An update from our key leader in Pakistan (identity concealed for safety reasons)...
Greetings in the name of our Saviour!
Happy New Year! I hope that you are doing well and enjoying the blessings of God. We are so thankful to our Sovereign Grace brothers and sisters who made this Christmas outreach possible and successful. Without your support we wouldn’t have done it. God always uses His people to make a difference in the lives of people who are struggling and are not able to live a good life. And for us, you guys are that blessing. We are very thankful to God for our long term relationship with you. Our God has many special plans through our relationship. In the past years you have always been our support and a strong pillar, through COVID, harsh summers and cold winters, you have always been with us like one body of Christ. And as a return we always remember you in our prayers and always think about our extended family. May God bless you exceedingly and abundantly.
Regarding the Christmas outreach 2022, it was a very blessed time. We were able to reach families in the remote villages and brick factories because of your generosity. During the distributions we had the opportunity to talk to families and to know about how they feel. Everyone who received the Christmas gifts were so thankful to God and to you guys who generously put in effort to make the Christmas season a blessed one for all these unprivileged people. It was a very difficult time because the winter season caused the brick factories to shut down. Everyone received the Christmas gift with tears of joy in their eyes. They said that they had nothing to eat and could not share a meal with their families on Christmas Day, or even before that, but God listened to their prayers and gave them more than enough for the whole month. One of the widows said that our God is a good God and he knows our needs and He always fulfils His promise of providing. After receiving the warm blankets the orphaned children said that they had been praying for these types of blankets that they can now sleep under.
Because of your generosity we were able to reach out to 230 families with food items, goats, blankets, and winter jackets. When we were distributing the jackets among the children they were so excited for new warm winter jackets, after receiving them they were not allowing anyone to touch their new gift and were not even sitting on the floor. Their joy and the way they were thanking God and praising Him gave us so much joy. Regarding goats, we chose the most neediest families so that they could have a small business to run and we also preferred families who could easily provide nutrition to the goats without spending much on them. We gave 21 goats to various families so that they could receive milk and they promised that they would share the babies with other brothers and sisters.
So once again we are very thankful for all your support and generosity that you showed this Christmas. We still have a plan to go to the flood victims and show them that we have not forgotten about them. We plan to give them food items and medicines because they are struggling a lot. Because of the bad weather and dangerous fog we are not able to travel because the roads have been blocked. We are praying for them and I request you pray for them as well. In this kind of cold weather they do not have winter jackets or warm blankets and that is causing a lot of illnesses especially among children and women.
God bless you.
Your brother in Christ.