Grace City Church of Frankford, USA

We plant churches to serve our communities and to reach people with the good news of Jesus Christ.

This video highlights just one example of what the Lord has done and is doing through our church planting efforts - which is why we have made church planting such a large part of our mission as a denomination.

What is most evident (and what we hope you are most encouraged by) in this video is the saving grace of God. He continues to move on the hearts of those in need of him. This video is an inspiring reminder of how God pursues us, provides grace, and, in his kindness, does it through the local church.

We are grateful to God for Stephen and his faithful service to the men and women in his community... May God continue to add to Grace City Church of Frankford!

Let us continue to plant churches to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ, all for His glory alone! Enjoy the video!

Dave Taylor
Men Standing Together In Australia - Christ Our Captain

An update from Riley Spring, Lead Pastor of Sovereign Grace Church Parramatta and National Leader for SGC Australia…

We are so thankful to God for the amazing time we had recently at our first ever SG Australia Men’s Conference with our dear friend Eric Turbedsky serving us. It was a special time as the men of our churches gathered together united in our devotion to Christ.

Earlier in the year we had an awesome Women’s Conference which was really well attended, but we have more women than men and so we assumed our men’s conference would have far less men attend. Instead, we had more men come! So much so that we were only just able to fit into our ministry centre. But that added to the fun as we squished in and made it work. I think there was a collective sense of brotherhood and joy to be gathering as men of God.

We ate together, played dumb fun games together, sang hearty, manly songs together and sat under God’s word together. Our theme was “Christ Our Captain”, where we wanted to have our men see that Christ is not just our saviour but also our captain and Lord who gives us our marching orders for life.

Eric preached three powerful messages from this theme, three marching orders from Christ our Captain: Love, Fight, Rest! These messages resonated with the guys and helped clarify their life, particularly around Christ’s call to love his people, the church.

On this idea Spurgeon remarked in his last ever sermon:

Depend upon it, you will either serve Satan or Christ, either self or the Saviour. You will find sin, self, Satan, and the world to be hard masters; but if you wear the livery of Christ, you will find him so meek and lowly of heart that you will find rest unto your souls. He is the most magnanimous of captains. There never was his like among the choicest of princes. He is always to be found in the thickest part of the battle. When the wind blows cold he always takes the bleak side of the hill. The heaviest end of the cross lies ever on his shoulders. If he bids us carry a burden, he carries it also. If there is anything that is gracious, generous, kind, and tender, yea lavish and superabundant in love, you always find it in him. These forty years and more have I served him, blessed be his name! and I have had nothing but love from him. I would be glad to continue yet another forty years in the same dear service here below if so it pleased him. His service is life, peace, joy. Oh, that you would enter on it at once! God help you to enlist under the banner of Jesus even this day! Amen

As Pastors, we were so pleased to see the level of enthusiasm and devotion of the men of our churches. If you want to see a video slideshow of the event, please click here!!

A big thank you to all those who helped make this happen, especially Sovereign Grace Church of Orange for releasing Eric to come and serve us so well.

We hope that God will use events like this to help us stand on His Word, resist the cultural downgrade of masculinity, and build Godly men for the future. Our plan is to do this again every two years. I am already excited for 2026!

‘Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

Yvonne Gordon
Things To Pray For In November

In a recent ‘Sovereign Grace Churches Fourth Quarter 2024 Prayer Requests’ email from Mark Prater, the Executive Director of Sovereign Grace Churches, he writes the following:

‘In his commentary on the book of Judges, Dale Ralph Davis writes this about prayer, “Yahweh’s hearing is the most crucial matter for all prayer…When God listens to our voice, we must never respond with a yawn. We will trivialize prayer whenever we forget the repeated miracle it involves, the gracious condescension of the King of glory, who stoops down to listen to our verbs and nouns, our adverbs and questions, our groans and tears.”

What an amazing, humbling truth that we must never take for granted. God listens! In gracious condescension, He stoops down and listens to our prayers. May that “repeated miracle” fuel our desire to pray for our shared mission, and for one another in Sovereign Grace.’

With that in mind, here are some ways you can be praying for us in the month ahead…

  1. Please pray for the Sovereign Grace Churches Pastors Conference, November 5-7th, 2004, in Orlando, USA asking God to work in a way that our relationships among our churches are strengthened, pastors and wives are equipped for what God has called them to do, and that our family of churches is united in our shared gospel mission all for the glory of God alone.

  2. Please pray for the annual Sovereign Grace Churches Council of Elders meeting, on November 4th, in Orlando, asking God to give our pastors wisdom to make decisions that strengthen our mission, foster our unity, and that best serve our churches. Please also pray for the various interest meetings at the Pastors Conference: Evangelism Interest Meeting, Small Towns Initiative Info Meeting, Pastors College & Pastoral Ministry Interest Meeting, and Church Planting Interest Meeting. That faith would be stirred and further plans for partnering together in these ways can be fostered.

  3. Please pray for Pat Tedeschi, currently a pastor at Greentree Church in Egg Harbor Township, NJ, USA who will be moving to London in early 2025 to lead Oasis International Church into partnership with Sovereign Grace. Pray that God would provide visas, housing, etc. for Pat and Dana, and ask God to give Pat wisdom and help to lead Oasis Church to continue their gospel mission in London.

  4. Please pray for the Philippines Pastors Institute, which started another academic year in September, looking to theologically equip 14 students. It’s the hope that through this PPI, Sovereign Grace Churches Philippines, and the Mindanao Region specifically, will continue to be faithful in gospel ministry for generations to come.

  5. Please pray that God would continue to provide financially for Sovereign Grace Churches so that we can fund the many gospel opportunities that He is giving us around the world.

… As we pray, let us continue to be amazed that God listens! Thanks for joining us in this.

Dave Taylor
Celebrating 5 Years In Parramatta, Australia

An update from Riley Spring, Lead Pastor of Sovereign Grace Church Parramatta and National Leader for SGC Australia…

On September 15th, we had the immense joy of celebrating our 5th Anniversary since planting Sovereign Grace Church Parramatta. It was a day full of gratitude and joy, and in true SG Parra fashion, we packed the morning with baby dedications, new member inductions, and the baptism of a new believer! It was a special moment in the life of our church family. 

SG Parramatta on pre-launch Sunday, five years ago.

When the 28 of us first left Sovereign Grace Church, Wahroonga, we were excited, hopeful, "ready"—and blissfully naïve! Five years and a global pandemic later, we are still excited and hopeful, eager to serve, but perhaps a bit more seasoned.

Through it all, we have sought to be an ordinary church proclaiming an extraordinary gospel. It’s been a joy to witness God’s Word taking root in hearts and transforming lives from the inside out.

