (name hidden for protection) & the Churches he serves in Nepal. Please pray that we would be able to get the money through to them that we have collected and that the aid would be well received and used to both care for the saints, and advance the Gospel. There is so much need in this country at this time. 

  5. Please pray for me (Dave Taylor) and the Emerging Nations Team. Please pray for wisdom, clarity and faith as we seek to serve in the now, and also begin to make plans for the year ahead. 

... May the Supreme One of all, show us favour once again. Soli Deo Gloria.  

India - The Unstoppable Gospel

An update from Todd Peterson, Pastor of Cross of Grace Church, El Paso, TX, and Emerging Nations Team ‘Representative’ to India…

Pastor Jayaprakesh Ravuri (JP), wonderfully supported by his wife Sathwika, pastors a small church in Gundugolanu, Andhra Pradesh, India.  JP describes his village this way:

“Gundugolanu is a small town with more than 3000 families residing in it. Most of these families are poor and live by their daily income. Christianity is very less in this town in comparison with other surrounding towns. People are not open to the Gospel and very hostile to it.  The freedom of preaching the Gospel is questionable!”

Gudugolanu is a predominantly Hindu village where openly sharing the gospel with a Hindu is strictly forbidden.  The village is segregated into a small area of Christians and the rest Hindu.  Even having a church service that could be heard from the streets might draw a visit and warning from the Hindu village “elders”.  Even though JP has lived there most of his life, and everyone knows who he is, passersby on the streets don’t even acknowledge him as they walk by.

The global COVID pandemic has hit 3rd world countries very hard because there are so many people who live day to day, earning money or begging for each day’s food.  As JP describes “Due to the strict implementation of the lockdown, ten percent of families in Gundugolanu are suffering a lot. The Indian Government is incapable to meet everyone’s needs!” As JP surveyed his village, he found that about 300 families had little to no food or would run out of food before the end of the lockdown with no way to buy more.  God moved on our hearts together that this was an unprecedented opportunity to show the love of Jesus to those who have been unwilling to listen!

JP and Sathwika put together a 10 day care package of basic food items and washing powder and with the permission of the authorities began distributing them to the poorest in the village.

JP said “We considered the widows and the old that needed our help. We had the privilege to pray with them and share the gospel. In fact they showed interest to pray with us! We could see some of them crying looking at the food. As we stepped into some houses, the situation is very pathetic. It's more pathetic to see the children at their houses and some others looking at us with hungry eyes.”

“Within the first week we were able to distribute food to 250 hungry families in Gundugolanu. God has given us (the church here) grace to identify the most needy irrespective of their religion, caste or community. We received warm welcome as we stepped into their houses with food supply. Some even received us with tears by looking at the food which they never expected to come their homes.  What we have done, has filled many hungry stomachs and glorified God! Besides, it opened doors for us with good opportunities to share the Gospel, distribute the gospel tracts and the N.T Bibles and also pray with some of them.”

JP and his helpers were able to step into hundreds of Hindu homes and not only meet their physical needs but also found an open door to share the hope of the gospel with many.  JP shares,  “The news spread over the whole village. People started talking in the streets and in agriculture fields that there are many rich class families in the town but none came forward to look for the needy, but a Christian church has come forward to look out for the needy and hungry. They have done something admirable!”

JP said those same people who used to pass him on the street and ignore him now smiled and warmly greeted him.  The next week another wave of poor nomadic families returned to the village, “Over the last week over 140 migrant nomadic working families came back to Gundugolanu because the work has stopped all over the state.  They come back on foot, or by catching rides on the backs of vehicles.  We visited all 140 families (as they live in the same area) and found that 128 of the families have little to no food.”  God continue to stir the hearts of the members of our church and we were able to send money for this new group of 128 families.  

The very first house they entered JP reported that “We began food help first with a muslim family. They invited us into their home. The man of the house broke his leg just before the lockdown.   As we began helping and encouraging them, they showed interest to hear the gospel. Today they told us that they want to join us in the church to know more about Christ!”

God is truly opening door after door to the gospel that has literally be shut for decades.  The work is ongoing as the poorest of families have needed another 10 days of provisions.  Word spread to the next village called Potunuru where JP also pastors a small church.  The church members asked if we could do the same for their village as they have many starving families as well. The member went and scowered the village and came back with 279 families were in dire need of food.  God continues to provide the finances and the first 140 packages are going out as I write this.

