On the weekly podcast that is sent to our pastors, our host Ben Kreps always begins with “Welcome to the Mark Prater podcast where our aim is to connect our global family of churches to our Executive Director.
Recently, Ben commented on his introduction and asked an important question:
“Mark, I always say “family of churches” when introducing this podcast, because that’s what we aim to be. That’s what historically we’ve enjoyed together. We want to preserve that relational way of building together as family. We’ve talked a lot over the past number of months about church planting, about global partnership agreements, and churches being adopted and brought in, and that sort of thing. So potentially a lot of growth in the days ahead, as a denomination, as a family of churches. What are your thoughts about the way we build relationally and that value we have in Sovereign Grace?”
This is a really important question, and Mark answered it really well in this podcast. You can listen to it here.
But in addition, there’s another facet to this question which is also important, and that’s the role of the Leadership Team in all of this and our transition to become more Global in the way we think and operate. This was the topic of an excellent discussion Mark recently lead us in as a team, and which he also talked with Ben about on his podcast. You can listen to it here.
God has surely been so good to us!