One such story is the testimony of Leng, the cousin of Daven, one of our Deacons. Daven invited Leng to church when she first immigrated here. She came sporadically, but in that time, she completed an evangelistic course and later joined a one-on-one Bible reading program with CJ, one of our deacons and a faithful disciple-maker. CJ walked alongside Leng for months, reading Scripture with her and offering godly counsel. After some time, due to personal challenges with immigration and family, Leng drifted away. We weren’t sure what the Lord was doing, but then she returned! And it was clear God had been working in her heart, assuring her of His love and bringing her to salvation.

Here’s an excerpt from her testimony: 

“I was raised Catholic in the Philippines, where I learned about the Trinity: God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I believed that if I knew some Bible stories and lived kindly, I would earn my place in heaven. I thought salvation was a simple equation: God plus good works equals salvation.

Yet, I often felt a profound emptiness. Even as I pursued education, built a career, and started a family, there was a void I couldn’t fill. I sensed a calling to know God more deeply, but my understanding was shallow. I attended church and read the Bible, but its deeper meaning escaped me.

Everything began to change when I moved here two years ago, and my cousin Daven invited me to SG Parra. Through the Alpha course and a study with CJ, I encountered a life-changing truth: Jesus is the living God who takes away the sins of the world, including mine. For the first time, I understood that salvation isn’t earned by my works but rests entirely on the finished work of Jesus on the cross.

Before Christ, I trusted in my own wisdom and strength, unaware of the depth of my sin. But when I placed my faith in Jesus, it was as if a sleeping giant inside me woke up. I saw my sin for what it was and realized my need for a Savior. Through Jesus alone, I found salvation.”

Stories like Leng’s remind us why we planted this church: to proclaim the gospel and see lives transformed by the grace of Christ.

We are also committed to raising up future pastors. Currently, we have Richard Song as a Pastoral Candidate and the Seric family studying at the Pastor’s College in Louisville. From the beginning, our dream was to be a church-planting church—and by God’s grace, we still have high hopes to plant a new church in the years to come.

We are deeply grateful to SG Wahroonga and Pastors Dave Taylor and Brendan Willis for their partnership and support. Our fellowship with them has been a rich blessing, and we look forward to building a strong family of Sovereign Grace churches across Australia together.

There are countless other ways God has been at work among us—through our Life Groups, marriages, singles, parents, retirees, and ministries like 14:1, men’s and women’s discipleship, and the Deacon team. I’m so thankful to witness His hand at work in every area of our church family.

I also want to take a moment to honor my wife, Maddie. Her love, support, and care over these five years have been a constant source of strength for me—she is my delight and my best friend. And of course, my kids Evie, Jasper, Judah, and Zoe are just the best! It melts my heart when they beg to come to church early with me every Sunday and they are integrally involved in so much of what we do, and they do it so well!

I am a deeply grateful and blessed church planter.

Here’s to five years—and many more to come!

Here’s a short 5-year anniversary video for you… Enjoy!

Yvonne Gordon
Church Planting In The USA

An update from Andy Farmer, Pastor at Covenant Fellowship, Glen Mills, Pennsylvania, USA…

Our 2024-25 US Church Planting Cohort kicked off with a retreat in Glen Mills in late September. Five men gathered with me and Nick Kidwell for a time of relational connection, instruction and strategic thinking for church plants that are anticipated to launch over the next twelve months.

The cohort this year consists of:

  • Mario Figueroa, who is planting a bi-lingual church in Tampa, FL in connection with Grace Church of Orlando.

  • Eric Huber, who is planting a church in Galloway, NJ out of Greentree Church in Egg Harbor, NJ.

  • Adam Penird, who is planting a church in North Manchester, IN out of Christ Covenant Church in Winona Lake, IN.

  • Nathan Smith, who is planting a church in Coatesville, PA out of Covenant Fellowship Church in Glen Mills, PA.

  • Howard Varnadoe, who is planting a church in Springhill, TN out of Redeeming Grace Church in Franklin, TN.

We began our monthly zoom calls in October talking about how to gather and pastor folks toward a church plant. In the next few months we’ll be talking about things like assessing locations and meeting facilities, developing missions and evangelism strategy and planning for plurality. 

Please pray for these men as they work toward the requirements for approval of their plant proposals in their regions and for their families as they begin to make transitions toward the church planting experience. 

Yvonne Gordon
Ethiopian Pastors College - Class of 2024

An update from Josh Pannell, Dean of Trinity Fellowship Pastors College in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia…

Celebrating the First Ordination and Commissioning of a Graduate

This past September marked a significant milestone for Trinity Fellowship Pastors College as we celebrated the first ordination of a pastors college graduate, Brian Kiama, and commissioned him to plant Sovereign Grace Church of Nairobi. Brian, his wife Julia, and their two children moved to Addis Ababa from Kenya three years ago to join the pastors college, and Brian embodied the heart of 1 Timothy 4:16, to “keep a close watch on your life and your doctrine.” From day one, Brian pursued his walk with Christ with humility and a readiness to learn, both in academic study and in personal holiness. After graduation, he continued into a two-year pastoral residency with us at Trinity Fellowship Church, where he grew into a shepherd, equipped to guide others toward Christ.

While it was bittersweet to send off Brian and his family, we are filled with gratitude for how God is using them to further His Kingdom in East Africa. This moment came sooner than expected, and it’s a beautiful reminder that the Lord’s plans often exceed our own. “This is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes!”

The Graduation of Our Second Class

We also celebrated another milestone this September with the graduation of our second class of Pastors College students. Nine men completed their training, eight of whom are Ethiopian, along with one Somali brother—which made us particularly aware of the Lord’s work in our midst, as the Somali people are 99.9% Muslim. He is the third Somali to go through our college, and we are grateful for the small role we’re able to play in reaching unreached people groups with the gospel as we train them for ministry.

About 100 church members gathered to celebrate the graduation, and the ceremony ended as they all joined the graduates in singing “All Glory Be to Christ,” filling the room with voices celebrating the work God has done in the lives of these men over the year.

Welcoming New Pastoral Residents

As we celebrate our graduates, we’re excited to announce that four of them—Abel, Gemechis, Solomon, and Shak—are stepping into year-long pastoral residencies at Trinity Fellowship Church. Each resident will follow a track aligned with their specific gifts and calling: Solomon and Gemechis will focus on preaching and leadership, Shak on counseling and discipleship, and Abel on theology and teaching. We trust that God will use this residency to transform their head knowledge into practical skills for ministry.

Ongoing Leadership Development and Previous Pastors College Graduates

Since our first graduation in 2022, seven graduates have faithfully continued in our pastoral residency at Trinity Fellowship Church. They attend weekly elder meetings, conduct membership interviews, lead counseling meetings, teach at midweek services, lead small groups, lead worship, preach on Sundays, and more! Many also handle the many administrative tasks that help maintain our church and college’s operations.

