An update from Dyonah Thomas, Lead Pastor of Grace Life Church, and Founder of Grace Life Churches, and Roland Blackie, Grace Life Director of Church Planting…
We remain extremely grateful for your continued care, encouragement and support in the advancement of the Gospel work here in Liberia and the region. It is amazing to see how the Lord has encouraged us and brought us closer and closer to him through our friendship and partnership with Sovereign Grace.
As we write we want to reflect on the following areas that we are seeing gospel fruit being born...
1. Church Planting
Through monthly mentoring with Dave Taylor, financial support from Sovereign Grace and both of those things spilling over into our Church Planting Teams, we have been able to prepare for a new Church Plant in Kingsville.
Kingsville is a community of over 5000 residents. Most of last year we started training the team and planting gospel seeds by serving the community in several opportunities that the Lord gave us:
Medical outreach in the community. We ran three different medical outreaches to this community. The area is served by just one small clinic, without drugs mostly, and the only functioning hospital is 15 miles away. Five Nurses and one doctor from two of our Grace Life Churches joined the Kingsville team to share the gospel and serve in this way. Over 200 people were screened, treated and given medication.
School planting ahead of the church plant. This community has several hundred children that do not attend school because there is only one public school and many live several miles away from it. A Kingsville team therefore started the Awana Program and secured a temporary and unfinished building, with a dirt floor, on a year and half lease, to launch the only Christian primary school in the area. We got certification for this in the first week of December, and now have 85 students enrolled K-6 grade. We are already working on a more permanent space for the school, for once our lease runs out.
2. Agriculture
Sustainability is a big issue in Liberia and the region, and so we’ve developed a system where our Church planters start farms. This will supply food for the Pastor and our Pastors College, as well as supply food to the local markets to generate income for our Church Planting pool fund .
Our farm in Guinea has already started bearing food - primarily vegetables, and our Liberian land is presently being cleared for animal husbandry. God has gracious saved and is aiding very good leaders, who are also farmers and business leaders as well.
3. Pastors College
One of the highlights of our last year is the Pastors College building. With over 100 students, from four Nations, in three programs, students gather four to five times a year for learning, and in the evenings they sleep on mats on the floor in our building. A building that has been rapidly wearing out.
Yet with your help and support, from generous brothers and sisters in Sovereign Grace, we have been able to partner together to move forward with our new and permanent Pastors College building. We have now been able to complete the laying of blocks and casting concrete on the first floor. This is huge for our students and the ongoing training of faithful shepherds of the Lord. We are waiting for the next week to remove the wooden frame, as we trust the Lord to continue working. Blessedly, all that was needed to complete the first floor, the Lord has provided.
Just last week, it was a great joy for us to have Jeff Purswell teach the Biblical Theology course via Video, and for him, Ben Kreps and Josh Blount, to participate in a live zoom panel for our students. Students thought it was excellent, and such a deep learning curve that many said, “Wow! I now see the Bible is actually a unifying text unfolding God’s single redemption story.”
We remain extremely grateful that the Lord is giving us more and more opportunities for us to share the gospel and train faithful pastors to lead, and we’re grateful that we get to do this with Sovereign Grace. Thank you so much.