God has used this pandemic as an historic opportunity for the gospel of Jesus to be experienced by 665 families and counting in these villages unlike has ever been seen since they were formed.  Let us continue to pray that many will not only hear the hope of the gospel of Jesus, but that God will save them and give them new life in Christ!!

Ethiopia - Pandemic Portraits of Persecution & Poverty

An update from Michael Granger, Sovereign Grace Church Planter in Ethiopia…

The effects of Covid-19 are universal.  It hits the rich and the poor alike.  It is not a respecter of religion; neither Muslims, nor Orthodox, Buddhists, nor Protestants are immune.  But, one group of individuals, from our perspective, has been significantly injured, and that is the persecuted church.  Below are two snapshots or portraits of individuals from this group.  Their names have been changed to protect their identities.  

To be a Somali is to be Muslim. To be a Somali who becomes a Christian is to cut oneself off from family, community, blessing, inheritance, business opportunities, and livelihood. Abshir (not to be confused with Muhammad his friend) considers "the sufferings of this present time...not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us” in eternity (Rom. 8:18). For this reason he has lost his wife, children, health, and safety. With an Al-Shabab hit out on his life he came to Addis Ababa with some hope of escaping endless persecution and for greater provision. Yet even here the Somali community rejects him.  Daily he lives hand to mouth; if he doesn’t work today, he doesn’t eat today. And each day, he has only one meal to look forward to because that is all one day of work will afford him.  Since Covid-19 arrived in Ethiopia it has become increasingly difficult for Abshir to find any work whatsoever. And without his community to care for him, (more than that) with them despising and rejecting him, he has no safety net to catch him.

Rahel is from Northern Ethiopia where the Orthodox Church is militant and rejects the gospel.  She’s in her early 20’s and moved to Addis Ababa just a few years ago.  Upon getting married she became pregnant only to discover that her new mother-n-law practices witchcraft and commanded her son to leave his new wife so that he could come home and practice sorcery with her. After giving birth to beautiful twins her husband left her. At that point she became a Christian through faith in Christ. Her orthodox family was so enraged at her conversion that they disowned her, robbed her of all her possessions, and even threatened to kill the babies.  In recent months, without family to turn to and being fairly new to Addis Ababa, she had become so impoverished that she had to move her little family of three into a shack with a tarp for a roof.  This home, if we can call it that, barely protects her from the elements, it doesn’t even keep the rain out. Her twins are now three and faced with the decision of working or starving, she would occasionally lock her babies in the home and go out to make money.  In recent days, on one occasion, after having left them at home for a short time she returned and found them unconscious on the floor. They both had been raped.

These saints “of whom the world is not worthy” (Heb. 11:38) and for whom Christ shed his precious blood are only two among many many others who will probably remain in obscurity until the great unveiling in eternity. Far from "fixing" these devastating situations,  as a result of recent financial gifts through ministry partners, Abshir’s rent is being paid and he’s being given money for food. Rahel has been moved into a new home with running water and a toilet, an entire year of rent has already been paid, the children are receiving medical care, they have provisions, and she’s being discipled.

With the images of these portraits continuously passing through my mind I recently laid down with my kids on their bed to do our evening devotions and tuck them in.  We were recounting the promises of God to Abraham and his descendants.  Remembering that we, as gentiles, we were once completely separated from the good work that God was  doing among Israel.  That is until God sent his Son.  He died on the cross, he took our sin, he gave us his righteousness, he made us children of Abraham by faith, we are no longer strangers but children of promise by faith.  But he hasn't stopped there. Not only has he provided for our greatest need - to be reconciled to God - but he is caring for our daily needs as well.  We have a home, health, food, we have each other.  I was brought to tears recounting the riches of his grace and the many blessings he has lavished on the Granger family and we spontaneously started singing Love You So Much

I leave you with a link to the lyrics of this simple but sweet melody which served me so well in the early days of new founded faith. Oh how true they are.

Bolivia - The God Who Provides

An update from David Del Castillo, Pastor of Gracia Soberana Iglesia Cristiana, Santa Cruz, Bolivia…

As soon as we made the decision to establish a Church of Sovereign Grace in Santa Cruz, Bolivia we identified ourselves with Psalm 34, that invites us to taste and see that God is good, and we have not stopped seeing this to be true. 