Three of our graduates have taken on leadership roles within the Pastors College. Mikey now handles logistics and operations, ensuring that the college runs smoothly. Sami has become my academic assistant, helping teach classes, grade papers, and manage the library. Ammanuel leads discipleship and pastoral care for the college, organizing group meetings and meeting individually with students to help them grow.

This year also saw three of our graduates help teach classes at the college, and one graduate teach an entire course. Watching these men transition from students to leaders has been one of the greatest joys of this past year.

We are grateful to witness God raising up men whom we trust will carry the pastors college forward long into the future after our role of equipping men for the work of ministry is done.

Yvonne Gordon
Serving The Next Generation In SGC UK

An update from Matt Chapman, Pastor of Grace Church Bristol, UK…

Since the summer of 2016, a multitude of volunteers from Grace Church (Bristol, England) have led an annual week-long youth camp (under canvas) in the sometimes sunny, sometimes soggy countryside of South Wales.

The camp was birthed from a desire to serve the 11-18 year olds in our church with an opportunity to step away from the routine of everyday life and to dig deeper into the riches of the gospel together.

From the very beginning the Lord opened the door for us to invite young people from other nearby, gospel-loving local churches too. Over the past 8 years, children from nearly a dozen other churches have joined us at G2 Camp and this year we welcomed our furthest travellers yet as Ed O’Mara and two of his children travelled over from Italy to be with us.

Each morning, we spent time in small groups revelling in the riches of Colossians. In the afternoons we organised games and crafts and off-site outings to the beach and elsewhere. In the evenings we worshipped and prayed and preached our way step by step through Two Ways To Live.

One of the richest encouragements to us over the years has been that while the camp looks far from glamorous or impressive, we see the Lord mightily at work in the hearts and lives of the campers every year. This year was one of our biggest yet with 32 young people attending. Several responded to Christ for the very first time and since our week away 12 have since been baptised, across four different churches.

If I had to highlight just a handful of things that our youth camp has taught us over the years it would be these:

Firstly, rich relationships across different age groups, with adults and parents involved too, plays a powerful role in pointing young hearts to Christ and showing them what it looks like to follow him.

Secondly, time away from the busyness of everyday life, not to mention from the distraction of phones and technology, is a great blessing for teens and really helps open their eyes wider to take in the wonder of creation and redemption, and the God who is gloriously revealed in them both.

But thirdly and most strikingly of all for those of us who have had the privilege to serve again this year, we come away reminded that the simple, unadulterated message of the cross, is the power of God for salvation to all who believe. Our young people don’t need another message, or to have it packaged (or even hidden) in a great rush of worldly thrills to win their attention. They recognise good news when they hear it and they are eager to hear more about the Saviour who laid down his life so that sinners of all ages could be redeemed.

And so once again we adult volunteers leave another year’s camp perhaps most blessed of all - we’re witnesses to the fact that of all that could capture a teen’s attention today, nothing compares to the might and the majesty, the mercy and the beauty of God, revealed in the gospel of his Son.

Youth ministry continues week in, week out here again in Bristol this Autumn - and it’s a privilege to pray for it and be a part of it. But I for one know that our team of parents and volunteers (not to mention our young people as well) can’t wait for next August to come around for another uninterrupted week of enjoying Christ together.

If you’d like to see more of our week together, here is a video of some of the highlights. Enjoy!

Yvonne Gordon
Growing, Fruitful Partnerships Around The World

“So what Jesus called us to do, he gave us the power of the Spirit to accomplish and he sends us to do it. And that's why our small family of churches gets to play a small part in advancing the gospel throughout the world because we want to see more people come to know our Jesus and know him as Lord and Savior.” ~Mark Prater

Recently on the Mark Prater podcast, Mark gave an update on some of the work that Sovereign Grace is involved in around the world. Here are a few excerpts from that conversation:

“I had to shorten this list because there's just a number of exciting things that God continues to do through our small family of churches throughout the world as he does in other denominations. But we're grateful that he's doing 'em in Sovereign Grace and we get to participate in the advancement of the gospel, the equipping of pastors, the planting of churches throughout the world so that more people will come to know Christ so that the nations will be discipled and Christ would receive more glory. So let me just run through a number of these real quick…”

It’s a wonderful conversation. You can watch or listen to it here… (Mark Prater Podcast)

Dave Taylor
Things To Pray For In October

Charles Spurgeon, in his book “The Power of Prayer in a Believer’s Life," writes:

        “Do not bring before God stinted petitions and narrow desires, but remember, as high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are His ways above your ways and His thoughts above your thoughts. Ask, therefore, after a Godlike fashion, for great things, for you are before a great throne.” 

In God’s amazing kindness, you and I get to come before his “great throne” and ask Him for “great things”. It’s an astounding reality, and so here are some ways you can be praying for our Global work over the next month…

  1. Please pray for Dave York (Lead Pastor of Covenant Life Fellowship, OR, US) as he and his wife, Jill, head to the Philippines October 12th-21st, to serve our churches there. It will be a busy time for Dave, as he heads to both Manila and Cebu, with a full schedule containing time with pastoral candidates, preaching in two churches and two leadership summits, and facilitating a SGC Philippines Pastors & Wives Retreat. May it be a sweet time for everyone involved.

  2. Please pray for Eric Turbedsky (Lead Pastor of Sovereign Grace Church, Orange) and Riley Spring (Lead Pastor of Sovereign Grace Church, Parramatta) as they lead our very first SGC Australia Men’s Conference, October 18th-19th. With many men signed up, please pray this will be a rich time of fellowship and learning, all under the banner of ‘Christ Our Captain’.

  3. Please continue to pray for the six Pakistani Pastors who are presently in our ordination process, and meeting monthly for discipleship and discussion. These men are the leadership group of five specific churches, and representative of over four hundred. So much begins with them and so please be praying for them, and for much wisdom for the ordination committees and leaders.

  4. Please pray for the SG European area, as they meet during the Pastors Conference to discuss how to strengthen their relationships and what a future European BCO could look like. As the European area grows, three churches are pursuing candidacy: Calvary Galway (Galway, Ireland - Led by Ray Clancy), Iglesia Gracia Soberana (Santander, Spain - Led by Norman Pedd),and Chiesa Grazia e Verità (Catania, Italy - Led by Giuseppe Fortuna). Additionally, Pat Tedeschi will be moving to London in the New Year to lead Oasis International Church into SG partnership. So please pray for wisdom, provision, and a strong interdependency among these SG Europe churches, as well as Ed O’Mara, as he continues to lead as our SGC Area Leader for Europe.

  5. Please pray for our missionaries in Thailand, as they move towards starting a Church. Incredibly, God seems to have opened some doors and be bringing pieces together to make this a reality. With services tentatively beginning, please be praying for them, for wisdom and for much grace for everyone involved. This is a very exciting development for our work there and as our missionary recently told me, “Honestly, all I can say is this is ALL God.”

  6. Finally, please pray that God would give the members and pastors of Sovereign Grace churches opportunities to share the gospel with unbelievers in our communities, workplaces and on our campuses over this next month. You don’t have to be overseas to be on mission. May we all be on mission, wherever the Lord has us today.

... Thanks friends. Together, may we take these “great things” and head to His “great throne.”

Dave Taylor
Strengthening Our Partnerships In Zambia & Namibia

An update from Dave Taylor, Lead Pastor of Sovereign Grace Church, Sydney and Director of Global Missions for Sovereign Grace Churches...

August was a very sweet month for me, in that over a stretch of twelve days, I got to visit both Zambia & Namibia to seek to do all that I can to strengthen our work there... And what a sweet time it was!

First up was Zambia, where I was warmly greeted at the airport by Ector Makaliki (Lead Pastor of Christ Community Church) and his leadership team. I have known about Christ Community Church for many years, remembering when the late Wilbroad Chanda actually planted the church some fifteen years ago, and so to finally be with them was such a joy. I found the church to be exactly what I had expected: joyful, gracious, encouraging, zealous, gospel-centred, to name but a few.

The Sunday gathering was a highlight, to finally be with the gathered saints of CCC. Their unwavering expressiveness in song will always remain with me, what a wonderful picture of heaven they are. Likewise gathering with all of their leadership group and seeing their heart for the lost, both locally and globally was such an encouragement to me. CCC was the first church in Africa to be in full partnership with Sovereign Grace as an Emerging Nation Church, something it was a joy to remind them of and celebrate with them about.

During my stay I also got to spend some time with Zicky Chanda and her son, Penjani Chanda, as we toured the work of Covenant Mercies together, and in particular the work of Lighthouse Christian School. It’s been nearly 20 years now since this school was founded, serving over 400 children in the area, many of whom are orphans and are able to attend through Covenant Mercies sponsorships. It is an outstanding ministry and one I’m thrilled we get to partner with.

Then on my last day in Zambia, I got to open their Youth Conference, made up of young people from CCC, as well as their friends. As they camped out at a farm, it was so good to see and hear of their zeal for the Lord. It was a wonderful conclusion to my time in Zambia.

I then made my way to Namibia, where I was picked up by Josh Kruger (Lead Pastor of Sovereign Grace Church of Windhoek). Josh & Lieze Kruger have lived in Windhoek for many years, relating to Sovereign Grace for well over a decade, and back in 2023 they actually relocated to the US for a year of training, discipleship and our ordination process. After a successful time in the US, they then returned to Windhoek in early 2024, where they have begun to gather a Church Planting Team together, that I then got to spend time with during my time in town.

For me personally, it took me down memory lane, to when Emma and I moved from the UK to Australia to plant Sovereign Grace Church, Sydney, back in 2010. Now in 2024, it was so special to be with Josh, Lieze and the gathering planting team.

With lots of questions and a keen ear, it was good to be able to serve Josh as he continues to put the necessary foundations in ahead of the public launch of Sovereign Grace Church, Windhoek. Josh is an outstanding leader and I sincerely look forward to seeing what God does in and through this Church in the days ahead. From everything I saw, I’d say the future looks very bright here, for which the Lord deserves all the glory.

For the Audience of One. Soli Deo Gloria!

Dave Taylor
Relocating To Reach The Least-Evangelized In London, UK

An update from Pat Tedeschi, Pastor in Greentree Church, Egg Harbor, USA, and soon-to-be Pastor in London, UK…

Last month Greentree Church in Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey, sent a short-term missions team to work with the Oasis International Church in London, England. The team was led by myself and was made up of five other members from three different Sovereign Grace churches; Deb Subin and Kappy Huber from Greentree Church, NJ, James Wolstenholme, elder at Mercy Gate Church in Philadelphia, PA and Phil and Scarlett Cornell from Cornerstone Church in Knoxville, TN.

For the last 18 years, Greentree has been partnering with the Oasis Church and its founding pastor Randy Lawler. Randy and his wife Margie have headed up a work of evangelism and church planting among Muslims in London for the last 47 years. I have had the privilege of being closely associated with the Lawlers and the Oasis Church for more than two decades. 

For a number of years now the elders and members of Greentree Church have been praying for others who would come alongside the Lawlers to help them with this work. 

Pastor of Oasis Church, Randy Lawler and his wife Margie.

The Lawlers are in their late 70’s now and are no longer able to develop the work any further on their own. A few years ago, my wife Dana and I, began talking and praying seriously about the potential of making a full-time move to London to work with Randy and Margie and the church there. 

We presented this to the other elders at Greentree, to our region in the Northeast, and to Sovereign Grace’s Global Missions Director, Dave Taylor. All of them affirmed and supported us in this idea, including the goal of seeing the Oasis Church become adopted into our family of churches and other SG churches planted from there.  

You may ask, "why London?".  There are over 350 languages spoken in London, along with dozens of religions practiced there. There are over 9 million people there, and over 1.3 million of those people are from Muslim backgrounds. And then there are over 3 million others from Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Jewish, and secular/atheist European backgrounds.

Much of the world is represented in this one city! A significant percentage of these are from the least-evangelized people groups in the world. So there is a significant opportunity to bring the Gospel to many who have had little or no opportunity to hear a clear teaching of the message of Jesus Christ.

An Oasis Church worship service.

At this point the Oasis Church is made up of primarily Iranian refugees who have left Islam and converted to Christianity. Randy and I have a vision to see the outreach of the church extend to many other nationalities and people groups that are in the community of the church.

Lord willing, Myself and Dana are hoping to move to London in January 2025, where I will be a pastor along with Randy and will be involved in preaching and teaching, leadership development, and growing areas of outreach and discipleship. Dana will be involved in areas of women’s ministry, hospitality, and worship. 

For the last six months, Randy and I, along with our SG Europe Area Leader - Ed O’Mara, have been working to plan and strategize to get us there and to carry out this ministry vision for the Oasis Church. 

Iranian believers sharing their testimonies before being baptized.

The apostle Paul wrote, "How will they call on him whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?" (Romans 10:14).

For years this verse has preoccupied my thoughts, prayers, and ministry. Although there are faithful gospel preaching churches in London, there are still millions of the least-evangelized people groups who have not yet heard the Gospel. We are so excited to be in a family of churches that wants to be a part of reaching these people groups!

As we prepare to go, we would so appreciate your prayers, with three primary prayer requests in mind:

  1. That the Lord will provide visas to move there.

  2. That the Lord would provide all of the finances that we need to live and develop the church ministry.

  3. That the Lord would bring others who might be willing to come and join us in this work.

If you would like to receive updates on the ministry of the Tedeschis in London, you can click here.

Pat and Dana Tedeschi from Greentree Church, New Jersey.