We still remember very vividly when we were leaving the United States going to Santa Cruz, Bolivia in November of last year, after having been to the pastor conference and visited some churches telling them about the church plant. By that time we had already left our hometown in La Paz Bolivia, but upon arrival in Santa Cruz we immediately had delays to start the meetings due to political problems that our country was facing, but by the grace of God we were able to start meeting on February 16th, 2020. We were very excited to finally start. 

But what we did not dream of, like many of those who are reading this update, was that Covid-19 was going to impact the entire world, and that on March 22th, our country would dictate a total quarantine until May 31st, a measure that is being evaluated these days to see if it will continue. 

The quarantine is very severe in our country to the point that we can only go out once a week according to our ID and only in the mornings to buy groceries, and we cannot use our cars. This measure changed all our plans, since we had already lost time due to political problems and we were now facing Covid-19, on the other hand, our economic resources were beginning to decrease without any expectation of increasing.

It is then that God showed us once again that he is always in control and that He sustains those He calls. We started talking to some churches about our need to raise funds in February when Covid-19 was not yet in Bolivia. And we didn't get immediate answers at the beginning, we had almost two months of waiting and trusting, and then many generous donations from churches and friends began to arrive. And although we cannot physically open the church, we are working online and the Lord continues to provide both financial resources and people to whom we are able to disciple in an ongoing way. 

This week it was very good to meditate on the providence of God regarding work, because even though all the circumstances are “against us” his sovereignty goes beyond all circumstances. God provides as he reminds us in Matthew 6: 26-33. Thus, we thank our God for accompanying us in the midst of need. 

We give thanks to all who are reading, praying and helping us financially. We are waiting to see what the Lord has for us next here in Santa Cruz Bolivia, and are excited to see what He will do.

The UK Blessing

At this unique and challenging time in the United Kingdom over 65 churches and movements, representing hundreds of others, have come together to sing a blessing over their land. It’s a song based on Number 6.24-26…

‘The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.’

I leave you with this song. May we share this same heart as we think about the Nations. May His mercy and grace abound to us all.

Things To Pray For In May

As Mark Prater said in a recent podcast entitled 'Loving Our Neighbours’, there has been an “explosion of generosity” in Sovereign Grace Churches towards the nations in this pandemic.

And so there has… Over the last month, since seeing how this pandemic has been playing out in different countries, we’ve been able to raise and send out over $97,000 (USD) in aid to those most in need in our related churches - in the Philippines, Liberia, Pakistan, Bolivia, Mexico, India, Colombia, Costa Rica and Puerto Rico. In many of these countries, being in lockdown has meant no work, and therefore no food and basic supplies. What a joy and honour then for us to play our small part in caring for our brothers and sisters there. It has been inspiring to see how so many have given to this plight… Honestly, how can we thank God enough for you!!

And yet that’s not all we have the privilege of doing at this time. We also have the privilege of “lifting our eyes to the hills, from where does our help come?” (Psalm 121.1). Together we can run to the LORD who “made the heavens and the earth” and “who neither slumbers of sleeps”. What an honour!

I’m aware though that it can be hard to know where to begin with so much going on around the world, and so here’s some specific thoughts for the month ahead…

  • Pray for Dyonah Thomas, the Churches he serves in Liberia and the 50 pastors who graduated from the Grace Life Pastors College who pastor in semi-rural communities. Please pray that God would provide finances and resources to buy food and supplies for themselves and for all the saints in those churches. 

  • Pray for Jorge and David Del Castillo who just planted Iglesia Gracia Soberana in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, but only had the opportunity to hold a few public services before shut in orders were given in that nation. Please pray that God would provide for this new church.

  • Pray for Jeffrey Jo (Manila), Nilo Ebo (Cebu) and Pete Valdez (Bohol), who care for churches in the Philippines, asking God to provide finances and resources to purchase food and supplies for those in need.

  • Pray for Carlos Contreras & Joselo Mercado, as they serve the churches in Mexico and Latin America. Please pray that God would give them much wisdom and insight as financial challenges and ramifications become clear in these countries.

  • Pray for JP Ravuri in India, as he seeks to feed his Church and the village around him. That the Gospel would go out boldly and clearly into what is a heavily Hindu community.

  • Pray for the pastors we are relating to in Pakistan, Colombia, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Ethiopia, Cuba, Italy, Zambia, Brazil, Nepal and the UK.

  • Pray for Dave Taylor and the Emerging Nations Team. Please pray for much wisdom, clarity and faith as we serve in this unprecedented time.

... For His glory. May His goodness and mercy chase us down all over again in this.