Yvonne Gordon
Fieles Pastors & Leaders Conference 2024

An update from Carlos Contreras, Lead Pastor of Sovereign Grace Church, Ciudad Juárez, Mexico and National Leader for SGC Mexico...

God’s grace was again manifest in our recent Fieles Pastors and Leaders Conference in Juárez, Mexico. As in past years, our goal of serving Latin American leaders by preaching on biblical themes relevant to helping us serve our Lord faithfully in ministry was wonderfully accomplished. Our theme this year was “The Pastor’s Call to a Godly Life” with the participation of our guest speakers that included Dr. Mike Bullmore from Kenosha, WI and Pastor Juan Sanchez from Austin, TX who served us well by preaching and teaching a workshop each. We also had our own Executive Director, Mark Prater who preached a very encouraging message on "The Praying Pastor" and Jeff Purswell who opened and closed our conference with two excellent and challenging messages. 

I am amazed by the number of our attendees who have made coming to our Fieles Conference a yearly occurrence, but whom are not pastors of a Sovereign Grace church. Some have mentioned to me that they consider their time here as a yearly retreat, returning home refreshed and encouraged. This is one reason why this conference exists, not just to equip national pastors from our own family of churches, but also to give by grace to others, what we have received by grace so richly over the years. So many leaders throughout the world have never experienced the grace, encouragement and teaching that we have been so graciously gifted by Christ for decades! Fieles is a means for Sovereign Grace to give to others from the abundance of our legacy.

One highlight of our time was the launching of the newest Spanish Sovereign Grace Music worship album, Conocer a Dioswhich is the Spanish version of the recent Knowing God album in English. Fabrizio Rodulfo who serves alongside Bob Kauflin in Sovereign Grace Music, gave a wonderful introduction to the album and we were able to teach and sing several songs from the new album during our worship sessions. SG Music in Spanish is one of the most powerful means that God is using to allow Sovereign Grace to bless and serve the Spanish speaking world with the gifts with which he has blessed us for so many years. It is having a very broad and amazing impact throughout Latin America. 

We also took the opportunity on Saturday to ordain two new pastors from Gracia Soberana Ciudad Juarez. Edgar Flores, a recent graduate of the SG Pastors College and Cuauhtemoc Campos who has served now for several years as our executive pastor, were ordained the day after the conference with the participation of local pastors as well as Mike Bullmore and Mark Prater. This was a wonderful local celebration with many guests that stayed over from the conference.

We have made the decision to not host a Fieles Conference in 2025. This will allow us to take a whole year to pray, evaluate and plan for the future as we also try other events and venues to serve the many churches spread out in Sovereign Grace Mexico. We ask that you pray for direction and wisdom for our National Leadership team as we consider these plans. We hope that by doing this, we will be more effective in serving present and future leaders in our country as well as in others.

Soli Deo Gloria!

Yvonne Gordon
Training Leaders International - Serving In The Philippines

An update from Josh Montague, SGC Pastoral Candidate at Cross of Grace Church, Chaska, USA, and Director of Expository Training at Training Leaders International…

In early September, Greg Dirnberger (Sioux Falls, SD) and I, traveled with five other instructors to a conference center southeast of Manila to train 30 Filipino pastors and pastors-to-be in understanding and communicating Scripture.

Half of this group is affiliated with Sovereign Grace and thus shares a central value of expository preaching, meaning that the message of the sermon should be the message of the biblical text. As SG continues to expand in the Philippines, the need for pastors who faithfully preach the gospel of Jesus Christ from any part of the Scriptures also grows. Dave York (Roseburg, OR), Dave Taylor (Director of Global Missions), and others have invested hundreds of hours in training these pastors theologically and many have now been ordained as elders. Yet further training in biblical interpretation and communication is necessary as these men seek to faithfully lead the church in the Philippines.

The first of nine courses taught in partnership with Training Leaders International, where I serve as the Director of Expository Training, is entitled ‘Knowing God, Scripture, and Ourselves.’ Three of the highly interactive lessons in this course cover the nature of the Scriptures: (a) their trustworthiness and authority, (b) their diversity (different styles of writing, different time periods, different authors, etc.), and (c) their unity in pointing to the reconciling work of Jesus from Genesis through Revelation.

One pastor is scheduled to preach Exodus 30 in his church later this year. Early in the week, discussion began regarding how this passage full of taxation codes and rules about tabernacle furnishings for Israel’s worship could possibly point to Jesus. It’s not obvious or simple, but as we discussed Israel’s worship, the holiness of God, and the surprising access granted to his people through the sacrificial worship in the tabernacle, some themes and ideas began to emerge. Jesus (God-in-flesh) also displays God’s holiness. Jesus also shows God’s desire for relationship with his wayward people. Jesus ultimately provides the sacrifice necessary for that reconciled relationship through his death. Israel’s relationship with God was a foreshadowing of a better, permanent, once-for-all sacrifice. This pastor will now be joyfully and confidently preaching Christ from Exodus 30 in a few weeks!

That’s just the start of this training. Eight more courses will continue this December and every 2-3 months for the next two and a half years. I will be joined in each of these trips by a pastor in the Midwest-Northwest region. And Lord willing, the effects will spread even further! These Filipino pastors, many of whom flew in from other islands like Mindanao, Cebu, and Negros, will take what they’ve learned and train other church leaders in their areas.

Please keep this expository training in your prayers. Pray that the skills learned will enable them to faithfully preach Christ from all of Scripture. Pray also that the transformative power of God’s word shapes their lives, their familles, and their churches. Finally, pray that a rich culture of biblical preaching and teaching will continue developing among Filipino (and American) pastors as these men train and study together over the next few years.

Thanks to the generosity of the Sovereign Grace Asia-Pacific Development Fund and the Midwest-Northwest region for making this training possible.

Dr. Joshua Montague (D.I.S., Western Seminary) has served with Training Leaders International for the last ten years and lives in Carver, MN where his family is part of Cross of Grace Church. To read more about Josh’s work in training global pastors, you can subscribe to his newsletter at or email him at

Yvonne Gordon
The US Pastors College - Together As One

Class of 2024 students with their wives (Left to right: Richard and Claudia Rodriguez, Nick and Jenna Richardson, Gil and Melanie Balch, Emerson and Tati Soares, Arturo and Sara De La Fuente, Mario and Diana Figueroa).

An update from Jeff Purswell, Director of Theology for Sovereign Grace Churches and Dean of the US Pastors College.

If you had wandered past the Pastors College classroom just a few months ago, you likely would have detected a medley of English, Spanish, and Portuguese echoing from our Louisville, Kentucky location. The “US” Pastors College hosted its most global class to date, the class of 2024, which graduated in June. Two of the six students traveled to us from outside the United States (Mexico and Brazil), while two of the four Americans hailed from Spanish-speaking backgrounds. And yet, despite the vast diversity of background and culture, these six men and their families formed a tight partnership and brotherhood that vividly displayed the gospel’s unifying power.  

Class of 2024 students enjoying some fun and games.

I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen a PC class bond more quickly than these six students. Laughter filled the classroom from orientation day to graduation, and these men opened up their lives and hearts to one another from the very beginning. What a privilege it was to watch them link arms together, diving headlong into a year of rigorous theological study and discipleship, all for the purpose of fruitful gospel ministry.

Class of 2024 PC wives event.

Equally impressive were their wives. It was the first time we’ve ever brought in translators for our monthly PC wives’ meetings, and we needed two translators each time — one for Spanish and one for Portuguese! All the wives radiated exceptional courage and sacrifice over the year, which in God’s kindness, produced a harvest of godly fellowship and growth.

We witnessed deep friendships form across cultures as these families cared for one another throughout the year. It was not uncommon on a Sunday morning to see the bilingual PC kids translating for those who only knew Spanish, as they all played with children from Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville. The PC families gathered every month for a potluck, sharing dishes from home, playing games, and building memories.

C.J. Mahaney addressing the class of 2024.

And yet, it wasn’t mere friendship that bonded these families together. All the hard work of intentionally pressing through cultural and linguistic barriers was motivated by one all-encompassing, eternal factor: their shared unity in Christ, given as a precious gift through our Savior’s work on the cross. It was this blood-bought unity that made Graduation day — always bittersweet — especially poignant. We were made deeply aware that God Himself had brought this PC class together, not only to display the unifying power of the gospel but to equip these men for faithful ministry in different corners of His harvest.

Welcoming the Australian PC families when they arrived in Louisville on August 8 (class of 2025).

Please pray for these graduates, as they labor joyfully back at their home churches in Brazil, in Mexico, and throughout the United States. And please be praying for our current class of students as well, representing yet more international investment, with two Australians joining our seven American students. We long for this season of intense study and training to produce in them an ever-deepening hunger for God’s Word, a steady growth in joy and godliness, and a robust, enduring partnership for many years of fruitful labor in our churches.     

PC Class of 2025 (Left to right — Back: Austin Loke, Mikey Roman, Leyton Adams, Titus Miller, Asher Donohue. Front: Zach Taylor, Joel Seric, Erik Schmaltz, Brayden Peterson).

Yvonne Gordon
Things To Pray For In September

John Piper famously writes,

            ‘Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn’t. Worship is ultimate, not missions, because God is ultimate, not man. When this age is over, and the countless millions of the redeemed fall on their faces before the throne of God, millions will be no more. It is a temporary necessity. But worship abides forever.’

I believe Mr Piper is right. Missions exist because so many people in our neighbourhoods and nations have yet to receive their invites to the incredible marriage supper of the Lamb. And in His incredible kindness, He’s entrusted us with the privilege of giving out those invites, to every tribe, language and nation.

We’re eager then to keep giving out the invites, and so here’s how you can be praying for us in the month ahead…

  1. Pray that God would give the members and pastors of Sovereign Grace churches opportunities to share the gospel with unbelievers in our communities, workplaces and on our campuses over this next month.

  2. Pray for Pat Tedeschi and Greentree Church’s Short-Term Missions Team as they head to London, UK, to work with Oasis International  Church, 13th-23rd September. The team will be involved with leading church services, youth events, small group discipleship, neighbourhood evangelism, and building relationships with the church members. Greentree has partnered with Oasis Church for the past 18 years, with the work primarily involving outreach to Muslims and the least evangelised people groups in London. Please pray for much grace and favour for this trip.

  3. Pray for the Philippine Pastors Institute as they restart up again for another academic year, starting on September 21st, then meeting every Saturday for the next nine months. There are 14 students currently registered for the school, covering basic biblical theology, and the Sovereign Grace seven shared values. It’s the hope that through PPI Sovereign Grace Philippines, in particular in the Mindanao region, will continue to be faithful in the gospel for many generations to come.

  4. Pray for Sovereign Grace Church of Parramatta as they celebrate their 5th Anniversary on Sunday 15th September, and Lord’s Grace Church of Seoul as the celebrate their 14th Anniversary on Sunday September 8th. May they know the Lord’s smile on them as they look back and remember His goodness to them over these years.

  5. Pray for Trinity Fellowship Pastors College in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, as they celebrate the graduation of nine students this month. Please pray for each of the students as they consider next steps beyond the PC, and for Josh Pannell and Michael Granger as they continue to move this wonderful work forward. The Lord is doing great things through this Pastors College.

  6. Please continue to pray for the Ark Church in Dnipro, Ukraine asking God to continue to protect them, and to use them to meet practical needs, and to offer gospel hope to those around them who have been impacted by the war. There are so many coming to them now, so may His grace abound.

... Thanks friends. May we do all we can to keep giving out these invites.

Dave Taylor
Church Planting in Colombia

An update from Jacobis Aldana, Lead Pastor of Iglesia Bíblica Soberana Gracia in Santa Marta, Colombia…

“And the word of God increased, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly” (Acts 6:7) 

When we first started hearing terms like “biblical churches,” “gospel centrality,” and “expository preaching” in Colombia, no more than 12 years ago, it sounded strange; it seemed novel, yet appealing. We never imagined that one day this would become common language and that, years later, churches would proudly bear the title “Biblical Church” on their signs. 

After a long process of transition as a church in Santa Marta—which is a story for another time—in 2018, the Lord allowed us to plant a church in Barranquilla: Iglesia Bíblica de la Ciudad (City Biblical Church). Ángel Miranda and I were convinced that one of the most important cities in the Caribbean (the northern region of Colombia) needed more churches, but especially churches that could interpret the reality of their surroundings, their culture, their society, and that were deeply rooted in the gospel.

The church in Barranquilla was born and grew during the pandemic. In December 2020, we ordained its two pastors, Ángel and Alejandro, and by 2022, nearly 200 people were attending.

But our hearts beat (and still beat) with a desire to see more churches planted in the Caribbean, so, with the help of Joselo Mercado and Sovereign Grace Churches, we started a conference called “Centrados” (Centered). The purpose was to promote the centrality of the gospel as a concept and its application in various areas of life, leadership, the church, and in aspects of worldview.

At the 2022 conference in Barranquilla, we welcomed people from different cities across the country, especially from the Caribbean region. Among them was a group of about eight people who found out about the conference through social media and traveled from Sincelejo (four hours away) to join us. They told us that they had been praying for about eight years for a church to be planted in their city, but they saw it as something very difficult. Sincelejo is a city of about 350,000 inhabitants where there were no biblical churches exerting any influence at the time. We had been praying for these opportunities; we dreamed of seeing at least one biblical church in each Caribbean city (there are seven cities), so their need and our desire made us quickly understand this as God’s leading.

The conference was in December 2022, and in February 2023, I travelled to meet with some members of the group in Sincelejo who had attended the conference. We listened to them more closely, toured the city, knew what the Lord wanted, but still didn’t know how to make it happen. So, I started traveling once a month from Santa Marta (six and a half hours away) and we began a virtual meeting where we studied the Bible on Thursday nights.

In May 2023, Ángel and I travelled together for the first time, and that is how Iglesia Bíblica de la Ciudad and Iglesia Bíblica Soberana Gracia began our cooperation to make the church in Sincelejo a reality.

In July 2023, the Lord brought conviction to Ángel to relocate to Sincelejo and become the planting pastor. Iglesia Bíblica de la Ciudad, where he served as pastor, decided not only to let go of one of their pastors, but to support part of his salary for two years. Likewise, from the Sovereign Grace Churches, we received the promise of additional support, enough to trust that the Lord would take care of the rest.

In August 2023, the trips became more frequent (two Sundays a month), and we continued to sustain the Thursday Bible study virtually. In December, we held a conference where Manolo Quintal was our guest. At this point, we realised that we not only had desire, but we now also had significant momentum.

By early 2024, Iglesia Bíblica de la Ciudad was sending one of their pastors or leaders to preach three Sundays a month, and the church in Santa Marta covered the other Sunday, therefore covering all four Sundays of the month. Finally, in June 2024, Ángel said goodbye to the church in Barranquilla, moved to Sincelejo with his family, and was formally installed on August 18, 2024.

This has been exciting.

We have no doubt that the hand of the Lord has gone before us, has brought conviction to our hearts, the desire to see His Kingdom grow, and what is needed to make it happen. Our dream now burns even more intensely than ever.

We desire to train more church planters with a clear vision of the gospel and the church, but also of missions and the understanding of the cultural reality that surrounds us.

We desire even more biblical churches in the Caribbean, not only in urban contexts but also in rural areas, where the impact of the biblical gospel is almost non-existent.

We desire to continue organizing events that serve as meeting points for many who, perhaps, are praying like those in Sincelejo, but whom we do not yet know. 

We desire that not only in the Caribbean but throughout the country, we can see more churches being born with robust theology, but also with the clarity of the gospel necessary to apply it to the various areas of life.

But, above all, we need the Lord. We need to keep our faces to the ground, recognizing that the gifts are from Him, the flock is His, the strength comes from Him, and the glory is all His!

Yvonne Gordon
WorshipGod24: One with Christ

As we serve in Global Missions, music so often goes ahead of us. It’s often what people hear first, and so the following is an update from Bob Kauflin, Director of Sovereign Grace Music, on the wonderful success of WorshipGod 24…

From July 24-27, over 1300 people gathered in Louisville, Kentucky, to participate in our 18th WorshipGod conference. The theme this year was One with Christ: How our Union with Christ Affects Everything.

While WorshipGod is a Sovereign Grace conference, the majority of participants come from churches of all types. That’s largely because our songs are sung by local congregations throughout the world. But this year two Sovereign Grace churches together sent almost 100 people to WorshipGod! That helps explain why we had almost twice as many attendees as in 2022. 

WorshipGod is designed for those who plan, lead, serve, or participate in their Sunday gatherings. That includes musicians and pastors, but also songwriters, tech personnel, and anyone who wants to grow in their understanding of congregational worship. As an encouraging reminder of the riches we’ve received in the gospel (2 Cor. 8:9), we love to give stuff away. So this year everyone received a copy of Ask Pastor John, and we had a blast surprising people with books, instruments, and musical gear.

Around 250 people signed up for the pre-conference Master Classes, which focused on technical skills for bass players, drummers, pianists, guitarists, and vocalists. We also offered a general class on Habits of Grace, taught by David Mathis. 

During the conference, we explored the meaning and significance of our union with Christ. In three of the main sessions, we were privileged to hear from John Piper, HB Charles, Jr., and Mike Bullmore. For the remaining sessions we were served by three Sovereign Grace pastors, Josh Blount, Devon Kauflin, and Jared Mellinger. Mike Bullmore spoke for many when he began his message by saying, “If Sovereign Grace keeps producing preachers like this they are in great shape for years to come.”  Shout out to Jeff Purswell, dean of our Pastors College, who has been training and inspiring us in this area for decades!

The singing at WorshipGod conferences is loud. Really loud. We experienced passion, joy, reverence, celebration, tears, and more as different Sovereign Grace musicians led us. And the volume didn’t diminish when Jonathan & Sarah Jerez and Fabrizio Rodulfo added Spanish to the mix!

On Thursday night we sang through the 13 songs on our most recent album, Knowing God, and heard the stories behind them. It was fantastic. But when we sang “Crown Him with Many Crowns” at the end of the night, it felt like the roof was going to come off! A number of people referenced that as one of their conference highlights.

Along with the times of worship in song each session, we asked some friends to share their own Songs and Stories with us. Caroline Cobb treated us with some of her songs from the Psalms. My son, Jordan, shared 3 songs he's written with other writers from Getty Music. For the last one, "Come Unto Jesus," he invited 4 of his 5 siblings to join him. Definitely one of my highlights. Skye Peterson and Ben Shive introduced us to a few songs they've written together. Colin Buchanan, co-writer of Jesus, Strong and Kind, brought his at times hilarious and always theologically sharp songs for kids. Adam Wright of The Corner Room was back again singing his finely crafted, beautifully performed Scripture memory songs. And our own David Zimmer and Nathan Stiff shared three songs that aren't on an album yet, but a number of people thought should be! We’re working on that. It was a joy hearing from so many other songwriters who share our love for theologically driven, Christ-exalting songs for local churches. 

At the top of our planning document we posted this mission statement for the conference: WorshipGod exists to give people the opportunity to see and participate in the ways our biblical values shape our gatherings. So along with musical leadership and teachings in the main sessions and seminars, the Sovereign Grace Music staff (Bekah Heid, David Zimmer, Grace Nixon, Fabrizio Rodulfo, and Devon Kauflin) seek to model the gospel-rooted joy, humility, faithfulness, and excellence that characterize our meetings. But our labors were greatly amplified by the 50+ volunteers and part-time workers from Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville and Covenant Fellowship who served before, during, and after the conference. 

And that’s how it should be. Because as I reminded everyone before they left, Jesus didn’t come to build a conference. He came to build his Church. And from all I could tell, that’s what he enabled us to do at WorshipGod24. 

Here’s a short video of some of the highlights. Enjoy!

Yvonne Gordon
SGC Mexico's First Council of Elders

An update from Abelardo Munoz, a Pastor in Gracia Soberana de Ciudad Juarez

On Wednesday, August 7th, Mexico's Council of Elders and National Assembly of Elders gathered for the very first time at Iglesia Gracia Soberana of Ciudad Juárez.

The 4-hour meeting was conducted by our national leader, Carlos Contreras, and was attended by all the delegates of the Council of Elders, and 23 of the 25 elders who make up the National Assembly of Elders. These men represent a number of different churches and regions across Mexico.

While these meetings help us grow relationally, they are also a means for us to come together to make crucial decisions relating to the polity, governance, and leadership of Sovereign Grace Churches in Mexico. These gatherings allow us to achieve so much in a short window of time.

For the Council of Elders, we were able to address a number of items on our agenda. We voted unanimously to confirm Carlos Contreras as our national leader, as well as for members for our National Leadership Team and National Polity Committee. We also separated our churches into two provisional regions; the 'North/Central' region and the 'Bajío' region, and appointed regional leaders for each. Financial matters were also discussed, and approval was granted for our 2025 budget.

For the National Assembly of Elders, similarly we were able to nominate and confirm men as members of the National Conflict Resolution Committee and National Ordination Committee. With joy, we were able to officially approve two church plants; one in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, and one in Huajuapan, Oaxaca, and were thrilled to hear updates from both church planters. Both churches meet in the homes of these two men and have an average attendance of 15-30 people. The next step for these churches is to find a suitable location big enough to accommodate the growth they expect in the coming months. We are looking forward to officially presenting these churches as Iglesias Gracia Soberana of Reynosa and Iglesias Gracia Soberana of Huajuapan.

While these meetings are necessary in helping us move forward together as a nation, we do not forget that each of these elders represents individual churches. These individual churches are made up of men and women whom Christ died and whose lives have been graciously redeemed.

Please continue to pray for SGC Mexico, in particular the elders who serve on the Council of Elders and National Assembly of Elders. May God be glorified as they press on together in His glorious mission!

Yvonne Gordon
SGC Short-Term Missions Trips

An update from Leo Parris, US Global Missions Coordinator for Sovereign Grace Churches, and Pastor at Covenant Fellowship Church in Glen Mills, Pennsylvania…

Short-term missions trips aren’t the primary way God calls his people to fulfill the Great Commission, but when planned carefully in connection to ongoing partnership, they can catalyze global awareness and mission in our local churches. Many SG churches engage in short term missions trips.

Here are some snapshots of some of the trips that have taken place in the last few months:

Lord’s Grace Church Conference and VBS of Seoul, South Korea

For many years, Cornerstone Church (Knoxville, TN) and Trinity Church (Athens, TN) have partnered to send a missions team to Lord’s Grace Church in Seoul, South Korea—our only Sovereign Grace Church in the country. Each year, the pastors on the team hold a conference for the adults in the church, while the team runs a Vacation Bible School. This trip also serves to bring a fairly isolated church into the relational richness of Sovereign Grace Churches.

Rancho 3M of Guadalupe, Mexico

In Juarez, Mexico, Carlos Contreras has led our Sovereign Grace Church there for several decades. This wonderful church is not only the leading church of the Sovereign Grace Mexican Nation, they also partner with a wonderful orphanage called Rancho 3M in nearby Guadalupe. This orphanage seeks to rescue young people whose lives have been torn apart by the violence and sex trafficking in their community. Rancho 3M hosts several teams from SG each year, as well as providing internships for those who want to serve at the orphanage for larger blocks of time. Several SG churches send teams to this location, and more opportunities are available to interested churches.

Christian Camp of Playa Azul, Costa Rica

In the small and impoverished village of Playa Azul, Costa Rica, a beautiful and vibrant local church, Iglesia Biblica, exists that also serves as a community center and Christian camp. They have slowly built this camp through the collaboration of many churches over the past ten years. They continue to receive teams to do construction projects on the campsite and also to improve the small community of Playa Azul.

As a church pursuing partnership in Sovereign Grace Churches, that has planted another candidate Sovereign Grace Church, this is a wonderful opportunity to strengthen partnership. Over the years, they have seen the church double in size, ordain a new elder, and send out a church plant. The teams that visit this location typically focus on construction projects and strengthening the partnership of this church with Sovereign Grace Churches. More opportunities are available to interested churches.

Various Youth Camps of Covenant Fellowship Church

Covenant Fellowship Church (Glen Mills, PA) holds an annual Youth Camp for their youth that is a highlight of the year in the life of their church. Over the years, they have learned that taking these Youth Camps “on the road” is a wonderful way to bless other communities. They do this on a bi-annual basis in the Summer. 10-12th graders, parents, and young adult leaders are divided into teams to lead young people in other places in games, discussions, and worship services that aim at a clear proclamation of the gospel.

Covenant Fellowship has sent youth missions teams to Zambia, Ethiopia, and Uganda to serve Covenant Mercies Sponsorship programs, as well as to other churches in more isolated areas who have a sufficient number of young people to hold a camp.

Greentree Church to Oasis International Church in London, England

For many years, Pat Tedeschi has led a team from his church to London to visit Oasis International Church each Fall. This church seeks to reach many of the Islamic immigrants living in London.

Pat is now relocating to transition into leadership of the church there, as well as move them towards adoption into SG, something they are eager to do. Greentree Church plans to continue to send supporting teams to strengthen this ongoing work through outreaches. Greentree is eager to incorporate other SG members into this annual trip.

Greentree Church to a Guatemala Pastors College and Training Center

Kyle Huber, lead pastor of Greentree Church travels each summer to Chichicastenango, Guatemala to teach at ASELSI (Association for Equipping the Saints International). ASELSI is a training center that seeks to equip indigenous pastors to lead healthy churches. Located amidst widespread poverty, ASELSI also maintains a medical clinic, a therapy clinic, and a school for children with special needs. Greentree teams serve in each of these areas as well as helping with service projects on the ASELSI campus. These trips typically involve evangelistic opportunities at the clinic and through home visits. Greentree is eager to incorporate other SG members into this trip.

It’s been a great summer, and I pray that God continues to allow us to engage in short-term missions because of the way it enhances our partnership. And as we engage in short-term missions, I pray even more that God would raise up more long-term missionaries, and deepen and widen connections between our churches across the globe.

Yvonne Gordon
A Global Missions Gift For Your Church

At the SGC Pastors Conference last year I played a short 4 minute video of some of the Global Missions highlights from 2023, and ever since then, I’ve had a number of folk ask me if there’d be something like this that could be played and used at a local church level.

Well, good news, there is now!! The following video is a gift to your church to use as you see fit. It is without a date and so should give you a timeless snapshot of so many of the highlights of our work around the world.

I trust it blesses and encourages your congregation. God has been so faithful to us as a family of churches!

In addition, if you’d like to get more people in your church signed up for this newsletter, then here’s a graphic you can use with a quick sign-up QR Code.

What a joy it is to highlight the great work of our Saviour across the world, and how kind He is to let us play our part.

Dave Taylor